Approximately a year ago in my “Muslims on the run” series, I questioned the President of California’s Zaytuna College, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf. I did so after he mentioned bringing “beauty” back into this world. I had asked him to explain how child marriage, rape of prisoners of war, plundering (Sura 8), and lying, all of which Islam allows, are “beautiful”.
At that point he had two choices, either step into a debate with me. Or get on his carpet and fly away. He choose the latter.
Making my rounds the other day I had noticed that the Sheikh had taken it one step further, and “blocked” me on Twitter.
Over 70K followers and he cannot even respond to simple questions. Quite the “leader”….
To make matters worse, Hamza went on to continue to show his true ugly colors.
As pointed out by North American Infidel’s (NAI) Chairperson Tommy Hunt, Hamza stated that everything that is permitted in Islam is for the good.
Hamza also promotes the Forty Hadith of Imam al- Nawawi.
Once again, we will see into the dangerous mind of Hamza Yusuf:
An Nawawi Hadith Number 014 : Narrated By Abdullah bin Masud
Nawawi’s Forty Hadith
The messenger of Allah said : “The blood of a Muslim may not be legally spilt other than in one of three [instances] : the married person who commits adultery; a life for a life; and one who forsakes his religion and abandons the community.”
Related by Bukhari and Muslim.
So the Sheikh who is free to use the freedoms of America, is all for the death penalty for apostasy, and adultery. This is the “beauty” of Islam.
Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 84:
Dealing with Apostates
Volume 9, Book 84, Number 57:
Narrated ‘Ikrima:
Some Zanadiqa (atheists) were brought to ‘Ali and he burnt them. The news of this event, reached Ibn ‘Abbas who said, “If I had been in his place, I would not have burnt them, as Allah’s Apostle forbade it, saying, ‘Do not punish anybody with Allah’s punishment (fire).’ I would have killed them according to the statement of Allah’s Apostle, ‘Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'”
Translation of Sahih Muslim, Book 17:
The Book Pertaining to Punishments Prescribed by Islam (Kitab Al-Hudud)
Book 017, Number 4191:
‘Ubada b. as-Samit reported: Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Receive (teaching) from me, receive (teaching) from me. Allah has ordained a way for those (women). When an unmarried male commits adultery with an unmarried female (they should receive) one hundred lashes and banishment for one year. And in case of married male committing adultery with a married female, they shall receive one hundred lashes and be stoned to death.
Yes sickos, don’t forget to lash them before the stoning….
Hamza Yusuf, no friend of America or freedom. (I am not implying adultery is freedom, but it certainly should not be a death sentence.)
What an ignoramus you sound in your article. Hate filled ignorance disguised as pseudo academia. ” oh but look this is what is quoted in the Hadith and all Muslims must believe this because they are all exactly the same unquestioning and brain dead sheep”.
I think the reason Yusuf blocked you and refused any dialogue with you is quite simple; you’re a prick. The sooner you realise that, the better it is. What the fuck do you know about shariah mr google and youtube scholar? 99 percent of Muslims in the world probably don’t know about it. I’m guessing you have PhDs in Middle Eastern studies, Islamic studies, Classical Arabic and flying carpet engineering.
Dumbass yank.
Keep it coming, so that in between raping, bombing, paediphilea, camel racing, Jew hating, woman beating… Oh and praying 5 times a day, we can take comfort in the fact that there are idiots like you dillusional with fear, ignorance and the American way can provide some entertainment. When I say the American way, What I mean is the kind of way that fought facism in nazi Europe Whilst racial segregation was in full bloom back home.
Please feel free to burn as many qurans as you wish if it makes you happy and have your emblematic eagle crush as many crescents and stars in its finely sharpened talons.
I hope it’s crystal clear to you that Hamza yusuf viewed you as a complete dumbass and saw fit to dismiss you in a befitting way. Keep up the jihad watch and good luck destroying it. I hope it works out for you in that monochrome world of yours. Much gay love. X
1. What do we have here? Another peace-filled Muslim has come to the site! lol
2. Another Muslim who scream “ignorance”, but does not prove it.
3. Let me know when you want to debate Islam. I will wipe the floor with you.
4. The bottom line is that he ran like a coward from my inconvenient facts about Islam.
5. Facts you have not refuted.
Another savage from the UK speaks…
“Another peace filled muslim”. I like that. Does it shatter your expectations or piss you off that I’m not showing the true evil that really lies within?
