Obviously, the threat of violent Muslims exists, but Muslims have a much more lethal weapon than that. To make matters worse, this weapon is not even illegal. It is a lawful attack in which Muslims use the freedoms of America to slowly take over from within our great country’s borders. This compilation portrays a perfect example of this. Recently walking around NYC, I noticed there was something missing and very different. Do you guys remember those good ole’ NY hot dog stands?
I sure do, but unfortunately I do not see that many of them anymore. Apparently, they have been over taken…
(For those new to the subject, “halal” food is what Muslims eat, acceptable as per Islamic Law.)
We begin at Ground Zero and the surrounding area. Standing on the corner of…
I turned around and took the following picture:
Of course, one halal stand on the same block is not enough!
I wonder how much money these guys are making from the unsuspecting Ground Zero construction workers? (That is not a knock on them, as most people simply are not aware of stealth jihad!). Disgusted with the usual Muslim arrogance, I decided to investigate the area further.
This street was blanketed in an Islamic foodfest!
This short video was shot on the same block. At least four of the seven stands were halal! One of them had the same menu as another halal stand, but it did not specifically advertise “halal” on the menu.
From here on, the pictures will tell the story. Almost all of the pictures are of different stands. There were numerious blocks that had more than one of them per block.
Sure, they love America for the money they can make, and the freedom to slowly takeover from within.
Along with the disgusting fact that Islam has invaded Ground Zero, this Church is surrounded by Islamic food stands. Where is their voice on this? I will be heading to the Church this week to see what they have to say, if anything, about the Islamic encroachment.
Have you seen enough? Unfortunately, I am not even close to being finished!
Muslims are constantly complaining about what “offends” them. Well, I find THIS picture offensive!
The extensive halal tour of Manhattan continues. Heading to The Garden tonight to catch a game? No problem, as MSG is surrounded by Islamic food stands as well!
Did you enjoy the game? Now why not head up to Rockefeller Center to see the tree? Don’t worry, there’s plenty of halal food available on the way.
After a nice walk through much of Manhattan, we have finally made it over to Rockefeller Center. Hungry for some halal? Thanks, but I’ll pass!
That concludes our “Halal Takes Over Manhattan Tour”, and obviously I could have found dozens upon dozens MORE of these Islamic stands. For years, I have been telling my fellow non-Muslim countrymen to look to the UK, to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam. Now it is in our faces, and it does not matter if Muslims take over through violence or lawful means. Either way, WE LOSE!
halal meat is inhumanely killed and should be OUTLAWED in all of western civilization!
You know, I contacted PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) about this and I have, since writing twice, received no response.
I guess they are dhimmis as well.
If everyone, against this cruel and unusual slaughtering of animals for the sake of Allah, would simply write PETA then perhaps we could get them to come out and condemn this practise in America and Canada.
I find it deplorable and even worse than the killing of baby seals.
I did the same with Peta and they attacked me verbally. Somehow they hacked into my private mail and posted it. I stand by whatever I write, but they are vicious.
They have an agenda but it isn’t about protecting animals thats for sure.
I’m not in Manhattan, but it appears from the photos that most of the Halal pictures are of mobile food carts and trucks. Those cater to pedestrians, as in TOURISTS. What is disturbing about the photo tour is that it indicates that Ground Zero has become a “mecca” for Muslim tourists who want to say they were there. Americans don’t go to Hiroshima to gloat over the dropping of the A-bomb. If Muslims are flocking to Ground Zero it shows they have no remorse over the evil act perpetrated by people following Islamic ideology to the letter. 9/11 leader Muhammad Atta’s final instructions to his fellow terrorists included 24 quotes from the Quran and 4 from reliable Hadith. See: http://islamreform.net/ Just think of how many more halal stands and restaurants there will be once there is an actual mosque there for Muslims to thank Allah, once again, for granting them this symbolic victory over the “deniers of the truth” kufr.
Hi Chris,
Not only do the carts and trucks cater to tourists. They also cater to construction and office workers, who come out to grab a fast bite.
There’s no reason for them to have any remorse over 9/11.
If, however, we had launched an all-out attack on Saudi Arabia and surrounded Mecca with tanks with an immediate threat of nuclear destruction, then I’m sure we would hear a few bleats of regret.
I’m sure also that Muslims would not be so enthusiastic about eating halal on Western soil.
What myopic, self-absorbed nonsense. Many Americans, of course, visit Hiroshima, though it takes one twisted mind to suppose they do so to “gloat.” Take a deep breath, and rethink.
