As I have stated, the members of Dove World Outreach Center will never stop speaking out against the threat of Islam. Lead by Dr. Terry Jones, here is their latest video message. Keep up the good work guys!
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Logan’s Dictionary
"Islamophobia": The fear of speaking out against the rapidly growing religion/ideology that is out to repress all who do not follow its doctrine.
Sir Winston Churchill
“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step…”
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"The sword of Muhammad and the Quran are the most fatal enemies of civilization, liberty, and the truth which the world has yet known." - The eminent orientalist Sir William Muir (1819-1905)
My only questions is whay aren't we throwing the scumbags out? Why hasn't Europe. I can't wait to find some of these dick lickers here protesting in my street.
my only question is why do human beings generalise? What do we know about these Muslims? What exactly do you know about Islam? have you looked into it? This is a free world, we have freedom of speech and freedom of opinion, but when we have an opinion that we cant justify, then maybe we should just keep it locked up inside us, other wise we may just sound as stupid as Jones..
I can justify my statements on Islam. Can you prove me wrong?
Asalaamu Alaykum (Peace be unto you)!
You need not worry about Islam. Start worrying about the religion the Jews have taught you as their “Jewish inheritance” which you have blindly believed in without questioning their motives.
For example: Can you prove to me that Jesus was a “Christian” by faith? If not, then you’re a dupe of Satan! No prophet of Israel, especially Jesus, practiced, preached, or promoted Christianity as the true religion of God.
Funny, isn’t it, you’re still waiting for a false religion to show up that is supposed to deceive the Gentile/Goyim world and cause them to blaspheme Almighty God . . . huh?
Prophet Muhammad was a Muslim and he preached Islam to his followers, who are also Muslims.
In the case of Christianity, no one really knows from where this “mystery religion” invented by Jewish rabbis, lawyers, and scribes came from.
How can Jesus be a “Jew” and his followers are not? Checkmate!
Go here:
Peace be unto you (Luke 24:36; John 20: 19, 21, 26),
You need not tell me what to do, and I will continue to speak out against Islam and its worldwide movement, which is trying to impose religious laws on all.
Asalaamu Alaykum (Peace be unto you)!
Feel free to continue on with your “Jihad” against Islam, the religion of God.
Humans have been rebelling against the Creator since Adam, so you’re not an exceptional case from the time the first human was created some 2.5 million years ago.
Adam’s son Cain, was a rebel, so was Noah’s son.
Both challenged “Islam” when it was being introduced in its infant stages to pagans of the time, before it appeared as the “Glory of God” i for all humankind to witness.
Several verses of the Quran relate to us stories how humans have historically rebelled against God’s laws and gone astray following paths leading to perdition.
The Jewish Crucifix idol is the most recent example. This demonic “yoke of death” Christians wear around their necks does not represent God’s mercy and salvation in the Abrahamic covenant religious tradition.
The Jewish Crucifix is an abominable graven image, an idol that leads humans to embrace ancient pagan religious practices of the Canaanite races, ancestors of the Jews.
In religious symbolism, it represents bondage to the Jews and “blood guilt” to Satan and the demonic religion the racist liar created with help of his Jewish comrades, the rabbis.
God forgives sins, as Islam clearly preaches, in the common introductory verses in every chapter of the Quran: “In the name of God, the Most Beneficent, and the Most Merciful.” He does not have to beget “Jewish” babies and slaughter them as sacrifices using the shed blood to atone sins of the Pope of the Jews and King of Israel!
Following are Quranic verses for your edification, and it is of no concern whether you are a Jew or a Christian, hiding behind a “Burqa” pretending you don’t believe in God!
Holy Quran
“Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light however much the disbelievers are averse.
He it is who hath sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may make it conqueror of all religion however much idolaters may be averse.
O ye who believe! Shall I show you a commerce that will save you from a painful doom?
Ye should believe in Allah and His Messenger, and should strive for the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is better for you, if ye did but know.
He will forgive you your sins and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, and pleasant dwellings in Gardens of Eden. That is the supreme triumph.
And (He will give you) another blessing which ye love: help from Allah and present victory. Give good tidings to believers” (Holy Quran; Surah As-Saff; 61:8-13).
Peace be unto you (Luke 24:36; John 20:19, 21, 26),
Jesus, Mohammad, Moses, God (Allah), Bhuddha, etc never existed. it is all lies. after all it is all belief, not knowledge. Lies you believe, the truth you know. Religion is all lies and barbarity.
A jew is some who is born in Judea. Has nothing to do with religion. The muslims from Judea were called jews and remain so until this day with islam appended to it, called judaism.
To follow any one does not make those have his or her nationality or race. So you are utterly stupid. that is what religion does to you. Me liking Saddam Husein does not make me an Iraqi. I was never there. You follow the jew Allah (Eloah), but you say that you are not a jew
i tell u.
its challenge for u.
yes ,i will prove that you are completely wrong a.
nad convience to you to accept ISLAM.
gray ruman is also a son of bitch
gray ruman caontact to me,
i tell u what is islam and what is the respect of ISLAM in the UNIVERSE.
i challenge to you contact to me , i will tell u , who r u in this world.
i tell u my email and talk to me through chat.
its challenge for you, you tell me about ISLAM, and INSHALLH i will definatley convience to you about the value of ISLAM.
shahrukh sheikh
[email protected] +92-331-7125609
shahrukh19861 :skypee
First you insult Gary, and then you think you will change his mind. Here is some free advice….don’t ever become a salesman.
BTW, you have posted the same thing more than enough.
He’s an arselifter, Chris. Repetition is the only thing they know.
How can you say that Islam is a threat to westren world?
And if somebody replies from england then you objects that he is from UK and he does not know about USA. LOL.
Anyway There is a Christian Terrorist and his name is Terry Jones.
All these terrorist use there churches against islam.
Before 9/11 Islam was the most growing religion in USA and that was the problem for these terrorists because they think they can do anything but this is USA.
You admin! just tell me one question that did you ever heard that anywhere in Muslim World that Bible is being Burned???????
These christian extremists and terrorists know that Muslims are very sensative about there Holy Book so this Terrorist(Terry Jones)is doing this because he is a looser and others too.They know that they can’t stop building a Islamic Center in Ground zero,so these terrorists started this issue.
Point out who Terry Jones has killed, if you can not deal with the freedoms of the West, that is your problem.
No Mr.Gulani
We don’t have Freedom of speech.
Yes Freedom of speech is only if it is against Islam or Muslim.
But if it is against Jews then what Freedom of speech can you talk on National TV about holocaust(which is a Huge lie).Or can you talk about American Policies towards Israel.No you can not.
During Election 2004 Presidential hopeful Gov.Dean said that he did not agree US Policies about Middle East and you know what happened to him after that speech.
Last year in Detroit Rep.Kilpatrick talked about the truth of Holocaust and now she is out and her son is in Jail.
So Please don’t say the Freedom of Speech.
If somebody opened a page at facebook against Islam or Quran or Muhammad(Naoozbillah),they let them do.
But if you want to open a page against Holocaust or Jews or these Fundamentalist Christians They won’t let you open or it will be closed right away.
Muslims have openly preached against Jews, right on the streets of America. So stop whining, and if you are weak and cannot talk any criticism of Islam that is your problem.
If Muslims preached against Jews(as you said)then same thing you and other Jews and christian extremists are preaching against Muslims and Islam.
So what is is the difference b/w you and them?
FYI my best business associates are Jews.
I don’t have any problem with them.
We respect each other.
you sir are an idiot, no doubt a devout follower of islam, or worse, a human whom will let other people tell them what to think. pick up there book (prior to burning it)and you will see how violent they are! you again are a fool, they will gladly toast you and your children, unless you are one of those homosexuals, which by the way, they dont allow, ha, you would have come out of the closet and you would have been stonned, i am done wasting time on you , you fool.
you dumm ass you are talking about 1500 years ago.
If it is like that then just read original bible,you will see how voilant that is.
First of all let me tell you the meaning of Islam.Islam means peace.
Same Quran says if somebody kills one human it means that person kills the whole humanity.
you dumn ass you should know.
why 9/11 happened?????
Jews and People like you knew it that Islam is growing in America just like its growing in Europe,So you Fundamentalist people staged a plan of 9/11.
Even if it was carried by some stupid Muslims but it was backed by Mosad and Fundamentalist Jews and Fundamentalist Christians.
Even I believe that Usama has nothing to do with it but that son of gun is also work for CIA.
Islam means submission to Allah, and we here will never submit to Islam.
Here is what the verse says….
YUSUFALI: On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
It says a Muslim can kill someone for spreading “mischief” in the land. “Mischief” can be just about anything a Muslim says it is. Of course you do not mention this fact.
Where is your proof?
BTW, the problems between Islam and non-Muslims go way beyond 911.
This is more than 1500 years ago you are talking about.
That time Islam was spreading.