The proof of your ignorance is evident in your writing.
It’s evident in the way you “want to wipe the floor” with me. You guys are no better in your mental attitude than any crazy ignorant muslim who walks into a debate without the intention of ever learning or understanding any issue but are intent on peddling their narrow view. The combination of your hatred, ignorance and lack of any deeper understanding of the issues beyond that of a pre kindergarten child, place you in the perfect position to know what the minds of those 9/11 hijackers must have been like. So you see, you have something in common with these people.
I’m a savage from the UK. I’m assuming you are a civilised “patriot “. I think it was Oscar Wilde that well known homosexualist author who said, ” patriotism was the last refuge of the imaginative. You are definitely not proving him wrong.
As for debating with you, I think the word debate may be a little too advanced in this context. Let’s just say I will be more than happy to school you and answer any questions that may be troubling you and filling you with such hatred.
I in return would like you to answer me one question in return first.
Why did the US fight nazi facism and bigotry but yet allowed the practice of racial segregation to continue at home for approximately 20 years after the war?
Answer this question for Mr Miyagi and I will school you young Danny.
Or will you fly away on a borrowed rug like hamza?
1. The reality is that you cannot backup your claim of “ignorance”. Got it.
2. I do not have questions about Islam for you. I go on the Koran, Sahih Ahadith, and works of scholars. You are?
3. I never said the US was perfect, but I can criticize it. As slave to Islam you will not condemn any of its vile acts.
4. Your so called religion divides on the basis of religion. By force if necessary. So don’t even begin to act like you are for freedom.
5. I would never run from a punk like you. So lose the ego slave.
5. Send me your email address and we can set up the day I will further expose you for vile human being you are. [email protected] We will have it on the radio.
Here is a clue, nothing you or any other Muslim says will get under my skin. Why would it? I don’t respect you at all.
Speaking of Nazism….right up your hate-filled ally.
I’d like to know since you insist in using “sahih” ahadith and the Quran for your sources of information, how proficient you are in Classical Arabic?…..hamza better watch out for the immensely educated google scholar about to unleash his scholastic genius and show him how to dot the I’s and cross the T’s… In Arabic of course.
So you gloss over answering my question with simply saying you are aware the US is not perfect? Well try giving that answer to the native Americans you stole your whole country from and the black slaves you ripped away from their families in their millions. Talk about understatements brother!!
I will give you the same response then when it comes to Islam….No I don’t think it’s perfect and there are numerous things I can be critical of how Muslims go about their business today; too many to list here.
“Don’t begin to act like you are for freedom”… What the fuck do you mean by that exactly son?
Are you some retard who I’m dealing with here? I’m sure I just heard that phrase in the voice of peter griffin ( family guy)
Do you mean the kind of freedom that makes your government wiretap your communications or the kind of freedom ( please refer to the patriot act) that makes you sit in front of a tv being bombarded with messages to buy shit, eat shit, drink shit, talk shit and be officially the worlds most clinically obese country? The kind of freedom to vote for a dumbass like Bush and the kind of freedom to allow someone like Sarah palin, who incidentally makes bush look like Einstein, to actually be taken seriously. You can keep your freedom buddy. The only freedom I want is the Islamic freedom to rip you and your buddies new assholes in the shariah compliant manner according to the teachings of the Quran. Let me know when you would like to burn a few Qurans and ill send you some free copies all the way from lovely London.
Good day to you all sirs.
1. I don’t have to know Arabic, it is translated by experts. Try again.
2. Responding is not glossing over. If you do not like my response, I really don’t care.
3. I did not do a thing to them, and your talking points are just a pathetic attempt to get the focus off of Islam.
4. Islam STILL allows slavery, so stop acting like you are against slavery.
5. Come to America and TRY to enforce Islamic rule on non-Muslims. You will NOT know what hit you scumbag.
Good duck on debating me. #coward
Name one verse in the Koran that makes it not perfect to you.