Outside of Israel Islam has taken over the Middle East, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, large portions of Africa and Europe. So please explain how it is “myopic” to recognize that Islam is taking over more and more of the world. Then explain how I am being self-absorbed by not wanting Islam to dominate there. BTW, obviously you did not notice that America and Japan are not at war. So your comparison is not valid.
“My” comparison? Perhaps you didn’t read the comment to which I responded. It’s Chris’s comparison–which I criticized.
As for Islam “taking over” more and more of the world, (1) most of the areas you mention have long (e.g., for centuries) been culturally dominated by Islam, so no recent trend or threat there, (2) Islam has hardly “taken over” Europe, and (3) as the ranks of those believing Islam grows more than other religions worldwide, one would expect that religion naturally to increase its influence in more areas. It requires no doomsday conspiracy scenario to observe all this.
And before you say it, I am not–repeat not–a fan or apologist of Islam. I’m a lifelong atheist, accustomed to watching adherents of this or that religion fret about perceived gains and losses of influence.
It does not matter if it is a recent trend, and why don’t you ask the Coptic of Egypt if there is no threat? Try and pay attention this time. I said large portions of Europe, not all of Europe. Did you ever hear of Turkey? Do you want to see the videos showing entire European neighborhoods that are Islam dominated?
You are another Atheist who claims he is not an Islamic apologist, as he tries to justify the threat of Islam.
Wow! That was really depressing.
Welcome to the site Jeannetta!
I doubt most NYers are even aware of how many halal stands there are, or how we are traveling down the same road as the UK, in regards to Islam.
You say that the US is travelling down the same road as the UK. You may be correct but I say you are further down that road.
In moslem dominated areas of the UK you might see as many halal food outlets but you won’t see many in London or other tourist areas.
Nothing. We aren’t bigots and wimps. What’s wrong with you?
Islam is all about bigotry.
Koran verse 005.051
YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.
So your bigotry is justified because you think all who follow Islam are bigots?
I grew up Christian. I know tons of Christians who justify the deaths of Atheists and people of other religions as “ok” since those people aren’t Christian, and cite Bible verses to back up their nonsense.
What’s your point?
Not wanting to be dominated by Islam does not make one a bigot. I will help you out….your little attack words mean nothing here.
Christians are not on a worldwide movement looking to subjugate all under a barbaric set of religious laws. Muslims are.
We need to demand a Halt to this Political front being imported- AND NOW. Obama is stealthy importing these Leftist voters-who are just using our system to Jihad via population. look at the power they have NOW at a few Percent they are controlling demanding and Receiving APPEASEMENT and Sharia is Creeping in. Look at the UK! Shortly e will not be able to Vote of those pandering to ISLAM because Islam will be near majority– Think Not? Again Look at the UK EU. Call EMAIL TODAY! AS if YOUR LIVES DEPENDED ON IT — because IT DOES. http://www.usa.gov/Contact/Elected.shtml
Texas has its halalalalalal problems too, you cant go any where w/out running into halalalalalalalal stands, and in supermarkets they segregate the halalalalalal chickens so that the evil kafir shoppers wont accidentally touch the “best of peoples” food.
That’s why I shop with sunglasses, a cane, and my dog… As a blind person, “Oops did I accidentally stroll in to the Halalalalal section? Hey! puppy no! Bad doggy, Get away from those chickens…” 😀
I mean… Durka.
Take a packet of bacon rashers over and leave it in with the halal crap. That will freak the arselifters out and no sale for the store.
I have done that several times in a larger town nearby. A near panic broke out with one family and they were threatening to call the cops and you guessed it, Cair. The store manager told the whole bunch to get the f–k out and not come back as this was America and not sudan or ratastan. What works really well is a jar of Pickled Pigs feet. Heh.
Great post Chris, Thanks so much.
We have few mussies here, for now and that is wonderful.
LOL! Brilliant! Keep it up!
AWESOME!!! Keep up the jihad against THEM!!
Best to stick with an all Pork diet. As supermarkets in the UK do not have to label their produce giving details of the slaughtering processes I buy all my meats from a family run butchers on my local highstreet. A little more expensive maybe but the piece of mind knowing that I’m not contributing too lining the pockets of a muzzy business who is forcing his religious ideals upon me is worth the extra cost.
You also need to watch out for halal ingredients in packaged food.
Campbells Soup(now banned and removed from our home) is a perfect
example. It is stealth jihad as far as i am concerned.
