Churches to do Koran Readings on 9/11

As I stated earlier, this whole “Burn a Koran Day” is extremely being blown out of proportion. Christians that I have never seen say a word about the persecution of their Christians brothers and sisters, are being more protective of Islam than their own...

To Those who are Outraged at Burn a Koran Day

I can understand people not agreeing with the upcoming “Burn a Koran Day”. But the whole thing has really been blown out of proportion, and people need to stop acting like this is some world crisis. Two of the most recognized people who have spoken out...

Dayton Ohio: Islam on the Rise!

The other day on another forum I made the following statement. Unfortunately most non-Muslims do not understand the war that is being waged upon us. Muslims cannot defeat us militarily, so their plan is to slowly takeover from within, by using our freedoms against us....

UK: Islamic Conference to Support Captured Muslims

While we see more and more infighting between non-Muslims over Islam, Muslims are continuing to unite against us. Here we learn of another Islamic conference in the UK, and the quote from the Abu-Dawud hadith says it all. (Click on picture to enlarge.) The threat is...