March 12, 2014 at 5:18 pm
I’d like to know since you insist in using “sahih” ahadith and the Quran for your sources of information, how proficient you are in Classical Arabic?…..hamza better watch out for the immensely educated google scholar about to unleash his scholastic genius and show him how to dot the I’s and cross the T’s… In Arabic of course.///
Come off it loser. This is the same CON you fukks have been using ever since you set your filthy feet on free soil. Since when did ALL Moslem sh!theads learn classical Arabic. They all use translations by scholars.
March 12, 2014 at 5:18 pm
“Don’t begin to act like you are for freedom”… What the fuck do you mean by that exactly son?///
I’m just guessing here but I’m thinking since Islam despises freedom, and YOU being stupid enough to embrace that ugly “religion”, freedom isn’t on your priority list. So what’s your next con, slave?
March 12, 2014 at 5:18 pm
So you gloss over answering my question with simply saying you are aware the US is not perfect? Well try giving that answer to the native Americans you stole your whole country from and the black slaves you ripped away from their families in their millions.///
Let me fill you in on what’s called the tu quoque argument, jackass.
Tu quoque is a Latin term that describes a kind of logical fallacy. A tu quoque argument attempts to discredit the opponent’s position by asserting his failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. It is considered an ad hominem argument, since it focuses on the party itself, rather than its positions. Suck on that you weasel.
March 11, 2014 at 5:56 pm
I think the reason Yusuf blocked you and refused any dialogue with you is quite simple; you’re a prick.///
LOL to you Moslem crybabies everyone who challenges the Moslem CON are pricks. LOL
Siraj March 11, 2014 at 5:56 pm I think the reason Yusuf blocked you and refused any dialogue with you is quite simple; you’re a prick.///
Let me tell you who the prick is Siraj. Bullyboy Moslems like YOU who bring your stinking ideology to our free societies and expect us to smile while you shove your ugly culture, your evil law and your hateful god in our faces. Well, we’re shoving back because your little fatwa threats don’t scare us and your cons don’t fool us. We hate Islam. We think the choice to be Moslem is a decision that poisons the world. YOU poison the world Siraj. We can read. We know Islam is a religion of hate and we’re calling you on it. We’re exposing you for what you are – what your religion is. We will destroy Islam because Islam is evil. Freedom loving patriots will always go after evil. It’s what makes us superior to PRICKS like you.
Judging by the “suck in that you weasel” self congratulatory tone of your comment, I’m assuming you think you have made some great intellectual point…..Maybe in the world of Fox News and the Glenn Beck show buddy; not here. I appreciate the cut and paste Latin lesson, but in your attempt to try and be a wise guy you forget a simple thing. When you are trying to make an argument and are attempting to stand on a supposed higher moral footing ( which you are), you must prove first that YOUR moral basis is a superior one. Instead all you have done is talk shit about some vague notion of “free soil”, freedom loving patriots and destroying Islam. Beavis and Butthead could come up with a better answers than you!
As for translations of the Quran, I’m happy you have taken it upon yourself to acquaint yourself with it. Now all you have to do is familiarise yourself with some Muslims and see if they have slaves locked up in their basements ( it may actually be true in Saudi Arabia come to think of it), if they sit around all day plotting the fall of “freedom loving patriots”, if they all have 4 wives, whether they participate in stoning apostates and adulterers and patriots to death on a daily basis? And since you can read, may I suggest the next steps on from that; it’s called understanding what you read.
I don’t think you realise this, but I as a moderate muslim ( it may suprise you but that’s not a misnomer), probably have more in common with a moderate Jew or Christian as much as you do with an extremist muslim. It’s funny how you’ve become exactly like the people you want to destroy. I know there’s a Latin term for this.. Please enlighten me Abdullah.
I condemn Islam, so yes I am morally superior to you, and I do not watch FOX News or Beck. You may want to get a new playbook.
I know Muslims, and knowing them does not change what Islam is. Of course you do not prove “I am not understanding” what I am reading. All you have are empty talking points, that add up to nothing. Your con may work with far-leftist, but it fails here. You are a failure to Allah.