And Now 1.6 Billions Muslims are all over the world
I am talking about today, and I will continue to speak out no matter how many Muslims there are.
So are cockroaches. Both can and will be controlled.
One new information about that piece of crap.
His Church shit had no money to pay for Morgage and only way to get money is to talk against Islam ,thats why this piece of shit is doing this and he got attention and money from Christian Extremists and Jews.
He is speaking out against Islam, because of threat it is to Western Civilization. Just like most of the people on this site.
threat to western civilisation? …lol o how wrong you are everything as you know it is a threath to your very existance…its true what they say in the final hour people will trust a liar than someone who is telling the truth…why do u think no one fights against christianity jews?? why is it always muslims? use your mind and think about it for one second i am not saying convert i am not even saying read the holy book…but dnt just blindly follow everthing you read and see in the media…
You are posting from the UK, where Muslims are not hiding their agenda of imposing Sharia. That is a threat to Western Civilization. Christians and Jews are not on worldwide movement trying to impose religious laws on all, Muslims are. That is why it is “always Muslims”. I have read the Islamic scriptures, and most of the media is protective of Islam.
UK Sharia Courts:Sharia is the law of the Land, Wage war
That piece of crap is speaking against Islam because he and others like you are lost against Islamic Center in Ground Zero.This is the reason,if we say we move the Islamic Center,All that shit he is talking will be finished.
He was obviously robbed by Mahound’s thieving followers.
You and other F—-g Churches Mulasted thousands of innocent Children.Can you deny that?
Even this dammn Pastor was raped by another poster and he got money from him to get quiet.
Can you deny that.
Imams molest kids as well, and I stand against all pedophiles. But to make matters worse Islam allows it.
Prove your other statement, and even if its true it does not make the threat of Islam to non-Muslims disappear. If all you are going to do is insult and threaten people, you will be banned.
My only question is that do you know your Dad’s name?
No ask your Mom even she is not surebecuse the night she got pregnant,she slept 14 different men so how you can say that thing you bastard.
With this talk, you must bring a lot of people around to your side of the debate.
Your beloved pastor arrested for the illegal, immoral act of sharing child pornagraphy. You follow his blindly as a stand-in for Jesus and teacher and he has naked pictures of your child. You are the fools.
The only fool here is you. Nobody believes your takiya. Try again.
This is a false report.
i think that this is rediculous first u claim to burn the holy book of the muslims then u expect them not to be mad with you guys on this link…for gods sake open up your eyes! the pastor that was going to burn the book was a peadophile! and he had many followers i.e people were blindly following a peado…no suprise there then… repent now for when its too late it will truly be too late there are warnings and signs all around you only wen you open up your eyes to good will you let good be part of you…
Prove the Pastor was arrested, or you will not be posting here.
Over a billion Muslims blindly follow Mohammad the pedophile. Why is that OK with you?
Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236:
Narrated Hisham’s father:
Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old. watch this =)
Pastor Terry Jones, don’t you have some children to malest….I’m sorry i should not be this rude but hell you deserve it!
Seriously! Are you uneducated or something, wait of course you are or else you wouldn’t be a pastor. And escuse me dick lickers? what are you five, And your theory is wrong we are not dick lickers, you guys are because unlike you we have morals! See look ur already fuckin the horse!
I don’t understand what you are reading, whatever it is, it’s certainly not the Quran.
I have read it, being a very content and proud muslim girl and it contains all this good information. And hell yea I’m happy, I don’t know what you mean when you say their are no happy muslims!
Terry I’m guessing you are illiterate as well! as no where in the Quran does it say that you should kill all non believers!
You are just making this shit up because you are insecure with your own belief! You are mad that more and more people are converting to islam. Do you know 20000 americans convert to Islam each year. And all that bullshit about it bieng a sexes religion is exactly that, its B.S.! Islam was the first religion that taught respect for women! before the Quran it was the era of ignorance! where women were buried alive and had no say what so ever. That is why 3 out of 4 americans that convert are women, beacuse they love the idea of being liberated and free.
Yes some of us where the head scarf as it represents modesty. Please! your religion teaches nothing of modesty or respect, no wonder their are teen pregnancies and alcohol and drug addictions in your religion.
And as for the terrorists, they are uneducated people! You know in the Quran it says that if you kill, you go staright to hell!
it teaches us right from wrong.
Allah will deal with you! Man i hope you rot and burn in hell!
I was told to leave this matter alone as God will deal with you but I could not let my opinion go unsaid.
Open your eyes! How do u feel you just got owned by a 17 year old girl
Try and pay attention, that was a false report.
1. How come it is OK that Mohammad was a pedophile?
2. Then prove me wrong about Islam.
3. Did you know this…… 75% of new muslims leave Islam within 5 years
4. Women do not have equal rights under Islam and if you think that no Muslims do drugs or drink you are only kidding yourself.
5. Thanks for admitting that you think that the Koran calling for the domination of non-Muslims is “good information”. You guys come here and prove my point over and over.
6. You did not own anybody, next time do some research before you accuse people.
women have equal rights in islam….where are you getting your information from? tedrry pastor and his encycolpidia of nude kids? what the hell…
marrying a female who has reached puberity is not peadophilia the female is then a women and can reproduce. watching 5 year old children with no unndies on is just sick…
Your takiya isn’t fooling anyone here, arselifter.
Women have no rights under pislam and sharia. That’s why they are forced into garbage bags and have to be owned by a man.
Here is one example, a women’s testimony is worth less than a man.
YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! When ye deal with each other, in transactions involving future obligations in a fixed period of time, reduce them to writing Let a scribe write down faithfully as between the parties: let not the scribe refuse to write: as Allah Has taught him, so let him write. Let him who incurs the liability dictate, but let him fear His Lord Allah, and not diminish aught of what he owes. If they party liable is mentally deficient, or weak, or unable Himself to dictate, Let his guardian dictate faithfully, and get two witnesses, out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her.
In the civilized world it is pedophilia, and sick.
Just because she has reached puberty does not mean she is mentality ready to be an adult.
islam gave woman equal rights 1500 years ago.
But here in USA most Children are raped , most teenage girls are kidnaped and raped in the world.
Woman do not have equal rights to men under Islam. Once example is their testimony in court is worth less than a mans.
I know there are rapes here, but Islamic Law allows the taking of sex slaves that is rape. That is sick, and to make it legal is even sicker.
watch the link that i posted you will soon see the enenmy is not islam but another more sinister cult however judging by your pathetic attitudes you’d probably dismiss the information in the video as false … typical
pislam is a satanic death cult. You arselifters worship satan and his little pig Mahound.
you pig M,f—r ass hole give me your address and I’ll show you who you are
Thanks for stopping by and proving our point.
Islam is the enemy of the freedoms of the West. The Islamic scriptures prove this.
Because Obama said respect them even though we don't agree with them.
Sorry Obama, I do not respect a religion that OK's lying and rape.
Islam does not allow sexual intercource before marriage.. and accoring to you it somehow allows people to rape?
No, according to the Islamic scriptures it does.
u just dont no ne thin abt muslims or islam…..u r not human…v muslims r sum how imp in ur lives…cos wen evr u guys dont hav ne thin just start sumthin stupid against muslims…evrytym muslims…y….v nevr draw cartoons of ur holy ppl….v dont joke abt ur books,ur customs,den y alwaz mulims r targtd…just y…rape cum on u dont hav ne kind of knowledge abt islam….1300centuries ago islam gav da rigts to vote,to study n islam gave da rights 2women….women r said 2put veils…so dat dey r not distrbed…just tel me wen nuns r wearin veils dey r practicn dere religion n wen muslim women r doin dey r being supresd….on 1side u ppl r complainin islam is supresn women…n on other side u r sayn dey allow rape….i challenge u y dont u hav face2face discussion wid Dr zakir nayk…
Why don’t you prove me wrong about Islam? Prove that there were elections 1300 years ago, and I will not conform to your rules. Bring the Dr here. There really is not much to debate though, we do not want to live under Islamic Law. Is that clear enough for you?
You are in Pakistan, where they persecute Christians. Yet you want us to accept Islam.
Pakistan: Christian Gets Life for “Desecrating” Koran
ho is sayin liv acordin2r rules…..u ppl interfer in r business…..u alwaz try2enrage da muslims…but hurtn dere feelings…..u cal it fredom of spech…..n mistr dere wer elections n islam1300 yrs ago aloud muslim women2hav social rights even dey can hav property rights….nd on da othr hand uk in 1870 aloud women2hav property of dere own…..u wer sayin abt rape….american women got permission2join army as nurses in1901 n in 19762work as soldiers…n according 2 a report by american defence dat on23april1993 in 1 convention 90ppl wer sexually assaulted in dem 83 wer women ho wer raped.n117 officers wer charged….dere r many othr xamples… mentionin dis i mean2say dere r defects evry whr….cos of sum ppl u cant hurt millions….n even ur relogion wont alow u2dat….islam teaches us2respect da holy places n holy books….dats y sikh christians hindus etc al r practicn dere relogion in pakistan….u cal it freedom of xpression or freedon2liv……n ho is sayn xcpt islam….islam4bid us4m forcn ne1 to ntr islam….n is it posibl dat u can force a person2xcpt a religion in wich dey dont beliv….
