I really do not want to write articles like this, but as I have stated even those who are supposed to be on our side are not being straight with the public on Islam. So I have no choice, and before you read the rest please know this is not directed at the thousands of great ACT! foot soldiers.
Do you remember back in May when our friend Ali Sina of Faith Freedom International backed Brigitte into a corner on the Hannity Show, and got her to reluctantly admit Islam itself was the problem? Afterwards many of my friends wondered if she would then keep a strong consistent message. Today we got our answer….
Earlier today ACT! held a conference in Washington D.C., and Brigitte had been Tweeting about it. Here is her terribly irresponsible, ideology of the enemy, protecting Tweet on Islam.
(Click on images to enlarge.)
We should not be surprised though, because Gabriel had recently said Muslims and can be loyal and patriotic Americans. But the truth is that the Koran contradicts the US Constitution. So how can one be loyal to both?
When we were at war with Nazism, did we look to avoid calling it the enemy? Would we have even won the war if Nazism itself was not declared an enemy? Of course not, and we will not win this war unless we properly identify the enemy ideology. That ideology is Islam.
Strong leaders do not waver and become tongue-tied out of fear during a war. In order to win this war we need a consistent message. That is why North American Infidels (NAI) will never join the politically correct crew and mislead the country on Islam. Our future generations are counting on us! Please join us here today!
Thankfully a few others called her out on her misconception of Islam.
Let’s see if she will avoid my simple questions like she had in the past.
This is why i had to part ways with BG and ACT. I was a financial supporter and signed up to be a local chapter leader even. Her joined at the hip Juhdi Zasser “reformer” moderate taquiyya talking made me crazy so i dismiss most of what she says now. Thank you Chris for the truth telling. It’s really a shame someone who has this much power for good is so gullible and naive. And is playing with same deck Bush used when he claimed Islam was r of p. i can’t even bring myself to type those words…..
Hi Loseyateefa,
I know there are some people who do not like me criticizing her, but only the truth will set us free from the chains of Islam. (I know, how cliché’! lol)
She’s a dhimmi fool! She has seen her own native country being destroyed by pislam. Just a few decades ago Lebanon was a christian country. Then they let in too many falesimians and the rest is so called history. There can be no negotiation with pislam. Either they annihilate us or we annihilate them. There is no middle ground here. It’s that simple.
Indeed, Bruce. Her thinking seems to be all over the place.
those she thinks are patriots are simply hiding behind “taqyyia”, using lies and deciet to con her into thinking they pose NO threats when in reality they are just waiting for the right time and the right “event”
Islam is not a religion, it is a way of life. Islam has a religion, which is also its economic model: Jihad. Jihad is defined in Reliance of the Traveller, O9.0 as “war against non-Muslims”.
Jihad is ordained for Muslims in 2.216. It is made imperative in 8.39, 9.29 & 9.123. It is confirmed as a demonic obligation in Sahih Bukhari 1.8.387.
It is codified in Shari’ah: Reliance of the Traveller, O9.1, 9.8 & 9.9.
The problem with someone like Brigette leading a fight like this is that she lacks the “American experience” and the western mindset. She, like Obama, has a 2nd/3rd world view of morality and freedom. And apparently her understanding of the Islamic doctrine is lacking as well. She fails to make a distinction between the religion of Islam and Muslims who “appear to not” or “fail to” practice their religion. She fails to recognize the deceptive practices (taqiyya) that are high on the list of admired Islamic doctrinal qualities that many who appear to be “non-practicing” actually practice. She fails to recognize that many if not most “moderates” in fact privately believe, support, or promote the work of Islamic activists (terrorists and those who promote Sharia and/or the caliphate.) She fails on so many levels that it is a shame she is the spokesman for an organization that many believe to be the premier organization informing us of the truth of Islam. It is not. It is a “politically correct” organization that suppresses the truth so as not to offend the media and politicians. That is a death sentence for truth and for the success of the counter-jihad effort in the West.
Unfortunately many people do not want to face that harsh reality. Thank you for your honesty.
It gets a bit tedious and frustrating being truthful and honest in our culture that holds tolerance and looking away from evil as a higher standard than truth and honesty. I feel like I’m living in an alternate universe from where I lived 30 or 40 years ago.
I sincerely appreciate the work you are doing…and your enduring the frustrations that go along with it.
You have taken what Brigitte Gabriel has said far, far out of context. She herself was a Christian child that was, together with her Christian family, used as human shields by Islamists. You are discrediting the message that Islam is horrendously dangerous to the world by so taking her words out of context.
Hi, I showed a picture of exactly what she said, and you are being politically correct just like her. The Koran is the book of Islam, not Islamism. Therefore Islam itself is the problem. Look at her words, she is the one who is helping Islam. She is the one who is afraid to name the enemy. Not me.
Besides $elling the country a fantasy for years by promoting Zuhdi Jasser, please take a look at this.
It seems pretty clear to me what she wrote even if the grammar is a little off.
ISIS is not representing Islam. Saudi Arabia is. ISIS is a renegade faction within Islam whose sole purpose is to murder Muslims in cold blood.
And this Islamophobic website deserves to be put down. We pray that Allah destroys your FILTHY kind. Na’aam.
You are either ignorant on Islam or trying to mislead the readers. Because ISIS is fueled by the Koran.
Your last comment only proves one of my points. Thank you.
So in your mind it is “Islamophobic” for me not wanting to live under a second-class citizen under Islamic rule. Is it also “Islamophobic” to stand against Islamic child marriages, sex slavery, and lashings? Seek help.
