In order to win the war with Islam we must win the war against Muslim propagandists. Something the MSM is not willing to do. Something I go out of my way to do.
While Dr. Sabeel Ahmed and Yaser Dawah Aslam of Gain Peace might appear well-meaning on the surface, they are an Islamic propaganda duo who are out to mislead the public on Islam. Parroting the “religion of peace” falsehood. Instead of being honest and stating the truth about Islam. Which is that it is an ideology of war and perversion. A threat to humanity.
To add to the deception the hateful true colors of the organization have begun to surface. A special thank you to “my friend” Yaser Dawah Aslam (who also runs his own YouTube page called “Time4Success”). The gift that just keeps on giving.

All of a sudden Yaser does not seem so peaceful does he? In fact he seems to look down upon non-Muslims. Where would he ever get that line of thinking from? Could it be his book of hatred and perversion AKA as the Koran?
Koran 3:110

So much for the “religion of peace”….
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Thank you,
Christopher Logan
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