This final installment of the ~Islam Invades Jamaica Queens!~ series will analyze the last piece of literature I obtained from Masjid Al-Mamoor. Lo and behold, WE, the taxpayers are paying for our own demise! Remember, City University of New York (CUNY) is a PUBLICLY funded institution of higher learning. This is an outrage!

Now why would that be? Has anyone EVER seen literature of a similar content being handed out in a church or synagogue?

So, what this really means is that Muslims want the privilege of dictating the policies of our authority figures. Allowing them the license to do so will only be another victory for Islam.

The pamphlet details what rules a Muslim should follow.

There is a worldwide jihad taking place, but obviously that does not matter. These Muslims want to pick and choose on their terms what information to disclose.

Even if they do? Are the words of the Koran not aggressive? The next picture is almost comical. Muslims concerned about falsehoods? Did they forget that their religion advocates lying?

The following excerpt is what I found to be most interesting.

This is another clear example of Muslims using our freedoms AGAINST us to protect and , even worse, to advance Islam!

In this case, the keepers of Islam are:

With a little help from their friends:

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