This is respect?
India: Muslims Making Demands in a Catholic School
Pakistan: Christian Gets Life for “Desecrating” Koran
Islamic rule can be imposed on non-Muslims. Of course you fail to mention this.
Our laws do not allow rape, yours allows the taking of sex slaves, which is rape. Slight difference there. If you cannot deal with freedom of speech that is your problem, I will not mince my words because you are “offended”.
why dnt people get their facts straight b4 they start hammering on the keyboard?? amuzing very much so…anyway for your information there are christians living in pakistan…i know of them…and about the report of a christian getting life for dissecting the Quran? well if an invididual can not respect another religions holy book then prison is the best place for them…at least they are not amongst the people creating mischief…
Christians is Pakistan are being persecuted, and according to you plenty of Muslims belong in jail.
Because Americans are gullible – Moslems are told that when they are in the minority they should be nice, polite, peaceful. And America's leaders believe they will stay that way – the majority and not a threat, so the religion is not a threat.
But it is not true. When their sons are called of to train for jihad, off they go – supported by their community. And when they have a greater majority they will push for Sharia Law here, and more political shelter for their way of life. Unless we can get the truth out!
From the leader of Hezbollah Nasrallah.
Hassan Nasrallah: "The American administration is behind Israel. I must clarify that when I say 'America' I do not mean the American people, most of whom are distant and ignorant of what is going on in the world, and of what its government and army are doing in the world. Nevertheless, we consider the current administration an enemy of our [Islamic] nation and of the peoples of our nation, because it has always taken a position of aggression, of occupation, and of supporting Israel with weapons, airplanes, tanks, money, as well as political support, and unlimited protection.
I find it amazing that naive Afro-Americans,who fall for the lye's of Muslims and get attracted to Islam, the very cult which enslaved them in first place from the times of Mo-ham-mad. Go to YouTube and in search column type "john alembillah azumah" and listen.
Thanks Sujkai, I am going to be doing an article on this soon.
You are fighting a losing battle you know , because in america , we have freedom of religion , and everyone is free to beleive what they wish and to worship as they wish, just like you are , so just how do you plan on changing that ? Are you going to do away with the constitution or something? good luck with that one, you would need it for sure! Duh
Non-Muslim Americans are not going to let the Constitution, become a suicide back pact. We see how Muslims use the freedoms of America to advance Islam, and we have the numbers to defeat you. All within the law,
No, but Muslims are planning on doing that.
muslims are not planning anything u idiot havnt u watch the documentry following 9/11 was an inside job and wait for it. it wasnt made by muslims…so come on tell me why are the muslims getting blamed? why wud anyone wanna do that?
Right, and so was 7/7, the Madrid bombings, Mumbai etc. The problems with Islam go way beyond 911.
Sorry America! but the invasion of Islam has already begun! You would have to be blind not ot see it. For political reason leaders in the U.S and Canada are praising them by trying to have us beleive that Islam is a peaceful religion! Barbaric acts , murders , rapes and opression is a part of their daily life! And all that in the name of RELIGION? Who is fooling here?
The people of both countries are waking up, but as you said most of the politicians are not on our side. But that is finally changing. Louisiana has banned Sharia in their courts, and Oklahoma is next.
Some of the politicians are also waking up.
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey~ We Need to Face the Threat of Sharia~ Video
Vijay Kumar: Running for Congress on an Anti-Sharia Platform
Thanks for dropping by.
lol u lot just make me laugh so much what is it that u guys rae so scared of? yourselves cus if i were you i wud be =)
We are not scared, we just refuse to live under Islamic Law.
i am a Muslim, i live in Australia, i practice my religion openly and happily, and let me tell you i have not heard of any muslim who has murdered anyone, or raped anyone here.. i dont see where you get these facts from?
So you’ve never heard of Bilal Skaf and his rape gang? Or the Broken Hill picnic train terrorist attacks\? Or any of the other crimes arselifters have committed in the name of pislam in Australia?
You are either spouting takiya or are incredibly ignorant.
Mr. Gary,
So are you saying that “this” rape and other stuff doesn’t happen by people from other religions? There are bad people everywhere. Do you completely follow your religion(if you have one)? or do all christians or jews do exactly what they are supposed to do?
You cannot categorize ALL muslims based on some bad people. FOR FACTS, why don’t you research some crime rate in Saudia Arabia? Ofcourse, they are very strict. Perhaps, that is why it is a peaceful country? look at YOURS!
Of course other people rape, and non-Muslims know it is wrong. But Islam encourages the taking of sex slaves. Slight difference there.
SA can keep their way of life…
And what is your excuse when the arselifters shout allahu akbar while raping their victims?
Then you are not paying attention.
Sorry but I meant to say : Who is fooling who here?
How can ANY of you “good folks” who purport to be Christians and believe and follow the teachings of “Christ, Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God the Father Almighty” spew forth this hate-filled pile of unadulterated dreck such as I have read here? Saint Paul and the other Apostles would be ashamed of your misguided straying from the teachings of Jesus and what they, themselves preached, believed, lived and died for!
You clearly know nothing of the real Jesus or you would know what he said about fighting satan and know of his actions in the temple against the money changers.
Islam allows lying, pedophilia, and rape.
Are you trying to tell me that Jesus would approve of these actions? Jesus opposed evil, are pedophilia and rape not evil?
Unless you want your family’s future generations living under Islamic Law, I suggest you stop looking for reasons not to fight back. Think about it…
Maybe you should try reading the context? seriously are you showing this to me? out of context stuff?
it doesnt matter what I say to you..your heart is filled with hatred against muslims so it probably wont make any difference. Just for once, if you could make your thinking a little bit neutral and do some research about Islam, maybe you could find answers for yourselves.
I have read the Koran, the Bukhari and Muslim ahadith, and an Islamic Law manual approved by Al Azhar. The world’s highest learning school in the world.
Islam is the anti-thesis of Western Civilization. Anytime you want to debate the scriptures let me know.
I have, and the out of context excuse does not cut it. Prove me wrong…
Did it ever cross your mind that non-Muslims do not want to live under Islamic Law?
Sir, with all due respect, for a person claiming to have thoroughly read the Koran, Hadith, Bukhari, etc, you have a very apt way of misinterpreting the text. Islam does NOT in ANY way condone pedophilia, rape, lying or any other evil you’re claiming it does. Actually it’s very clear in the text that rapists and adulterers have committed a crime so evil as to be punished by stoning them to death. A punishment they very well deserve for committing an act that is very inhuman and sacrilegious. I wonder why you have chosen to eliminated mentioning that piece of info?
I am a Muslim, and PROUD to be! A Saudi woman as well. I am also a realist. I know that in EVERY religion there are the group of extremists that reflect their religion negatively. You say that Islam is the religion of Bin Ladin, terrorism, evil and wrong… Then should I believe that Christianity is the religion of Hitler, genocide, the spanish inquisition (and we all know of the history of the Church.. we don’t need to go there do we?), hate and hate killings? Hitler believed he was doing the right thing by eliminating the Jews. Does that make him or his followers right? NO!! Are Bin Ladin and his followers’ beliefs right? NO AGAIN!! You cannot generalize the doings of a percentage of people to the whole group!!
And please don’t sprout scripture from our books again. I am an Arab and have read them in the original language. You basically twist the translation to conform to your needs to debase Islam. Because isn’t this what this website is about?? a HATE website?
Islam is a religion promoting peace, love, understanding, honesty, generosity and goodwill. It is baffling to think that you would have such ridiculous theories and believe that more than 1.5 billion people in the world are that brainwashed. We constitute 22% of the world population (a second only to Christianity’s 33% – nearly 2 billion)! It’s just not possible that 22% of the world are evil and “of the devil”! It’s just against human nature for that percentage of people to be inherently corrupt, wicked, sinful and malicious.
The evil crimes you see going on around the world are caused by Machiavellian, twisted fanatics justifying their crimes with religion. It’s just another type of power play – just like politics. They would generally focus on influencing poorly educated people to brainwash them easily into followers to pursue their violent plans. The less educated, the less they would know about their true religious beliefs, the easier it is for them to be brainwashed with whatever they are fed.
You keep saying rape, terrorists, and lying.. Should I believe that Hitler was justified and Christianity condones genocide??
I don’t think so. Unlike you, I have done my research with an UNBIASED and HATE-FREE outlook. Real Christianity would not condone the hate and defaming of another religion.