Yes, I can see how “moderate” you are by your previous posts. Too foolish to even realize that. Lol!
March 13, 2014 at 2:49 am
I don’t think you realise this, but I as a moderate muslim///
No such thing con man. Islam is evil. This is irrefutable. ALL Moslems support Islam therefore ALL Moslems support evil. And I can see that the concept of the Tu quoque went right over your head. I’m not surprised. Moslems are stupid. Well, you’d have to be to embrace evil, wouldn’t you.
Tu quoque or not tu quoque? That is the question. I merely asked you a question regarding post war racial segregation in the US before I answer any of your questions related to Islam or Muslims.
Just so that we don’t violate this international principle of tu quoque that you have taken so warmly to, Let’s just say It’s a stand alone question and I would simply consider it good manners from you to provide me with an answer before I do the courtesy of answering any questions you may have.
I have made this simpler for you and shall not use the answer to question your personal moral basis. In any case, I was talking on a cultural level, questioning the validity of one culture judging another….read some Edward said for a deeper understanding of my point. But as I expected, you have tu quoqued to the left and tu quoqued to the right and all the birds around here have started singing tu quoque. My cats even stopped miaowing and has taken to tu quoqueing….. Jesus Christ!!!
So once again….. Go smoke some tu quoque in your pipe and ponder the answer the only question I’m asking you!
Have a nice day and I’ll be back after finishing with the remainder of my 72 virgins….. I think I have got 20 more left and 10 of those are under 10 years old. I’m only following my Islamic tradition you understand buddy!!
I’ve given you the above information so you can put it on your twitter account as quote of the day from your friendly child abusing muslim. I hope it helps your cause. AND DONT FORGET TO ANSWER MY QUESTION !!
Good manners, after the way you spoke? I wouldn’t show you an once of respect. You are the enemy and vile “human being”.
You respect Mohammad, you have no morals. Keep stalking me on Twitter and here. You probably dream of me as well.
Keep thinking of excuses for ducking a debate on Islam. #Fraud
March 13, 2014 at 2:49 am
Maybe in the world of Fox News and the Glenn Beck show///
LOL Hey Chris, isn’t it hilarious how muzzies always use these people as if they’re a denigration of our position. Hate to break your bubble Siraj but I knew what Islam was and what it was doing on our FREE SOIL long before I heard of Beck or watched Fox News. Like all Moslems, you are so predictable.
You exposed Hamza’s con Chris. That’s why he blocked you. You probably insulted his pride as well. How dare you criticize him or Islam etc etc. These guys are like spoiled little bratty kids.
March 13, 2014 at 2:49 am
Judging by the “suck in that you weasel” self congratulatory tone of your comment, I’m assuming you think you have made some great intellectual point///
LOL speaking of cut and paste, it appears that practice is beyond your ability. You see, cut and paste allows one to quote accurately. And no great intellectual point. Just exposing your con game.
What’s this , the chris and tommy club? Seems like I may have accidentally or not wondered into a homosexualist chat room. Sorry boys, you carry on with what you were doing. I’m iff to cure my cat of this tu quoque sound it seems to be making… I better do that before I go to my bed chamber…
You muzzies always do the gay insults first. Next comes fukking our mothers. After that, the death threats follow. Come on Siraj… you still have 2 to go. Chop chop…
He is saying anything to avoid the issue of Islam. But he is not nearly as slick as he thinks he is.
…or maybe that’s what it means to be a “moderate”. Gay insults only LOL.
Dearest Tommy,
I’m glad you understand we Muslims always go for the gay jugular first. It is a hot topic after all, since your free soil has on parts of it legalised gay marriage. I’m sure you’re proud of these advances in your freedom loving country. It’s made a real contribution to human evolution. I guess your brave patriots from the armed forces can now have a new motto…” Never leave your buddies behind”.
Anyway, why would you consider “gay” as an insult? This shit will be the norm in the US soon so get used to it. Your ‘free soil’ will be a free for all soil bro!
