We Have a Bridge to Sell you
Recently I was involved in a three party email with the Clarion Project’s Jeremy Cardash and The Logic of Islam’s Dr. Carl Goldberg. Who defeated the Clarion’s Project’s Zuhdi Jasser in a public debate.
Unfortunately Jasser is not the only face Clarion promotes as they mislead the country on the hope of a reformation of Islam. Another is so called moderate Muslim Raheel Raza.
Originally the content of the email was Dr. Carl questioning Clarion on reform. So I decided to chime in with few simple questions.
Unlike the MSM we are not afraid to ask the Tough Questions on This Issue
Clarion Strikes Out
Strike one!: First off it is flat out insulting that Jeremy works for an organization that lives off of donations, promotes the reformation of Islam, and cannot even explain how it will happen.
Strike two!: Not only did Jeremy fail to explain how Islam will reform, neither could Raheel. Because that email was sent out on March 23rd. It is now April 4th. So those “few” days have turned into nearly two weeks….
Strike three!: America’s poster boy so called moderate Muslim Dr. Zuhdi Jasser also cannot explain how Islam will reform.
If you have been donating some of your hard earned money to The “Moderate” Muslim Money Maker known as The Clarion Project, you might want to demand a refund.
The iron logic of Islam says that reform of Islam is impossible. Islam is basically the Koran, and the fundamental premise of Islam is that the Koran is Allah’s literal word — perfect, complete, unchangeable and valid for all of eternity. Any reform of Islam must start with reforming the Koran. However, since the Koran is considered by all Moslems to be the literal word of their god, no human being is going to decide which of his god’s literal words are no longer valid and should be rejected or revised. Because Allah’s word is considered to be perfect, it is logically absurd to even think of reforming it. It really is that simple. If that fundamental proposition of Islam is jettisoned, the entire theological edifice of Islam comes crashing down.
Only mendacious fools and effete egg heads would claim Islam can be reformed. These “enemies within” are what John Stuart Mill calls “the ugliest of things”. I have coined a very accurate description of their corrupt mentalities: They are the “Baby Boomer lap dog bitches of Islam”. Tragically, they have taken over our nations strategic policy since 9/11. They are easy to recognize “reeking” with advanced cases of Stockholm syndrome. Starting with Bush the day after 9/11 they have laid our nation supine at the feet of Islam.
Sad but true Martel. 911 was the day America rolled out the red carpet for Islam.