Tag: Social media

NAI Exclusive: Twitter Muslim’s Instructions on how to Behead!

Even if you do not own a website, there are other ways you can help out in the war with Islam. One of them is what I like to call jihadi hunting (in a non-violent way) on the social media networks. Because Muslims are getting more and more brazen we can find online threats, and also expose their deplorable beliefs to the public.

As per Koranic verse 47:4. Beheadings.

North American Infidels Media Failure Alert: Right Wing News

As I have stated, in order to win the war with Islam we must win the information war. To do so we must expose the deception and lies of the Muslim misinformation machine. But there is more to it than that. We also must counter the leftist media’s whitewashing of Islam.

I wish I could tell you that is where it ends, but I cannot. Unfortunately we even have to counter the misinformation provided on some conservative based sites as well. One such site is Right Wing News.

Al Jazeera Acknowledges our #ISpeakOutBecause Campaign!

I have some great news my friends! While they did not mention North American Infidels by name (because that would have just made us stronger), our friend Basima Faysal alerted me to the fact that the monstrous Muslim misinformation machine Al Jazeera, is up in arms over Team Infidel OWNING the #ISpeakOutBecause hash tag court!

Team Infidel OWNS the #ISpeakOutBecause Court!

As you might know yesterday North American Infidels (NAI), decided to step up our efforts against well funded 24/7 Islamic propaganda machine. So with the help of Bare Naked Islam, and the Infidel Task Force we started our first ever counter-hash tag campaign.

The campaign was against the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), #ISpeakOutBecause social media attack. An attack meant to mislead America on Islam, and paint Israel the aggressor in the Israel – Palestine conflict.

So Just a little while ago I went on Twitter and did a search for the #ISpeakOutBecause hash tag, and the results were……….