Also Islam PROHIBITS me to defame any religion by burning their Holy Book or scripture. It promotes the understanding of other religions and not forcing itself on others. And the actual meaning of ‘Jihad’, not as it is being marketed these days, is basically the Arabic translation of martyrdom DURING WAR!! Killing is ONLY condoned when defending one’s self, family and property. It would also be condoned ONLY when defending one’s country or religion at TIMES OF WAR!! Moreover, women, children and the elderly are NOT to be harmed. So going about with suicide bombing and putting innocent lives in danger is STRICTLY PROHIBITED!
If, as you say, you have FULLY read our scriptures, why haven’t you mentioned that piece of info? I suggest before claiming to have UNDERSTANDING of any religion, to actually have a conversation with a peer of that religion who is educated and specializes with its doctrines. Also try to question all these accusations you think you have against that religion. You might realize that you could just be mistaken.
And last I checked, no one is making you live under what you perceive is Muslim law. Terrorists are not trying to take over America or any other country. They are just reacting to their hate towards the politics between the west and the middle east (let’s not get into that because it’s a whole different story). Really.. no matter how twisted or insane these crazy fanatics are, they’re not stupid enough to actually believe they can take over an entire country!!
I pray for you to gain a clear understanding of what Islam really is without being blinded by the Godless fanatic groups parading as Muslims.
Evil, hate and terrorism, sir, have NO religion. So please don’t connect it to mine!
As a final note, I do agree with PeaceLover’s comment. By promoting all this hate and antagonism aren’t you just mimicking the negativity and fanaticism of the very ones you are attacking? Just food for thought…
1. The taking of sex slaves is rape. If you don’t agree, you need help.
2. How old was Mohammad’s wife?
3. Islam is the religion of Mohammad. the terrorist.
4. If you cannot deal with freedom of speech, that is your problem. Prove me wrong.
5. Nazism had nothing to do with Christianity, but your religion sure has a lot of hatred for Jews.
6. Mohammad himself OK the killing of children and women during night raids.
Book 019, Number 4321:
It is reported on the authority of Sa’b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.
7. I have done my research, and you have not refuted a thing. Now you try to throw the turn the other cheek card, in attempt to get me back. It will not work.
8. Islam allows the killing of any for spreading “mischief”, in the land. “Mischief” can be just about anything. You are going to have to do better than that.
Koran Verse 005.032
YUSUFALI: On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land- it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
9. I have FULLY read them, maybe you have not.
10. Last I checked there is a worldwide Sharia push, and your so called “tolerance” is to dominate non-Muslims.
11. Then I guess Mohammad the terrorist was not a Muslim.
12. Islam condones terrorism.
YUSUFALI: Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”
YUSUFALI: This because they contended against Allah and His Messenger: If any contend against Allah and His Messenger, Allah is strict in punishment.
14. Using your final “logic”, the Jews were just as bad as the Nazis for opposing them. Just food for thought…
BTW, so called “experts” could not refute my statements on Islam. That is because what I say is true.
My “Debate” With Islamic Apologist, Professor Juan Cole
The Barbary Coast Wars happened way before America was in the Middle East, was that a reaction towards politics? Are you just ignorant, or a liar? They are clearly trying to takeover the UK. Next time please stick to facts.
Seriously, your takiya is admirable but it doesn’t cut it. You claim pislam does not condone all those things yet they exist in abundance in pislamic countries.
There is enough hate in this world.. please dont spread any more. When a dog barks, we dont bark back at it. Thats what separates humans from fundamentalist animals. Probably in trying to oppose muslim fundamentalists in this way, you are becoming just like them.
Were the Allied Forces, just like the Nazis? You guys are going to have to get a new play book.
@Seriously…..Islam DOES condone lying.
Do you not know your religion?
1 islamic countries punish pedophiles and rapists heavily somtimes death sentence 2 try reading an article rwritten by someone that is not ignorent or bias 3 killing is strictly against islamic law 4 there are bad people in from all faiths and last you retards the reason we aren’t so fond of Jews is because they kill are people and invaded palestine ( not all Jews of course) we rispect other religions and to not is ignorent, racism is not tolarated and black people were not made slaves by the prophet.
those weird rape fgacts are completely untrue and muslims are not allowed to attack or hurt any body if they are not seriously provoked so no muslims won’t attack you for no reason unless you do first or piss them of muslim means servant of god in arabic and we believe that allah is the most merciful. as for the “islam is of the devil” thing the pastor will find out that he is wrong ,for himself, when he gets to hell. there are bad muslims and some of them do not deserve to be called muslims for their crazy ideals and thay should be punished. Saudia Arabia has very little crime, and criminals are punished for all crimes including rape, now shut it racist retards
Trying reading the Koran and the ahadith. Islam allows the taking of sex slaves, that is rape. Muslims have hated Jews long before the Israel-Palestine conflict. The hatred goes all the way back to the days of Mohammad, and the Islamic scriptures say that Muslims have to fight and kill Jews to reach judgement day. Muslims only “respect” other religions, as long as they are dominated by Islam.
Muslims can kill someone for spreading “mischief” in the land, and “mischief” can be just about anything.
YUSUFALI: On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
Islam also OKs slavery, if you want proof let me know. The rape victims are punished in Saudi Arabia, and non-Muslims are persecuted. No thanks, they can keep their way of life.
Saudi Arabia to lash Filipino rape victim 100 times
Islam allow pedophilia.
#1798 – Dr. Ahmad Al-Mub’i, a Saudi Marriage Officiant: It Is Allowed to Marry a Girl at the Age of One, If Sex Is Postponed. The Prophet Muhammad, Whose Model We Follow, Married ‘Aisha When She Was Six and Had Sex with Her When She Was Nine
Either you are the ignorant one, or you are just lying like your religion instructs you to. What race is Islam?
You obviously know nothing about Islam. Islam does allow the taking of sex slave, which is rape. Which is proven here.
He married her much younger than 13.
Narrated Hisham’s father: Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.
Sahih Bukhari 5:58:236
You have been lied to about Islam.
the person who are anti islam, i challange to all of them.
come on and talk to me face to face
i tell u.
its challenge to u.
gray ruman is also a son of bitch
gray ruman caontact to me,
i tell u what is islam and what is the respect of ISLAM in the UNIVERSE.
i challenge to you contact to me , i will tell u , who r u in this world.
i tell u my email and talk to me through chat.
its challenge for you, you tell me about ISLAM, and INSHALLH i will definatley convience to you about the value of ISLAM.
shahrukh sheikh
[email protected] +92-331-7125609 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +92-331-7125609 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
shahrukh19861 :skypee
I am anti-Islam, and talking over Skype is not actually taking face to face. So say what you have to say here.
jumman come on and contact to me.
i prove that u r a son of pig.
i tell u.
its challenge to u.
gray ruman is also a son of bitch
gray ruman caontact to me,
i tell u what is islam and what is the respect of ISLAM in the UNIVERSE.
i challenge to you contact to me , i will tell u , who r u in this world.
i tell u my email and talk to me through chat.
its challenge for you, you tell me about ISLAM, and INSHALLH i will definatley convience to you about the value of ISLAM.
shahrukh sheikh
[email protected] +92-331-7125609
shahrukh19861 :skypee
Let’s see how long it takes this arselifter to start making death threats.
He’s already admitted he’s descended from apes and pigs, so it won’t take him long to take the next step.
also agree to what Seriously says !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats nice, but I already proved her wrong.
Why don’t you back up these numbers with some facts? Islamic Law forces non-Muslims to be second class citizens, which has forced a lot of people to convert.
This site documents Muslims admitting they want world domination. Seriously, do you know anything about the issue? I guess they do not educate you to facts in Jordan.
Islam calls for world domination.
Offensive jihad:
Volume 1, Book 8, Number 387:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah’s Apostle said, “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.’ And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah.” Narrated Maimun ibn Siyah that he asked Anas bin Malik, “O Abu Hamza! What makes the life and property of a person sacred?” He replied, “Whoever says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah’, faces our Qibla during the prayers, prays like us and eats our slaughtered animal, then he is a Muslim, and has got the same rights and obligations as other Muslims have.”
i am just dying reading the “administrations” logic/research/knowledge….whatever you want to call it. I am a muslim, born in raised in america!!!! I love America….I love my best friends who are both Christian (an extemely devout Christian at that) and Jewish….they love me. They respect me and my religion and vice versa. Gee, guess I am going to have to tie them up/rape them/shove Islam down their throats.
So what do you think about all those priests who sexually abused/or abuse young altar boys???? I knew a boy from my school who was RAPED by a priest. That’s not possible is it???? By the way, my muslim parents sent me to Catholic grade and high school because they understood that the religion was very similar in regards to “ten commandments” and Islam preachings.
Seriously, this is so pathetic!!!!!Grow up pastor Terry Jones!!!!
Wait till your so-called friends find out the truth about pislam rather than the lies you tell them.
