595 search results for "uk"

Tennessee: Hundreds to Fight Against 52,000 sq ft Islamic Center~ Video

Here we go again, Muslims are pushing and pushing across the country, and finally non-Muslims are pushing back. Like the great people of NYC, Staten Island, and Wisconsin, non-Muslims in Tennessee are taking a stand against Islam advancing. We have not won all of the battles, but we have no choice but to fight back, as our Constitution will not protect us from Islam.

Staten Island Church Reconsiders Mosque Deal!

It has been a long and rocky road in regards to the war with Islam, but this article shows us that the country is slowly waking up. As in the UK, non-Muslims are protesting proposed Mosques and getting positive results. One thing that our politicians should be looking into, is where is the funding for all of these proposed Mosques coming from? No foreign countries should be allowed to fund houses of worship here, or influence what is taught in our universities. A country like Saudi Arabia which does not have our best interests at heart, has far too much influence in America. In order to save America as we know it things must change, and I do not mean Obama “change”.

Direct Descendant of the Family of Mohammad to Speak on Muslim Day 2010 at Canada’s Wonderland

How long are non-Islamic countries going to continue and lie to themselves, about our Muslim communities? They are are not here to assimilate, they are here to unite and takeover. Examples of them uniting can be seen in Australia, California, California again, and Cali again. Other areas being Chicago, Florida, Italy, Scandinavia, and the UK. Now lets take it to Canada.

Oklahoma set to ban Sharia, Muslims not Happy

Oklahoma lawmakers have seen the light, and are looking to follow in the footsteps of Louisiana and ban Sharia Law. This is a great step in our war with Islam. The reason is that, not only does it protect us from Islam, it will also expose the pro-Sharia Muslims. Personally I would like to take it one step further though. After the law is passed, I would arrest and deport it possible, any Muslim that calls for Sharia Law. All Sharia loving Muslims are to be looked upon as enemies of the state, just like Nazis were.

The Pope and Other Christian Leaders Take a Swing at Islam

The Pope and numerous other Christian leaders have done the right thing, and have taken a stand for their Christian brothers and sisters, that are suffering under Islamic rule. There is growing list of Christians that are speaking out on this issue. Some of them are the Cardinal George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, the Chaldean Catholic Archbishop Louis Sako of Kirkuk, Dr. Terry Jones, the Senior Pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center, Reza Safa who a is pastor of the Fishermen’s House Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Todd Weston, pastor of River of Life Assembly of God, and Reverend Franklin Graham. This is not about religion to me, this is about preserving freedom, but we do need leaders of all religions to band together and take a stand against Islam. This is encouraging.

Alan Colmes has Refused to Debate me on Islam

This is the update to my “My Challenge to Alan Colmes” article. After I put that post together, I sent it to Colmes along with a friend request on Facebook. He wrote me back to thank me for the friend request, but did not respond to this email in which I challenged him to a debate on Islam.

Mr. Colmes,

I just saw a video where you stated that there is no such thing as radical Islam, and also that Islam is not the problem. Do you care to back your statement up in a debate? If so befriend me, and head to my wall.

My Challenge to Alan Colmes

Mr.Colmes has stated that there is no such thing as “radical Islam”, and he also clams that what Islamic terrorists are doing is not in the name of true Islam. (See video below.) His statements make me wonder if he has ever even read the Islamic scriptures. Here are just a few excerpts.

Turkey: Next Time Israel Will Have to Deal With our Navy!

As predicted Turkey has taken a turn for the worst, and is no true ally of non-Islamic countries. The relationship between Turkey and Israel has been deteriorating, with Turkey recently telling Israel they have to give up their nukes. Now we see how they will stand with their Muslim brothers, no matter what the facts are. Non-Islamic countries need to start banding together, and face the harsh reality of the impending showdown with the Islamic world. A good start would be if Sweden stopped funding Turkey to the tune of 8.5 million euros a year. Since Muslims think that Islam is so great, let them fend for themselves.

Muslims Strike Back: “Everybody draw Holocaust day” (30 June 2010)

Like A bunch of bratty children, Muslims have to strike back, and have started an “Everybody draw Holocaust day” Facebook page. What they fail to understand is that if they were not threatening us, that “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day” never would have happened. They just do not know when to stop pushing. The bottom line is that, multiculturalism with Islam does not work, and we are on a collision course with Muslims. Muslim immigration was one of the biggest mistakes, the West has ever made.