Yes, Campbell and Kraft products. I boycott them all.
I’ve seen halal slaughtering via online videos. They, literally, slit their throats part way and leave them to bleed to death or suffocate. It is horribly inhumane and should be illegal. It sickens me with so much “hype” by animals activists, they’re silent on this issue.
Kosher laws are specific. The god of Jews absolutely insist on the sharpest knives possible and an instant and thorough beheading of the animal. The ‘divine’ requirement is specifically for the animal’s sake.
The industry-standard ‘stunning’ (the brain) prior to slaughter is the most humane form of slaughter. The animal does not even know. Yet, that is the one animal activists complain about. They do because the Islamic community will laboriously attempt to hide or squelch opposition regarding their rituals. The Muslim community’s slaughtering rituals are also the most disgusting. Some time last year a halal meat packing company was shut down for serious violations.
Yet another hypocricy from the left.Can you imagine how animal rights activists would react if we killed animals in the same way?In the UK they would be camping outside slaughter houses threatening workers,but because they are Muslim they turn yellow.The left and Muslims make strange bedfellows.
I agree that Stealth Jihad is a great problem and that halal requirements are one form of its spread (another are daily prayers demanded to take place in various public places, including, as in places in Europe, in streets blocking pedestrian and car traffic).
However, I must take issue to a tendency I keep seeing in formulations by various anti-Islam analysts — the tendency to formulate the problem as though Violent Jihad and Stealth Jihad are disconnected and do not necessarily need each other.
Thus, Logan introduces this piece:
Obviously, the threat of violent Muslims exists, but Muslims have a much more lethal weapon than that. To make matters worse, this weapon is not even illegal. It is a lawful attack in which Muslims use the freedoms of America to slowly take over from within our great country’s borders.
Only one word is problematic in the above description, which I bolded: “but”.
This “but” implies that Violent Jihad is not working in tandem with Stealth Jihad; that they are somehow at odds.
Now, intuitively and logically, this makes sense. But I submit that formulations such as these (and they are common — at Jihad Watch, at Gates of Vienna, all over the place) show that the phenomenon has not been thought through.
I remember one particularly breathtakingly preposterous formulation of it, written by the Jihad Watch Editor, Marisol:
If there were never another terrorist attack in Europe, the Islamization of the continent and its implications for human rights would still be an issue.
I have written a few essays on this problem. In one, I wrote:
“Stealth Jihad has been helped, not hindered, by the increase in Islamic terrorism in the post-911 years.”
Then I noted:
“the fact I typed above is blatantly counter-intuitive”
And then I asked the rhetorical question:
“How is it possible that a strategy that is centrally dependant upon the appearance of peaceful intentions, could in fact be facilitated by violence?”
The answer to this rhetorical question is complex, because the phenomenon is complex. The most succinct metaphor I can think of to convey the problem is to think of what’s going on as a Good Cop/Bad Cop scenario. The Violent Muslims (and those who facilitate the violence whether through planning, funding or propaganda) are the “Bad Cops”. The seemingly nice and moderate Muslims who push for the spread of Islam “peacefully” and legally (whether halal food carts, public prayers, special gym hours for Muslimas, loud calls to prayer, etc.) are the “Good Cops”. In the Good Cop/Bad Cop scenario, both “Cops” are really working together, but they pretend to the person they are trying to fool that they are not working together. For the goal of the Good Cops and Bad Cops to be successful, it requires the dupe (that’s us, the West) to be fooled into believing that the Good Cops and the Bad Cops are not working together.
That’s why I find the Logan’s formulation (essentially repeated in its gist in various places throughout the anti-Islam movement) problematic: By wording it as though Violent Jihad and Stealth Jihad are somehow disconnected, this tends to reinforce the Good Cop/Bad Cop strategy that depends on keeping them disconnected.
Granted, these formulations are better than the mainstream PC MC formulation which thinks the Good Cops are in fact “Good”. But I think it’s a serious mistake to miss the point that stealth jihad would not be making the inroads it is making, if violence were not being done in tandem.
Indeed, look at the central fact that lies at the heart of this very article here: The swarming of Islam identity as documented by Logan’s photo and video essays is specifically dependent upon the 911 terror attack — and upon the paradoxically perverse mechanism by which the West has become more (not less) deferential and “respectful” of Islam the more that Muslims have been exploding since then up to the present.