The rape gangs, the perversions of Mahound, your own perversions, the pure evil of the koran.
gray ruman is a son of bitch
gray ruman caontact to me,
i tell u what is islam and what is the respect of ISLAM in the UNIVERSE.
i challenge to you contact to me , i will tell u , who r u in this world.
i tell u my email and talk to me through chat.
its challenge for you, you tell me about ISLAM, and INSHALLH i will definatley convience to you about the value of ISLAM.
Why don’t you tell us about the freedoms non-Muslims enjoy under Islamic rule?Lets start with your country, Pakistan.
Pakistan: Christian Gets Life for “Desecrating” Koran
Not to mention all the Hindus and Christians murdered and maltreated every day in Pakistan by arselifters.
And now they wonder why the West doesn’t want to give them aid any more. Let them drown, I say.
Your posts do not change the facts, and the threat of Islam to Western Civilization still exists. I don’t approve of those sicko Priests, but your religion approves of pedophilia, and rape and you do not get to change the Islamic scriptures.
Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234:
Narrated Aisha:
The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, “Best wishes and Allah’s Blessing and a good luck.” Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah’s Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.
You might do to some research on your religion.
wow, so amazingly funny Gary……such maturity….bravo…..”pislam”…..such intelligence!!!! ahhh, my own pervsions… really are crazy…’s unbelievable….and i am laughing so hard!!!!! your hatred is equal to the terrorists…..don’t fool yourself!!!
What terrorists? There is no distinction between you and any other arselifter if you profess to follow the 5 tenets of pislam. Supporting the jihadis with zakat is the same as engaging in jihad yourself.
Eventually, there will be enough of us that our laws will change and you will have to pay jizya to live in the West and you will have no rights – must like you bints already don’t have under pislam.
gray ruman is a son of bitch
gray ruman caontact to me,
i tell u what is islam and what is the respect of ISLAM in the UNIVERSE.
i challenge to you contact to me , i will tell u , who r u in this world.
i tell u my email and talk to me through chat.
its challenge for you, you tell me about ISLAM, and INSHALLH i will definatley convience to you about the value of ISLAM.
shahrukh sheikh
[email protected]
+92-331-7125609 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +92-331-7125609 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
shahrukh19861 :skypee
I’ll take you up on your challenge. Say what you have to say right here.
He seems a little desperate for human contact, doesn’t he, Chris?
Right Sara, we are supposed the to like the threat of Islam. Using your so called logic, the Allied Forces were just as bad as the Nazis….
YAWN…….heard it all before from you people, whine whine whine!!! Keep spewing YOUR hatred……..while terrorists spew THERE’s… are just giving them what they want……if you haven’t figured it out already……in time you will. We all answer to GOD in the end!!! oh and just so you know…i don’t have to tell lies to my christian/jewish friends…….they just sit next to me and read these ridiculous website and know where the evil really is! You are so unbelievably ignorant……why are you so “threatened” and defensive!!!! Why not spread the word of Jesus, etc instead of Hate HUH?!?!?!?! Good riddance to this website….I love my life, my religion, my country…..USA…..born and raised….You can never take that away… are living in a “laa laa land” to thing that there will eventually be enough of “YOU” to change “our laws” GOSH, HOW OLD ARE YOU???? Peace out brother!
1. Pointing out the hatred that stems from Islam is not hatred.
2. If I am so ignorant why don’t you prove me wrong about the Islamic scriptures?
3. I doubt that your friends know much about Islam.
4. Look across the West, the voices against Islam are on the rise and one state and one country, has already banned Sharia.
5. One cannot be loyal to America and Islam. So which do you hold higher? Are you for Sharia Law?
what point did u make that wasnt proven wrong? make the point and ill prove you wrong…gosh u go on and on about the same thing its like your a 5 year old are you capable of thinking for yourself? i mean seriously? and why do you think islam is against america maybe IF they were there is a good reason your soliders are sent with fire arms to battle women and children in IRAQ AFGANISTAN LEBONON, pretty much all the middle eastern countries and what for? youve killed more muslims than the 9/11 which by the way was an inside job and if you still cant see that then i suggest you seriously do not converse with me as you are really not on my intellect level.
Sharia law you keep blabbing about what sharia law was imposed on you? what didnt you like? i dont get it do you even know what sharia law is? ik suggest YOU go and go your research THEN maybe when you type something it will actually make sense to me rather than the babble that i am subjected to read.
gray ruman is a son of bitch
gray ruman caontact to me,
i tell u what is islam and what is the respect of ISLAM in the UNIVERSE.
i challenge to you contact to me , i will tell u , who r u in this world.
i tell u my email and talk to me through chat.
its challenge for you, you tell me about ISLAM, and INSHALLH i will definatley convience to you about the value of ISLAM.
shahrukh sheikh
[email protected]
shahrukh19861 :skypee
Hey, arselifter, 419 scammers are probably already onto you, you fool! 🙂
Wow, bravo, burning the Quran!!!!!!! Such a role model!!!!! Are you kidding me!!!!!!! What’s a matter Gary are you afraid of a little challenge by the guy in the previous email???? Seems like all you know how to do is shovel the s—!
Are you and the pastor one in the same????? Seems to me the pastor is tooo embarrassed to write on here isn’t he??!?!?!?!? why are you fighting his battles huh! or maybe it’s because he can’t write using the same derogatory words you use and be called a “pastor.” I am sure half his followers can’t even spell the word constitution or even name the last five presidents/vice presidents or even know what sharia law is— after all you all think muslims bow to a different God called Allah…. a moon God as some say. Geesh!
Why not make your congregation useful…..and do something positive. Burning someone else’s holy book doesn’t make you any different…..what’s next you gonna go around at night and burn some crosses wearing your white robes and hope to hang a muslim???? Seems to me you are pushing for muslims to have to defend themselves/families and religion….pushing them to fight a real Jihad. I wouldn’t be surprised if you secretly support the KKK.
Why not board a plane and go help out in Haiti, or New Orleans??? or hell why not go visit and help in the flood ravaged pakistan!?!?!?! Oh God forbid you help suffering humans. How about trying to help tackle the issue of sexual trade of young boys and girls in countries all over the world….or boys forced into a horrific lifestyle because that is the only way they can feed their families. A good bulk of those predators who prey on these children sadly come from the US. OH I FORGOT…..THAT’S TOO HARD!!!! It’s much easier sitting here writing these comments and going out to your backyard and burning a Quran!
Why not go through the trouble of finding a muslim scholar here in american and sit and have a civilized conversation to state the “facts” that you so easily can post on here???? By the way don’t believe everything you google. Also, I say “scholar” not an “average joe” muslim or an extemist…..because they JUST LIKE YOU would just start throwing out insults….who wouldn’t went someone starts attacking them……’s human nature!!!!! When 9/11 happened……DID YOU “PASTOR” invite some fellow muslims in your town to speak at your gatherings to perhaps shed some light on who they really are (can’t wait to hear you rip on that comment)????? Hmmm, probably not. Guess what in my town, my pastor did do that!!!!! It only made our town a stronger community. Sure, Islam has it’s faults……so does Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. However, you can’t generalize the actions of extremists to all Muslims. Is this what you are teaching to the future generation of America??? And we all wonder why “america” lags extremely behind so many other countries in education!!!!
If you do your research so thoroughly Pastor…why not do it for all other religions as well as see that even in the Bible there is mention of “killing” others who do not follow your religion……oh but of course you will say that is not meant for the christians but meant for the people of Israel to defends themselves… know “the chosen people of God.” That is why they are. Better yet why not go abroad for a year to a muslim country….for further enrich your knowledge…..or perhaps learn everything and I mean everything about the middle eastern conflict.
Bottom line is there are more important issues in the world than your burning of a holy book. Why heck you could have even gone to the beaches down south and help with the oil spill. Let me guess, you are an Obama hater/Palin supporter??? You are not doing any favors for fellow christians with your lunacy.
“And if you greet only your brethren, what more than others are you doing? Do not even the Gentiles do that? (matthew 5:47)….maybe you should read Matthew 1-48 as a refresher course.
1. According to the Islamic scriptures Jesus will come back as Muslim and destroy Christianity. The God of Islam and the God of Christianity are not the same.
2. Islam is not a race, so you bringing up the KKK is ridiculous.
3. You claim you are against pedophilia, and Islam allows it. So why are you protecting Islam?
4. Imams and professors have not been able to prove me wrong about Islam.
5. Talking to Muslims does change things, Islam still moves forward.
6. The problems between Muslims and non-Muslim existed long before Israel officially did, and long before the USA did.
7. Islam is a threat to people on the left and right.
What are you soooo threatened by sir!!!!!!Do you not have faith in your own religion??? Put up a video of your conversations with Imams please!!! Give me a huge friggin (excuse my language) break on your claims over and over again about Islam and pedophilia. Oh right, sorry Islam is not a race…….but you would prefer if anyone who (regardless of their race) practices Islam in America to do what?????
Sorry, I am not going to sit silently as the Sharia movement moves forward, and I am not religious.
Lying Imam Responds to Logans Warning, Lies Some More Then Runs for Cover
I emailed this to the Imams that wrote the fatwa, of course not one of them responded.
