Norway Bans Sharia Courts!

First the state of Louisiana banned Sharia Law, and the state of Oklahoma is in the process of banning it as well. Now we look across the pond to Europe, where the problems with Islam are much worse, and we see that Norway has done what the Brits need to do. Hopefully this will get the ball rolling across Europe.

To the pro-Sharia Muslims that read my site, you guys are so blinded by your religion, that you think that your movement is invincible. Well here is a clue for you, this is just the beginning…

General David Petraeus: No Change on Rules of Engagement

Just like General McCrystal, General Petraeus is more concerned with the people of Afghanistan, than his own troops. Our great troops are being forced to fight with one hand tied behind their back, and if the Soviets could not defeat the Taliban in a brutal war, how are supposed to win while fighting a politically correct war?

These ridiculous Rules of Engagement (ROE), stem from the nation building policy. I do not mean any disrespect to our great troops when I say this, because they did not write up the war plan, but nation building is a failure, as the infidel does not get to dictate to Muslims what Islam is. Iraq is now a Christian persecuting Islamic country, where the Shiite vs Sunni feud continues, and Afghanistan will always be an Islamic hellhole.

UK: Demonstration to Defend the Symbols of Islam

Whether it is conferences in America, Italy, Scandinavia, the UK, or on Facebook or YouTube, Muslims are uniting in their non-stop effort to takeover the West. The question is, will non-Muslims unite in time to stop them? Or will we continue to argue amongst ourselves, as to whether there is even a threat of Islam or not? I urge everyone to ask themselves if they want their families future generations, to be forced to live under Islamic rule? Because that is what is coming, if we lose this war.

Muslims to put Mohammad on the Moon

Just about everywhere we look, Muslims are trying to put a symbol of Islam there. They are clearly trying to takeover countries like America, India, and the UK, etc. Now Muslims are planning on making their mark on the moon, by honoring their lying, rapist, terrorist, so called prophet Mohammad. What is next, a moon Mosque?

Tennessee: Muslims Beat out College, Islamic Center Coming?

Here we go again, and no this is not the 52,000 sq ft Islamic Center, that non-Muslims are fighting against in Tennessee. That one is in Murfreesboro, this one is in Antioch. Non-Muslims are are waking up to the threat, and need to keep up the pressure. Meanwhile our government is supposed to protect us, but they are actually helping the enemy. The great citizens of America, are doing the job our useless government is supposed to be doing. Keep up the great work guys!