For those interested, they can read the fuller analyses:
The Problem of Stealth Jihad in a Nutshell
“Stealth Jihad” and Violent Jihad
Hi Hesperado,
I am not playing good cop/bad cop. I am merely trying to make people aware of stealth jihad, and if Muslims were smart they would not fire another shot. They just need to continue their immigration, and using our laws against us to defeat us. The only thing that will stop them are major changes in the laws of the West. That or if a civil war takes place, and lets hope it never gets to that point.
I know you’re not playing good cop/bad cop — it’s the Muslims who are.
(By the way, great photo essay).
I agree that Muslims are a danger, but I don’t believe they are capable of defeating us. What they will be capable of doing is massacring a few hundred thousand (perhaps a few million) of us over the coming decades, in various horrific ways. To me, that is the main problem, and danger.
The stealth jihad encroachment is their goal, and one of their methods for achieving it is terror attacks. They hope over time to numb us into becoming soft enough to be taken over.
But the West cannot be taken over by non-violent osmosis — especially when the conquerors are anti-liberal. The Western liberals among us continue to be blind to the fact that Muslims are hostile to their liberal values. When the day comes that the dominant liberal-progressive among us see this (and they are just “Leftists” — they comprise even most “conservatives”) it will be the beginning of the end for Muslims.
In the meantime, Muslims will succeed in causing a lot of mayhem and misery, along with a lot of financial expense in protecting ourselves and managing their outbreaks and messes they will make.
So I’m a pessimist in the short run, but an optimist in the long run. The optimistic outcome, however, will likely come at a tragic and terrible cost — only because our West will take so long to wake up.
correction to my post (add word in CAPS):
“the dominant liberal-progressive among us see this (and they are NOT just “Leftists” — they comprise even most “conservatives”) “
You are absolutely 100% on the money with the “good cop/bad cop” analogy. I do believe 100% that the stealth and violent jihadists are in collusion with one-another. My father, in fact the majority of my family, was law enforcement and I have learned about this tactic through experience. CAIR and many like it are considered “moderate” and “peaceful” in the eyes of the U.S., yet, they have ties to violent jihadist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood. Coincidence? I think not. They are working both ends against the middle…and yes, we ARE the dupes.
Great post and a great analogy.
I really don’t want to sound like I don’t care, but I don’t see how this is going to convince anyone who is not already worried.
Hey Damien,
The photos are more evidence, that show how our laws are not cut out to fight this threat. Hopefully it will also make those who are already concerned, speak out even more.
Hopefully you’re right about it getting people to who are already worried to speak out more.
All we can do is try, and hopefully convince those new to the subject, that we have a major threat on our hands.
That’s one problem with calling attention to the ostensibly peaceful, and actually legal, activities of stealth jihad. The millions of PC MC Westerners around us who still haven’t woken up to the danger of Muslims (which includes the fact that the way they roll inevitably and necessarily includes violence) look at all the various manifestations of stealth jihad — halal food carts, nice Muslimas who want their own gym hours, devout prayers that require non-Western cultural apparatus (e.g., foot-baths in airports, prayer-mats, etc.), taking time off work for prayer breaks, etc. — and what they see are members of a Third World culture who must be “respected” for their “diversity”. And they see in people like us, who warn about it, “bigotry”, “intolerance” and even “racism”.
Thus I argue that one thing we need to always do is make clear the necessary connections between all this seemingly non-violent “cultural” stuff that is the face of stealth jihad, and between the various forms of violence that is, and always has been, the modus operandi of Islam.
Halal slaughter is practice for Jihad.
I’m sure they say the same verses as they behead non-Muslims.
Halal slaughter is inhumane.
Every person in the West should be warned that to buy this food, to make use of it, is to approve of inhumane means of slaughter, to approve of cruelty to animals.
I am glad they are clearly labelled. That way any civilised human being can buy food somewhere else.
The problem is that most of the products that have carried any Kosher symbol (OU, K, KSA) are also carrying the Halal symbol even though the rules are very different. What is also surprising is that many Halal meat stores have been closed by the Health Departments in many states DUE to the very fact that they are not clean. Flies, vermin and such are everywhere. Unfortunately, in some areas, the Health Departments are refusing to condemn the shops due to the threats made by CAIR and other pro-terrorist entities.
Why are we allowing this?
I’ve heard Muslims state that the same was done against Jews and that they are the New Jews. The big difference is that Jews were not trying to change the culture to go backwards but to move forwards. The Jews are not stealing livestock as the Muslims have been doing in California, Arizona, Texas from Ranches (Sheep/Goats) for their EID and Ramadan services. Local ranches in California have had to hire SECURITY GUARDS to patrol to fight against KIDnappers of livestock. Ridiculous. But go and try to bring up charges against them (most are illegal or are foreign students [a la Obama]) and you will be refused.