Lying Imam’s “Fatwa Against Terrorism” Exposed!
Islam allows pedophilia.
Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234:
Narrated Aisha:
The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, “Best wishes and Allah’s Blessing and a good luck.” Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah’s Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.
Lying Imam’s “Fatwa Against Terrorism” Exposed!
January 10, 2010
sorry, i don’t know what “islamic scriptures” you read sir but Jesus according to Christians and Muslims will come back as a leader to unite everyone as one NOT destroy Christians—-have you heard the “story” of the one-eyed monster???? I don’t have to sit here and go through religion classes with you. The obvious question you won’t answer is what do you hope to achieve by burning a Quran!!!
Obviously you need to read more.
Islam 101: What Islam Really Says About Jesus and his Return
Book 37, Number 4310:
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus (peace_be_upon_him). He will descent (to the earth). When you see him, recognise him: a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him.
By burning the Koran he is raising awareness to the threat of Islam.
(Remember) when the angels said, “O Mary, God gives you good news of a word from Him (God), whose name is the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, revered in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near (to God). He will speak to the people from his cradle and as a man, and he is of the righteous.” She said, “My Lord, how can I have a child when no mortal has touched me?” He said, “So (it will be). God creates what He wills. If He decrees a thing, He says to it only, ‘Be!’ and it is.” (Quran, 3:45-47)
…They said, “We killed the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God.” They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but the likeness of him was put on another man (and they killed that man)… (Quran, 4:157)
Muslims highly revere Jesus as a prophet of God; Muslims believe he will come back to defeat the anti-Christ; Muslims aren’t muslims unless they believe in Jesus….and they believe he is the Messiah. Muslims believe (based on the Quran and sayings of their prophet) that Jesus was the only messenger who ascended to heaven alive….they believe in his second coming.
hmm, sorry, so far they don’t sound like monsters to me. You claim they are ruthless/vengeful people well you must have never read the old testament. Right, I forgot, it’s only in the New Testament where peace, love, forgiveness, understanding comes through. Sorry but the Quran didn’t need to have a “new” testament sent down to understand love, peace, understanding… kind of comes with one’s belief and love for GOD.
Sorry, to burst your bubble…..but did you ever maybe stop to think that there is only ONE GOD…..and through, Jesus, Mohmmmed and the other prophets he was trying to send the same message?!?!?!? THink outside the box a little for once.
These people that are terrorists are NOT muslims no matter how much they want to believe it themselves. THese men in Pakistan who commit rape, sodomy, violence against women….aren’t muslims either. If they wnat to believe they are so be it…..who are you to judge them……their day will come just like yours and mine sir!!! In the end, we will all answer to our creator.
Man and his lust for greed/wealth/power is the root of all evil!
Of course you leave this part out.
Book 37, Number 4310:
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus (peace_be_upon_him). He will descent (to the earth). When you see him, recognise him: a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him.
The Bible is made up of stories for those times, while the Koran states that the actions of Mohammad are to be followed for all times.
YUSUFALI: Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.
Mohammad himself was a terrorist, and the Islamic scriptures condone terrorism.
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 220:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah’s Apostle said, “I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.” Abu Huraira added: Allah’s Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them).
YUSUFALI: Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers:
I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”
This because they contended against Allah and His Messenger: If any contend against Allah and His Messenger, Allah is strict in punishment.
Nothing in the above passages you posted shows them to be evil….they believe in “their God” and believe those who don’t “nonbelievers” will be punished…..extemists however believe it is their duty to carry out the punishments when it is NOT and Muslims believe they will be punished severely for their actions as well. Don’t try and tell me that Christians and Jews don’t believe that anyone who isn’t of their faith won’t be “punished by God” for not believing. Of course, if you are a non-muslim then you are a disbeliever….just like if you were’nt christian you are a disbeliever of their faith. So what’s soooo wrong with them believing Jesus will fight do destroy the anti-christ and for the cause of Islam??? HUH???? It is their belief after all.
God whether it is mine,yours, theirs—–whoevers….will be strict in punishment to those who God feels deserves it. You just run around in circles…..if you don’t believe in their faith….YOU DON”T PRACTICE IT. I am not talking about you asking a “imam” to write back…..get up get a videorecorder ready and ask someone well versed in Islam to go head to head with you…..AND KNOW NOT AN EXTREMIST….LIKE YOURSELF. You’re narration excerpt of AIsha is a joke. Laughable…..of course pedophilia written all over that?!?!?! Back in biblical/Islamic days…..times of emperors,etc. it was common practiced for girls as young as 9-10 and/or when they obtained puberty to be married…muslims and non-muslims. YOU KNOW THIS. You can’t compare that time period practices with present day time…. thought you were smarter than this?????
As for Sharia movement moving forward…..ughh, last I heard nothing like that was happening around here??? Sounds to me more like the garbage you tell to your people…aka filling heads of these uneducated, misguided, small- minded people. Just like the Taliban does to the poor, misguided men in the other countries. Like I said before…… you feel sooo threatened for some reason….and Islam moves forward. HMMMM! You still haven’t answered the question of what you think burning the Quran will accomplish. Well, I guess I know the answer… won’t accomplish anything…or perhaps propel us faster towards the Day of Judgement for all mankind right!
Islam allows lying, rape, extortion and terrorism that is evil, no matter how you try and spin it. Christians and Jews are not on worldwide movements looking to impose a barbaric set of religious laws on all, but Muslims are. Non-Muslims are punished in this life if they are stuck under Islamic rule, and you can laugh all you want, the readers can see I proved my statement about Islam and pedophilia. I am well versed in Islam, why don’t YOU prove me wrong? Those Imams are well versed, they did not prove me wrong. Juan Cole is well versed, he backed down as well.
My “Debate” With Islamic Apologist, Professor Juan Cole
I already proved that Islamic scriptures state the actions of Mohammad are to be follow for ALL TIMES, so don’t play word games with me. This Sharia movement is well documented on this site, here is part of it.
North Carolina: Sharia Academy Kick Off!
NY: Islamic School/Community Teaching Children Sharia
Koran Tutoring Available, the Sharia way
Paltalk July 31St: Global Islamic Conference, Plotting World Domination
New Jersey: The Ground has Been Broken for 17 Acre pro-Sharia Islamic Center
Your insults show that you cannot refute the facts, and I already answered why he is burning the Koran.
Once again you try and avoid that according to the Islamic scriptures, Jesus will come back as a Muslim and destroy Christianity. Glossing over this, does not fly here.
Imam of North London Central Mosque: Koran is for all Time
Sorry, had to take a break and eat. However, bottom line is regardless of what you want to preach out……I am a God-fearing Christian knowing Jesus as my savior…….and I will continue to live with my strong beliefs and let everyone (muslims, jews, hindus, buddhists, etc)practice theirs and will never disrespect that.
Right, you are a Christian who is here to vehemently defend Islam…..
You are either in complete denial about Islam, or just another game playing Muslim.
Here’s one Christian who will vehemently defend anyone who is being unjustly harrassed……’s one Christian you haven’t swayed with your antics.
“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, your mind.”……..”Love your neighbor as yourself.”…….”he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good,and he sends rain on the just and unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that?”
“all the controversies about dogma and faith will disappear when we appear before God. He will judge not by what we profess, but by what we are.” I like that one personally!
“put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.”
(Col 3:12)
You sir can’t tell me what I am or am not…..but I know for sure that I am not in denial nor a hater!
Posting articles and videos that show the threat of Islam, are not antics.
If you are a Christian you are in complete denial about Islam, and using your “logic” the Jews were haters for opposing Islam.
The Bible speaks of fighting evil, and Islam certainly is evil. Past Popes fought Islam head on, do you claim to know more about Christianity than they did?
Didn’t Jesus also tell you to fight the Devil? What did he do to the money changers in the temple?
your words “islam certainly is evil”…… your opinion!!!!!
My opinion “islam nor any other professed monotheistic faith” is NOT evil!
Hey guess what…..the Quran also speaks of fighting evil.
Past popes also tried to cover up pedophilia too didn’t they. Hmm, in fact, some even consider the catholic church the largest pedophile ring!!!!
If you do not think that rape is evil, you seriously need help. The Koran also speaks of dominating non-Muslims.
I don’t stand for pedophilia, but Islam does. Let me get right to the bottom line here, I do not care what you think of me, and will continue to speak out against Islam. I will not waste all night going in circles with you.
Oh yeah, right forgot “rape”…..look who keeps going in circles. Your rape fascination has one purpose to distort one’s view of Islam….trying to make people hate this religion and its followers. So what do you say about the Jewish religion where marriage was allowed with a three year old girl or better yet with prophet David (as mentioned in the Bible) having received a young virgin girl to warm his bed????
