Month: July 2011

UK: Muslims Call for 3 Towns to be Placed Under Sharia!!

When the news first broke about the UK allowing Muslims to have their own courts, I said Pandora’s Box had been opened. But Islamic apologists across the Internet keep on telling me it was no big deal. That Jews have religious courts (Beth Din) there as well. My response was Jews are not looking to subjugate the UK under a barbaric set of religious laws. Muslims are. Does it get any clearer than this?!

Two NFL Players to Headline ISNA Convention, Will Speak for Muslim Student Association

Over the years Islamic apologists have pointed to Muslim celebrities in their effort to try and downplay the threat of Islam. One of them was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who has recently spoken out against “Islamophobia”. Today we learn that two NFL players have shown us where their loyalty lies, as they have joined forces with two of the country’s largest Islamic organizations. The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and the Muslim Student Association (MSA). Just because a Muslim is a sports figure, does not mean they stand with America over Islam.