As for your prediction of me wanting to fuck your mother I will unfortunately have to disappoint you. I have 4 wives plus a harem to keep me busy, so a crusty obese white chick doesn’t really appeal to me as much as you may like that thought.
If I were you, I’d be more worried about my son bringing home a boyfriend to marry than any threats you think Islam poses to you. The only Mathew, Mark, Luke and John your sons will ever know are the guys whose dicks he’ll be sucking behind the school bike sheds.
Tommy!! what’s wrong with you? Stop sucking this Logan characters dick. It really shows in your writing. There’s a fine line between bromance and romance… And you are treading it very finely.
Land of the free? You can stay free buddy… And loose.
Have a good day. It’s getting late here and I’ve got Friday prayers tomorrow so I need a rest. These freedom hating terrorist preachers really take their toll so a good nights sleep is always needed before. Plus all these virgins have exhausted me.
Of course you are still ducking the debate because you know better than to debate me. But you do continue to show just how childish and vile you are. Keep talking…
March 13, 2014 at 3:05 pm
Anyway, why would you consider “gay” as an insult?///
The question is why would you.
March 13, 2014 at 3:05 pm
I’m glad you understand we Muslims always go for the gay jugular first. It is a hot topic after all, since your free soil has on parts of it legalised gay marriage. I’m sure you’re proud of these advances in your freedom loving country.///
I am. It’s their business not the government’s.
March 13, 2014 at 3:05 pm
Tommy!! what’s wrong with you? Stop sucking this Logan characters dick.///
LOL I got to you. You’re out of your league little man. Do yourself a favor and leave Islam.
March 13, 2014 at 3:05 pm
As for your prediction of me wanting to fuck your mother I will unfortunately have to disappoint you. I have 4 wives plus a harem to keep me busy, so a crusty obese white chick doesn’t really appeal to me as much as you may like that thought.////
Oh wait!! The mother insult!! Almost missed it! Wow… right on cue! Bravo Siraj! You do your filthy little band of Moslems proud! You are just like the rest of them… as predicted! LOL
I didn’t want to let your preconceptions to be in vain tommy, so as my imagination ran wild with thoughts of you and chris engaged in vile acts of buggery with each other, I figured I may as insult your mother by not wanting to fuck her. And may I say how satisfied I feel after the non fuck. I’m lighting a cigarette as I write.
You seem to be bang in the money when it comes to predictions tommy. Have you possibly considered a career as a fortune teller? Just a thought.
why I would consider gay wrong?
Because it’s unnatural.
However, HALLELUJAH TOMMY, we have found some common ground at last!!!!! Just because I think it may be wrong peter pumping Paul, what goes on behind closed doors in private should stay private and non if governments business.
As for gay marriage…if ‘gay marriage’ is simply contract between 2 people of the same sex who have been living together for a period of time as life partners ( I don’t like use of the word marriage though…. Call me old fashioned), then it’s perfectly acceptable to accord the partners’ full inheritance and property rights as would be the case for a heterosexual couple. I would say this would be fine under Islam.
So the lesson here is tommy, when you start weighing the pros and cons of embracing Islam, just remember, you can jack off at the thought of Logan but it’s better just not to bugger or be buggered by him. If you do do that, then just don’t do it in public. And if you enter some sort of civil union with him, you’ll be able to inherit his website and keep it going for the benefit of freedom living people everywhere.
Long day ahead. I’m off. Looking forward to hateful preachers Friday sermon telling me to go suicide bombing somewhere.
I’ve just had a eureka moment!!!! Now I know why the crowd at mosque has even dwindling!! Too many suicides and not enough procreation to fill the gaps. We myst breed more I guess.
Ok chaps, sweet dreams. I gotta go.
It was good to find some common ground with you folks today. I’m sure we’ll find much more
Your childish game does not work here. The issue here is Islam, not the past history of America. You are pathetically saying anything to avoid that. Because like I said, I would wipe the floor with you in a debate on Islam.
As for the common ground, we are not going to find much more because you are enemy of non-Muslims and this circular conversation is not going to go on and on for days. I will not waste the time.
You ran you mouth, and now you run from debate on Islam. Lol!
