Muslim propagandists are the “salespersons” for Islam, and like a shady salesperson they will say anything in order to make what they are “selling’ sound like a great deal. Which leads me to the old adage. If is sounds too good to be true it probably is. This being the case with UK Muslim propagandist, Musa Adnan. This same Muslim that I recently exposed for lying about lying.
Let’s see what Musa has to say this time.
Once again, what he is “selling” sounds nice. If he really meant it he would condemn Mohammad for doing the opposite though. Because when Mohammad asked Abu Bakr for his permission to marry his daughter Aisha, Abu was originally against it. So why didn’t Mohmmad just walk away?

Sure Musa can turn around and say that Mohammad was a “prophet” and that there were different rules for him. If so he would have he would have to address the fact that the Koran instructs Muslims to follow the actions of Mohmmad for all times.

Checkmate Musa.
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