Religious tolerance is close to nil in the Bible mind you…..only tolerance of christian to christian is spoken of. However, intolerance and exclusivity is common theme in the scriptures. See a similarity between the holy books yet???? Hebrew scriptures often condoned oprression of women, nonbelievers to name a few. I know, I know….the old testament vs new testament….it’s convenient when you want it to be.
I think the smartest thing you said was not “wasting all night going in circles with you” Now to that I agree…..goodnight and good riddance!
Islam does allow rape. Which is proven here.
Islam 101: The Religion of Rape
Christians and Jews are not on a worldwide movement looking to impose a barbaric set of religious laws on all, but Muslims are. That is where the focus will stay.
Funny, I am so dumb but you cannot refute my statements on Islam, and can do no better than childishly laugh when I proved Islam condones pedophilia.
what do you know about islam..?????
When do you want to debate the scriptures?
Infamous Pastor Terry Jones, known for his activism against the Gainesville Florida mayor, and for his “Burn a Koran Day” has been arrested for possession of child pornography. Wednesday August 4, 2010 Pastor Terry Jones was arrested for sharing pictures of children in various states of nudity over the popular file sharing network Limewire.
Arrested for Child Pornography? Wow, Well you know what they say Karma will always hunt you down!
This would be my first and my last update on this page…So whatever goes ahead I wont be able to see it…May God give you all proper Guidance.Amen !
Your takiya doesn’t fool anyone here, arselifter.
ARRESTED FOR CHILD PORNAGRAPHY! IMMORAL! ILLEGAL! and you’re supposed to be the shining light for Chrisians, for your church, and you are sharing naked pictures of their children. Allah will judge you fairly, you will get what you deserve, and not because you’re Christian, because you are evil. Allah said He would protect the Qur’an, and He has. Alhamdulillah! SubhanAllah!
Your takiya doesn’t fool anyone more than your fabrications do. All that will happen is that the police will come after you.
So, a child pornographer (you) fears Islam. That speaks great things about Islam doesn’t it.
Funny how now you will be burning in hell (by your own scriptures), instead of burning Korans.
I am no child pornographer, but Islam supports pedophilia.
Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236:
Narrated Hisham’s father:
Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.
Chris, you’ll note that this is their latest lie to try and defame the good pastor.
I’ve got a better idea than burning Korans. Let’s burn child molesters!
A religion (Islam) feared by child molesters (you) must be a great religion.
So, I wonder how many of your congregation are going to convert to Islam after they find out that their beloved pastor has been molesting their children…
And I suppose you have proof?
I am not in any congregation, and I stand against all child molesters, including Mohammad.
Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236:
Narrated Hisham’s father:
Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.
Starting with Mahound and his pedophile followers?
Mohammad included.
Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236:
Narrated Hisham’s father:
Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.
Just deserts have arrived. Pastor Jones is heading to jail for child molestation. Ironic that a man that wants to burn the Koran will now burn in hell for his crimes against children. A religion (Islam) feared by a child molester (Pastor Jones) must have more than a few good things to say.
@ The Righteous – do your homework. This is a false report.
Its the arselifters’ latest ploy to try and defame the good pastor. Now the paster has the advantage. A lawsuit should get him a lot of money.
To all the friends!!
First of all this is the wrong forum, to indulge in any reasonable arguments, with these irrational minority Christians who have an agenda to impress only the “in-Breeders”. let us pick a better forum.
Peace for All.
Did you know that the word “Islam” in the arabic language came from the word which means Peace
Dear Sir , I do not believe that our religion is what you have seen. We do not encourage violence we are actually against it. What you have seen from terrorist , what you have heard from people is all wrong , America is a Free Country indeed but if its a free country does it mean I’m free to kill people ? No. Either way , Even if you burn our Sacred Book “Qura’an” , even if you say that we are the work of the devil , we can never do the same to you , We love and respect Christians, and what you are doing is starting a war of endless hatred . Our religion told us to respect all religions Christian or Jewish, even though we have disagreements with Israel that doesn’t mean we hate every Jew we see. I can only with one day you’ll be able to see what I’m trying to say
Peace for All
Islam mean submission, and I will never submit to Islam. The Islamic scriptures breed terrorism, and Islam has been at war with the non-Muslim world since the days of Mohammad. Do you have any knowledge of history at all? Christians have suffered under Islamic rule for centuries, that is not respect.
and about the Marriage
Our Prophet married in order to say : We can marry who is Older , we can marry who is widowed we can marry who was divorced , we can marry who is younger , We can marry the Christian , We can marry the Jewish
Your prophet was a pedophile, and Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslim men.
salam they plan and plot and allah also plans and allah is the best of planners .pastor terry jones,the man organising the upcoming ‘burn a quran day ‘has just been arrested by police on charges of possession of child pornography.see how allah humiliated this man in front of his congregation and in front of the world just like how he wished to mock islam in front of the world ‘they seek to mock allah but allah mocks them [sura an nisa]
This report is not true.
For each action there should be a reasonably achievable goal, otherwise it’s foolishness.
An example of such a foolishness is 9/11, I can’t keep asking my self why they did that what was their goal? was it to scare the world, kill ~3000 of strangers, demolish 2 towers, just saying hello we are here, pissing Bush off? Whatever .. they get the whole point wrong. They just raised misconception and anger around Islam. So I guess they failed, and that’s because there was no achievable goal in there plan.
I dare you ! give me one achievable goal behind burning the Coran, and I would come to your church next week.
If you can’t then believe or not, your are either the Devil or a complete Idiot dudes who are just seeking money. And don’t tell me: “we are sayin no …” blablah, cause that will still make you part of the idiots group. It’s not by burning a book that you will say “NO”.
He is raising awareness to the threat of Islam.
I am talking about a goal that will truly change the public opinion about Islam. You think it is possible to do that through provocation? is it worth the possible consequences?
The only message he’s passing sounds like western extremism.
“They just raised misconception and anger around Islam.”
What misconception?
Dr. Jones is one of the few Pastors, that have brought this issue to the MSM.
Whatever, the only question is, why would a person be more aware of Islam if he/she sees you burning that book?
“I am talking about a goal that will truly change the public opinion about Islam.”
Do you understand this site is against Islam?
Because the Pastor is explaining why he is doing it.
“They just raised misconception and anger around Islam.”
What misconception?
That Islam is the reason, or somehow linked, to 9/11 , thus, Islam is bad and evil
It is the reason for 9/11, and Islam allows extortion, lying, rape, and calls for the death of apostates. That is evil.
Dude, open your eyes it was all politics.
And you probably know more about crawfish than Islam.
Yes, Islam is a religion and political ideology combined. Let me know when you can prove me wrong about Islam.
My eyes are open and I see that the problems with Islam, go way beyond 9/11.
All your information is based on this website! Question for everyone opposing Islam.How do you know if it is even facts? You say that muslims are being brainwashed by Islam but aren`t you becoming brainwashed by this website because everyone providing information opposing Islam is using this website for their information. How do you know that it is a trusted source?
All the articles show the sources, which include the Islamic scriptures. You continually say I am wrong about Islam, and I told you to prove it already. You have not, and you are also playing games by posting under multiple names. I have spent more than enough time with you, and will not continue to go in circles with you.
“Islam politics” ? no it’s just politics. Colonialism (spain, england, france …) was oppressing poor people and making slaves, they called that age of discovery, and it was approved by the church. but nobody is referring to it as “church politics”
There is absolutely no relationship between islam and 9/11
I don’t not approve of slavery, and Islam allows it. you trying to change the focus to the past will not work. Tell that to Bin Laden….
The problems with Islam go way beyond 911, and they are well documented here.
Your articles points to facts happen to in past. so you first started. How can you judge something happens 1400 yrs ago with todays rules?
if in 1000 yrs the senate changed the age of maturity to 20yrs, people from that era then will refer to us as pedophiles.
Does Christianity allows killing? of course no, but still it allows wars when necessary, thus allows killing .. using your arguments, Bible allows murder and lies.
And FYI Islam abolished slavery 1400 yrs ago, something that the Church didn’t even tried to do, if it was not democracy, white hypoctes will still go to the white’s church and their slaves to black’s church on Sundays.
Your takiya isn’t fooling anyone, arselifter. pislam allows slavery. Its in the koran. Arselifters take slaves even today. And it was arselifters who captured and sold black slaves from Africa to Europeans – when they weren’t taking Europeans as slaves.
Do you also blame your burned toasts on Islam or is it just a hobby.
What toast? The one where some arselifter tried to scrape allah on it?
big up the jewish skins
youv hammered another one
and a bonus for getting a peado pastor to do it
That report is false, so stop with the lies.
Islam has nearly conquered the world you foolish man and you and your army of pigs can’t do a thing to stop the growth of Islam. Day by Day Shahadah by Shahadah Islam is spreading to every corner on this planet. Why do you think that is ? Maybe because it is the truth and Satan can’t face the truth Devils like you who mock , Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and we will conquer the whole world very soon the day which you are afraid of is very near. No one can stop its growth so keep trying and keep mocking but it wont change anything. The Holy Quran will remain on the earth , even if you Satanic beings tryed destroying all scriptures the only one that will come back is the Holy Quran as it is memorised by millions all over the world. Keep trying Satan but your end is HELL FIRE .