So once again amongst all this rhetoric of wiping the floor with me in a debate on Islam , you still will not answer the only question I have asked of you several times. You can tu quoque here and there but the basic point here is that despite setting up or promoting petitions and wanting to eradicate Muslims from America, you refuse to answer a straight forward question on America. WHY DID US ALLOW RACIAL SEGREGATION TO STILL TAKE PLACE ON ITS SOIL 20 YEARS AFTER FIGHTING FACISM IN EUROPE?
You are a bum who talks in absolutes. After 10 years of studying Islam, as you claim to have done, you seem to be as ignorant as when you started; though that would be a serious achievement in itself. The way I see it, You’ve basically wasted 10 years of your time trying to prove what you think you already know for sure; that Islam is evil and all Muslims are evil. From that I can confidently say you are a real dumbass. Only an idiot would do such a thing. You tell me about the above circular conversation? Look at your past 10 years bro. The only response I can really give that is what my 10 year old concubines would give… LOOOL LOL LOL. You idiot!
Most sane people think in terms of possibilities and probabilities not absolutes. By my reckoning there’s a 1 out of 2 probability that you are homosexual. There are 1.5 billion Muslims on this planet and the probability of ALL of them being evil is over a billion times less than the probability of you enjoying a cock now and then. Maths was never my strong point so I could be wrong with a few percentage points, but you don’t have to be a genius to see that you are more likely to be a closet or open homosexual than ALL Muslims being evil. You sicko!
Same ole’ game, and I answered the other day. You are just another robotic Muslim who screams “ignorance” but cannot prove it.
ALL Muslims support the Koran and Mohammad. They are both evil.
The guy who will NOT condemn Islam for child marriage, the taking of sex slaves, and plundering calls me a sicko. Lol. You might want to look in the mirror slave.
Your opinion of me changes nothing. I will still continue to rally non-Muslims against Islam. Enjoy dreaming about me…
So still no answer to my question Logan? You’re a slippery fellow aren’t you old chap! ANSWER MY QUESTION or get your lackey Tommy to answer it whilst yiu roll his nuts around in your mouth.
I don’t need to prove your ignorance…. You do a fantastic job yourself. All one needs to do is read the crap you write and it is evident.
So did you agree that according to mathematical probability you are more likely to be a homosexual, a paedophile, a fraud and a charlatan than ALL Muslims are evil? The statistics don’t lie buddy. The truth always comes out in the end.
You’ve bored me enough now with your whining so I’m off. Hamza yusuf would have convinced you that you were a goat and then buggered you afterwards for good measure.
I’m obsessed with this gay shit. I really must get help.
It’s Friday night and I’m off to plunder , rape and do god knows what else. How dare you ask me to condemn such pleasures! You fool x
I answered days ago, and condemned it.
Obviously you cannot back up your claim of “ignorance. You have made that very clear. Just another loud mouthed vile slave to Allah. We are done here.
You’ve run out of steam Logan. Your hill billy choo choo train stops here. Go hang up your cowboy boots, dust off your Stetson and go smoke a peace pipe packed with high grade tu quoque.
The end
As the slave runs from the debate on Islam…
Stops here? Unless you are going to kill me, I will continue to expose Islamic creeps like you. You up for it wanna-be Mohammad?
Like I said, Buzz killington Logan, You’ve run out of steam..give it up!! You’ve bored me into such a state of indifference that I’m contemplating downing a bottle of bleach just to stop listening to you go on and on and on and on……..
I’m sure even Jesus would do that cross thing all over again rather than listen to you babble on.
Just give it up and focus your energies on your family. It’s what I’m sure Jesus and Mohammed would want you to do…. As do I.
I really do not care what you or that savage Mohammad want. I will continue exposing your vile belief system.
Jesus did not rape, enslave, and plunder. Mohammad did. Your comparison is invalid.