Child marriages? As in children who haven’t reached puberty getting married? That’s haram in Islam. As for those who are biologically capable to marry and have kids, then that’s good.
Additionally, if the state does not allow marriages below a certain age, then that also becomes a factor in marriages. Because Muslims are supposed to obey the leaders.
Forced marriages are haram in Islam. So those women/girls/children forced into marriage without their consent, then such a thing is haram in Islam.
Secondly, ISIS does not represent Islam, Saudi Arabia does. We Muslims take pride in the fact that it is one of the few countries that implements the Shariah completely. Saudi Arabia cuts off hands, feet, and implements the death penalty on adultery and other capital offences. That’s a good thing.
But the reason why ISIS is not representing Islam is because it is a renegade faction. That is, they split off from the main body of the Muslims and made takfir (excommunicated) on them. Murdered them. They rebelled against the leaders.
So although cutting of hands of the thieves and similar punishments are prescribed in Islam, they are ONLY to be carried out by the government NOT by the average Joe, so in this the ISIS is NOT a government, but a collection of average Joes who don’t know much about Islam and have probably learnt it from Sayyid Qutb.
Also they murder children and women, civilians etc. Which is not permissible in Islam. Because these people whom the ISIS is murdering are protected citizens of the government whether they be Muslims or non-Muslims.
Hence we Muslims have been commanded to fight renegades (khawaarij) such as the ISIS. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said in a hadeeth to kill all khawaarij.
Do you understand now why we hate the ISIS? Because they have been influenced NOT from Islamic jurisprudence of being commanded to fight the kuffar, but rather they have been influenced by revolutionists such as Sayyid Qutb.
I think you might know about Sayyid Qutb. The sufi ashari deviant.
Yes the Qur’an tells the Muslims to fight the kuffar, but only those who are actually in war with you.
The point that 1) become a Muslim, 2) give Jizya 3) or fight is a universal ultimatum that ALL governments give to their citizens. So if you were not to give taxes to your country AND take an official stance of not giving taxes to your country, you would be in trouble. So to blame Islam on this point is foolishness.
So do you get it, all governments want submission from their citizens. And an Islamic government is no different. [ISIS is not an Islamic government/state/country etc]
Remember, Islam is not just a religion of five daily prayers etc, it also comes with a full fledged government.
For more details, watch Abu Khadeejah on YouTube.
1. A female can reach puberty at the age of 8. To those with morals that is child marriage, you should not be allowed near children.
2. An eight year-old does not fully know what marriage involves. There goes your “consent” claim.
3. I posted two articles showing that ISIS is fueled by the Koran. You ignoring them is a typical Muslim tactic which fails here.
4. Your statement on amputation and death for adultery only proves my point. Muslims do not belong in non-Islamic countries.
5. ISIS has made themselves a gov’t and nothing you say will get me to support the barbaric punishments you support.
6. Mohammad said it was OK to kill women and children in night raids. (Muslim) What you fail to understand is that your word alone is not proof of anything.
7. Sura 63 calls for Muslims to fight what they believe are hypocrites of Islam. That is part of what ISIS is doing.
8. Who is we? You are not the spokesperson for the ummah. So do not pretend to be.
9. Not accepting Islamic rule is waging war against Islam. Get used to it, the lawful backlash against Islam is just getting started.
10. Most gov’ts on in the West are not looking to subjugate all under a barbaric set of religious laws. Islam is. My gov’t does kill people for not paying taxes. Your comparison is beyond ridiculous.
11. Here is a clue. America will NOT fall to Islamic rule. What are you going to do about it? Kill 10’s of millions of non-Muslims? I highly doubt it.
An Islamic gov’t is a threat to all non-Muslims and females. What part of nothing you say will get me to want to live under Islamic rule don’t you get?
1. A female can reach puberty at the age of 8. To those with morals that is child marriage, you should not be allowed near children.
2. An eight year-old does not fully know what marriage involves. There goes your “consent” claim.
3. I posted two articles showing that ISIS is fueled by the Koran. You ignoring them is a typical Muslim tactic which fails here.
4. Your statement on amputation and death for adultery only proves my point. Muslims do not belong in non-Islamic countries.
5. ISIS has made themselves a gov’t and nothing you say will get me to support the barbaric punishments you support.
6. Mohammad said it was OK to kill women and children in night raids. (Muslim) What you fail to understand is that your word alone is not proof of anything.
7. Sura 63 calls for Muslims to fight what they believe are hypocrites of Islam. That is part of what ISIS is doing.
8. Who is we? You are not the spokesperson for the ummah. So do not pretend to be.
9. Not accepting Islamic rule is waging war against Islam. Get used to it, the lawful backlash against Islam is just getting started.
10. Most gov’ts on in the West are not looking to subjugate all under a barbaric set of religious laws. Islam is. My gov’t does kill people for not paying taxes. Your comparison is beyond ridiculous.
11. Here is a clue. America will NOT fall to Islamic rule. What are you going to do about it? Kill 10’s of millions of non-Muslims? I highly doubt it.
An Islamic gov’t is a threat to all non-Muslims and females. What part of nothing you say will get me to want to live under Islamic rule don’t you get?
islam is about Submission, not peace
hence we see such barbaric violence by the muslim enemy savage, even against their own
islam is foreign law, govt, politics, polices, based on war tactics , the quran is war tactic manual
treasonous against Free Countries Govt, Free People
the only thing that is keeping the muslim enemy breathing in Free countries
We Know only so well what power we have and how and When to use it
there Is Overwhelming evidence proven the Enormity not only in numbers but Threats the enemy islam is
geller Will lose respect and credibility