Islam is spreading because most Western leaders are too politically correct to stop it. That will not last forever.
I will never submit to Islam. What should happen to me?
There are only 49 arselifter countries. They are almost all in the Middle East and they are all shitholes.
You arselifters never create anything of worthwhile use. Wake up to yourself. Your satanic koran is keeping you in the dark ages.
I was just arrested:
It is a false report, and of course you do not have guts to say a word about Mohammad who was is pedophile.
At last you admitt to being arrested you child abuser where there is smoke there is always fire and you will burn for ever in hells fire ameen.Muhammed is the messenger of allah,and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers,merciful among see them bowing and prostrating[in prayer] seeking bounty from allah and his pleasure.Their mark is on their faces[ie forheads] from the trace of prostration. That is their description in the Torah.And their description in the Gospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks delighting the sowers- so that he [ie allah the almighty]may enrage by them the disbelievers.Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward.sura 48 verse 29.Pastor are you jealous of Islam and that the Quran is allahs last book and in original form.You sound like a broken record going round in circles when all else fails.Your comments are the same over and over again.LOOK why are you digging yiur own grave and booking your place in hell fire come on act like a grown up your supposed to lead a example to your sheep.I truly feel sorry for you. I am just wasting my time and so are all the other people your just a meek mouse who craves attention, i can imagine your reply on this one.First your going to insult the prophet[peace be upon him] then the quran and finally islam [RIGHT EH HAHAHA]
Mahound was a dirty little lying pig – just like all his followers.
That was someone using his name, the report was false. How come you do not criticize Mohammad for being a pedophile? If you consider the truth an insult, that is your problem.
“Muhammed is the messenger of allah,and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers….”
Thanks for proving my point.
Chris, is it all the one guy using multiple socks? Can you post their IPs?
“Sarah” was posting under multiple names under the same IP address. K and Karim are the same, but the rest are different Muslims.
Idontknow said…..”what point did u make that wasnt proven wrong? make the point and ill prove you wrong…gosh u go on and on about the same thing its like your a 5 year old are you capable of thinking for yourself? i mean seriously? and why do you think islam is against america maybe IF they were there is a good reason your soliders are sent with fire arms to battle women and children in IRAQ AFGANISTAN LEBONON, pretty much all the middle eastern countries and what for? youve killed more muslims than the 9/11 which by the way was an inside job and if you still cant see that then i suggest you seriously do not converse with me as you are really not on my intellect level.
Sharia law you keep blabbing about what sharia law was imposed on you? what didnt you like? i dont get it do you even know what sharia law is? ik suggest YOU go and go your research THEN maybe when you type something it will actually make sense to me rather than the babble that i am subjected to read.”
1. You have not proven a thing I said about Islam to be false.
2. Islam was against the US long before the US was in the Middle East. Here is the proof.
During the year 1786 Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to speak with Tripoli’s Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. Jefferson and Adams asked the Ambassador
how can they make war on nations that have done nothing to them? The Ambassador replied that “It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every Muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once”.
3. You do not dictate what I do here. Is that clear enough for you?
4. I never said Sharia was imposed on me. I said Muslims are looking to impose it, and it is seeping into the West.
5. Anytime you want debate me on Sharia, let me know.
you think Muslim Destroy the World Trade Tower?
you have any prove ?
tell me how WTC7 destroy ?
check what Artitecture and Engineer said about Twin Tower they not belive one plane crash one buildding.
and last who is security officer of Airport and World Trade Tower ?
Ask Bush why he want destroy America?
you think we Muslim so we all Muslim still support you if all Muslim close giving you oil so you all become a dump. your all machenery close.
really this is too much close all stupid propagenda against Islam. If we come in fight mode so really you cannot find any peacefull area in the world.
just give us prove how World Trade Tower Destroy?
Yes, Bin Laden and the 20th hijacker. Other engineers have said the opposite of what you are claiming. The threat of Islam goes way beyond 911, so do not even begin to think you are going to limit the issue to 911. Muslims want to destroy America as it is today.
Let me know when you can prove me wrong about the Sharia threat.
You are a complete idiot. Nobody believes your takiya.
wrong Answer.
I’m asking how Trade Tower Building destroy?
One Plane Attack One Building and this building collapse isn’t possible or you think yes so tell me what happen WTC7?
check WTC7 building Video search in google you see lot of clips no one plane attack to this building but this one too destroy becouse there is all evidence security system of World Trade Tower, FBI and CIA office.
you not talking about evidence you talk about your opinion.
who is Marvin Bush? and what is link of Trade tower and Airport Security System go and check lot of prove American FBI, CIA and Bush group did this work. please open your eyes and search black sheep own land.
thanks I have no time talk you with your opinion give us real prove please.
they make you fool that is.
Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report
Popular Mechanics examines the evidence and consults the experts to refute the most persistent conspiracy theories of September 11.
I already told you that the problems with Islam go way beyond 911, and you will not just not limit it to 911. Who is “us?
Why don’t you explain how the Sharia movement is not a threat to Western Civilization? Then explain why the 20Th hijacker volunteered to go to jail to help George Bush. BTW, it was two planes.
Always America call lot of people other countries isn’t new news.
if my country present going america and this plane attack some building so you said it’s Pakistani president terrorist ?
This is not count in evidence.
only talk with me about WTC7 how this one destroy compeletly ?
and what your security doing when they hijack your planes?
it’s mean your goverment isn’t good in Security system.
anyway stop more crimes and start search evidence of World Trade Tower.
Good and bad everywhere but we see you people too insane you wana burn so burn Al-qadah photos osama bin laden photo. or i give you more one tip osama bin laden is agent of FBI. his real name Usman in USA document. like Obama is a fake person try to search Obama past life you cannot see any real story his life. just writen in book no evidance and check who is parents of Obama.
I left becouse I feel you are too paid person but I know USA economically destroy soon your country going to parts like russia if you people not open own eyes.
Right, it is not evidence because you say so. No government is going to stop every attack, and like I said you will not limit this to 911. Muslims are causing the same problems across the world.
Prove he is an agent of the FBI, and once again the problems with Islam go way beyond him. The readers here can see this. Your attempts to change the subject will not work.
If you would have actually opened the link and read the article, you would have seen this.
WTC 7 Collapse
FACT: Many conspiracy theorists point to FEMA’s preliminary report, which said there was relatively light damage to WTC 7 prior to its collapse. With the benefit of more time and resources, NIST researchers now support the working hypothesis that WTC 7 was far more compromised by falling debris than the FEMA report indicated. “The most important thing we found was that there was, in fact, physical damage to the south face of building 7,” NIST’s Sunder tells PM. “On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom—approximately 10 stories—about 25 percent of the depth of the building was scooped out.” NIST also discovered previously undocumented damage to WTC 7’s upper stories and its southwest corner.
NIST investigators believe a combination of intense fire and severe structural damage contributed to the collapse, though assigning the exact proportion requires more research. But NIST’s analysis suggests the fall of WTC 7 was an example of “progressive collapse,” a process in which the failure of parts of a structure ultimately creates strains that cause the entire building to come down. Videos of the fall of WTC 7 show cracks, or “kinks,” in the building’s facade just before the two penthouses disappeared into the structure, one after the other. The entire building fell in on itself, with the slumping east side of the structure pulling down the west side in a diagonal collapse.
Ahmer here is posting from Pakistan where they persecute Christians, and he wants us to back off on Islam. That is not going to happen.
Pakistan: Christian Gets Life for “Desecrating” Koran
If Islam is so great, why does your country need aid from the infidel to survive?
They also fabricate blasphemy charges against Hindus and Christians in Pakistan as a pretext to steal their land and businesses.
You will get the same response again. Prove me wrong about Islam, and I am not afraid of you at all. We just will not submit to Islam, but you cannot seem to deal with that fact.
Prove that we are the same people. Do you think the readers are just going to take your word? The Pastor and I do not even live in the same state, and Gary is in another country.
Since you want to be disrespectful, you will not be using this site for what you want.
If I were a coward, I would not be so outspoken against Islam, and you obviously cannot deal with anyone opposing Islam. All you have done is proven my point.
Actually your words do not affect me at all.
Lose the ego, your words mean nothing to me. Your statement about me being so outspoken about Islam and being a coward, does not even make sense. Is this the part where I am supposed to agree to live under Islamic Law to prove I am not a coward? You are going to have to do a lot better than that.
Pastor Terry Jones, the child porn pastor…..!!
What hair-brained scheme is he up to now to make some people forget that he was convicted of child pornography?
Prove that he was convicted. He was not even arrested, it was a false report.
How come you do not say a word about Mohammad being a pedophile?
You arselifters really love your takiya, don’t you?