March 14, 2014 at 12:42 pm
So still no answer to my question Logan? You’re a slippery fellow aren’t you old chap! ANSWER MY QUESTION or get your lackey Tommy to answer it whilst yiu roll his nuts around in your mouth.///
Thank you for proving to us what a liar you are. You’re no moderate and you just proved it. And you loathe homosexuality. Nothing you say has any truth to it. You’re a cheap phony. A con man. You have no honor. You’re nothing but a typical filthy Moslem who’s heart is filled with the hate taught to you by your filthy prophet. How common and predictable.
One of the benefits of engaging these so called “moderate” or “peaceful” Moslems in conversation is that eventually they expose themselves for who they really are. They reveal better than we can what disgusting people they are. No surprise really. They are Moslem after all. Garbage people following a garbage “religion”. Nuff said.
Tommy boy your back!!
You stated I “loathe homosexuality”……and?!?
By that I can infer that you love homosexuality. Well good for you. Just show me the chapter, verse and the name of the gospel where man on man and woman on woman action is permissible. When Jesus said love your fellow man Tommy boy………. Aahh nevermind…..
Where’s that bleach gone? I’m looking forward to be condemned to eternal damnation than listen to your boring, inconsistent, vacuous nonsense.
Goodbye Thomas
You might want to take the advice from Jesus. You are a fraud.
Logan you old dog!! You’ve done exactly what hamza yusuf and numerous others have done to lol lol lool lool.. How ironic. You have deleted my last post that showed you up for the fool that you are….. The power of administrating your own website I guess…… Like I said, you’re washed up and the fat lady has stopped singing long ago. What happened to free soil and free speech you has been that never was!!
I did not block you, I just deleted one or two of school yard like comments. YOU have had more than enough time to debate me on Islam. Now you are just wasting my time. Those scholars did not even get the bat off their shoulders, there is the difference.
None of your comments have shown me up, they have just shown how childish you are. I have no more time for you.
What a poor justification for deleting comments that you have no response to. The point is here that you love to go on to peoples twitter accounts and as soon as you are blocked, you cry foul play or a moral victory of sorts. You have done exactly the same by deleting comments of mine. For a man who believes the government should be off people’s backs, you have suddenly developed a very paternalistic attitude to what YOU think should be published and what should be omitted. You have no congruency in any of your thoughts or actions. 10 years of study? You’ve missed out on the academic principles of clarity of thought and consistency in that.
A lot of people seem to be either ignoring or blocking you, Muslims and non Muslims alike. Your sending out the invites to the party Logan…. There just ain’t no RSVP’s!
I’m done with you too buddy. You lost the debate before you even started it.
Wrong, those guys completely ducked me, and I have given you more than enough time to debate me on Islam. You have been running from the debate since you got here, I do not cry foul. I merely point out that they CANNOT refute my points on Islam. Got it now?
Yes, some far-leftist blocked me. Big deal, keep stalking. I am clearly in your mind. lol
Says the fake-ass Mohammad who is clearly afraid to debate me on the radio. #coward
Fact is that my following is going growing by the day. Keep trying to spin things. Obviously games are the best you can do.
You’re spent jackass! Is that the best defence you can come out with?
There is more intellect swimming around in my goldfish bowl than you’ve displayed.
10 years of study and you write like this??!! Are you for real???… Dude you need to get yourself a teacher because home study hasn’t worked for you!
I’ll keep dreaming of you as sure as Thomas is sucking your dick as I sign off.
Those are facts.
Yet you keep coming back…
Siraj proves my frequently expressed view that Muslims minds are obsessed with sex. His comments end with such fanciful images as Admin rolling someone’s balls around in his mouth and Thomas enjoying a dick sucking session. You are obviously jealous!
Not much intellectual debate going on there. Siraj, get a hobby, get out more and trying mixing with females in a normal, modern manner. Try reading a book for the fun of it and not to brainwash yourself into believing that the Koran which advocates killing, beating wives and wiping backsides with stones, is a book which makes you more civilised and spiritual than non-Muslims. You are not and can never be.
Dearest Logan,
Once again you have deleted several posts of mine which show you up for what you are… A bum.
Emmi, I hope you at least have a nice pair of breasts and an ass of a nine year old boy to make up for your retardation. Please post a picture of yourself darling.
No, I did not, if you were being honest you would have no problem debating me on the radio. Try again little slave.