What a world!
Debbie Schlussel has the comparison of how this government handles Halal slaughter vs. Kosher slaughter houses. In 2008 Agriprocessors was bankrupted and Aaron’s Kosher goods are no longer found in the super markets. Tahawar Hussain Rana of First World Management Services vs. Sholom Rubashkin’s AgriProcessors
This ‘stealth’ operation is more like an invasion.
Disturbing and most definately a symbol of conquest. They are focusing on a very low-residential population area. I would be surprised if there are many Muslim residents (yet). Very glad you are in NY.
Came across this by Mark Durie, p. 90, using halal in a different context.
“Many writers have claimed that Muhammad’s decade of witness in Mecca was peaceful. In one sense this was true. There was as yet no doctrine of violent striving, the call to war had not het been revealed and the lives and property of the unbelievers had not yet been declared to be halal, or “licit” for Muslims to take.”
Interesting, huh?
Remember from back in 2009, the “halal mafia”?
Glad you’re on our side, and I see your point from a stupid infidel point of view. But for those of us who aren’t stupid, there are no good cops and bad cops: there are no good mooslums, pisslam is evil to the core.
Thanks Rose.
Of course, the problem is that a lot of people in the West (I would say the majority) still can’t see the connection between the “good cops” and the “bad cops”.
There are good reasons for why people can’t see the connections: one of them is that out of 1.2 billion Muslims, only a tiny minority of them are actually doing (or saying) things that are dangerous and evil. From this ostensible fact, the PC MC majority of our fellow Westerners conclude that this is in fact the reality of the situation. And they resist mightily any arguments that try to show that there is in fact a broader problem with Muslims. Since those arguments rely on lots of complex data and interlocking interpretations, we quickly lose them because we no longer have a smoking gun to show. One has to just spend the time going through the thousands of news stories, and thousands of writings and videos by Muslims (such as at the invaluable MEMRI.org site) to begin to get a sense of the magnitude of the problem.
Our PC MC majority of fellow Westerners have a paradigm — “most Muslims are decent moms and pops like the rest of us and to insinuate otherwise is to be bigoted” — and they stick to it like it was an ironclad Commandment engraved in stone.
It will take a lot to begin to open their minds. In the meantime, over the ensuing years, Muslims will continue to massacre, torture, abuse and oppress all over the world (including increasingly in our West).
Just as during the 1930s when people were denying that Hitler and his Nazis were a growing problem, and just as their head-in-the-sand denial in fact enabled his rise to power and the consequent millions of lives murdered and killed in war, so too our PC MC fellow Westerners will be culpable for waiting too long to wake up to the dangers of Islam.
Just a short video about the truth of Muslim visitors to other countries http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwSkbmZUuJ4
Is your video supposed to scare us off? Because if so you have failed!
It is coming Allahakbar….and in the end you and your children will be eating and pounding sand.
Holy kurap! NYC really needs some lads from the EDL to come over.
Not sure if you got the message I sent the other day. I’m also located the same Oz, and sent an email to Chris to see if he could suggest anyone that might like to get together and do something. He suggested I contact you, and if you are agreeable, facilitate some direct communication and hopefully getting some more people on side.
Interesting posts. Here in the UK our major supermarkets are now selling only halal meat and jo blogs Brit hasn’t got a clue. Recently the British Parliament discovered to the horror of some MPs that their canteen had also gone ‘halal’. Now a law is to be passed that all meat that is halal must be labeled as such. More creeping jihad. I believe it goes further in that campbells soup is now halal, we know about KFC and Burger King, but I believe it goes much deeper and all of us who knows of any halal product on our supermarket shelves must inform. The animal rights idiots here will bomb houses and blow up cars and even kill for wearing a fur coat, but we never hear a word from them with regard to halal, and PETA is silent also. Oh how I wish the great man Sir Winston Churchill was here as he would never have allowed such a turn of events as we are facing today.
It seems like a real slap in the face, considering that the actual Muslim population is less than 50%.
And yet they demand so much?
They demand too much.
More than is reasonable.
And yet, it seems your government and economy have abandoned reason.
The Britons are also known for their love of the individuality of animals.
Certainly, Muslims do not share that.
The islam-mentality I’m sure gets a kick out of selling these products to unsuspecting Americans who are unknowingly funding the jihad, since a portion of the money goes to funding terrorism. What if some concerned New Yorkers dropped color photos of halal slaughter of lambs and other animal victims near the halal stands, in rest rooms, and especially near the construction workers? I guess if the animals were cruelly slaughtered for fur, we could count on PETA. But they’re not going to utter a peep, any more than the “moderate muslims” are.
New Yorkers are being played like little leaguers. People don’t understand that a percentage of the revenues of the sale of “Halal” items is given to the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists and attacks on the very people buying this food.
I try to buy all of my meat from a meat market in Weimar, Texas. Guaranteed haram — they make the best venison/pork sausage mix that I’ve ever had.
Sorry for this off-topic post:
I can no longer access my own Hesperado blog.
My readers have also told me that they can’t access it.
When I Google “hesperado” and click on the links to go there (just as a reader), I get an error message saying it doesn’t exist.
I have been writing that blog for about 6 years, and have had no problems before. Anyone have any suggestions?
(Yes, I tried going to Google Blogspot help forums, but I was unable to post there due to a glitch in their system limiting characters)
Hey Hesperado,
Check your email.
” I was unable to post there due to a glitch in their system limiting characters)”
Hesperados cryptonite. 😀
I remember a few years back when the “halal carts” started appearing in New York that the hot dog vendors were complaining about literally being bullied off of their corners by groups of muslim thugs who insisted on having those corners for themselves. By the looks of all the halal signs It appears the bullying was successful. How was that allowed to happen (legally)?
Thanks for providing that information. Next I see one of the non-halal hot dog stands, I am going to ask them about this.
Auntie, I too recall the turf wars being reported not so long ago. One cannot help but wonder if Bloomberg had a hand in this amazingly smooth transition as well.
NYT, Turf War at the Hot Dog Cart 2009
Parks Department evicts hot dog vendor from pricey spot near Metropolitan Museum of Art over rent
The Half-Million-Dollar Wiener Slate – How can New York City hot dog vendors afford a monthly rent of $53,558?
The way these things are reported you have to do a lot reading between the lines, but here are a few examples (nothing as substantial as the 60 min-like report I saw years ago)
And thanks “wtd”, much appreciated.
Anne, That is a great suggestion! If every person in NYC who is aware of the evil that is pisslam and, in this particular case, their “blood sacrifice” meat, and just ran off 30 copies or so of pictures and descriptions of this type of slaughter on their own printers and passed them out or dropped them around, we would have a great campaign at educating those who are not aware. Each and every one of us making a small effort can be a major impact!
Anne, That is a great suggestion! If every person in NYC who is aware of the evil that is pisslam and, in this particular case, their “blood sacrifice” meat, and just ran off 30 copies or so of pictures and descriptions of this type of slaughter on their own printers and passed them out or dropped them around, we would have a great campaign at educating those who are not aware. Each and every one of us making a small effort can have a major impact!
Wow, they are taking over NY right in front of their noses.
our nations capitol is being islamized as well. About 10 miles out of DC in Fairfax, VA, a sign proclaims that a market sells halal meat…. and 3 small businesses taking over former Mexican restaurants just down the road from the 9-11 mosque are islamic… the Al-Jazeera Cafe and the Dur Dur Cafe….
Islamists are absorbing our nation…. as they planned to do..Too bad even FOX is too chicken to talk about this FACT!
You are absolutely right dean. Even FOX is too chicken to speak up. Good line!
If your theory is too nutbar for Fox News, you should re-evaluate it.
they {arab counties} boycot you americans . do the same and do not eat there.
” they [arab countries]boycott you Americans ,do the same and do not eat there” Very true, but the vast majority of American are naive and don’t give a damn,just see http://www.blip.tv/file/1382254 Time to wake up.
You are all fucking retarded please go steralize yourselves so you dont accidently spread your stupid to future generations.
Also I think we should crackdown on these pizza places popping up all over NY and America. After all the atrocities the Italians did during WW2, have they no shame forcing their evil culture down our innocent pure throats?
My point being you are all fucking RETARDED!!!!!!!!
Why don’t you grow up and deal with today?
Have your say while you’ve got the chance Justin because when the muslims have taken over your freedom of speech will no longer exist.By the way I think you are a bit of a moron with your eloquent posting.
If this what eating Halal does to you you had better start boycotting KFC. This is what happens when everyone starts appeasing Islam. Halal is being imposed on Australians in many situations and outlets without our knowledge. Even though It is not accepted by RSPCA.
Don’t record me, bitch! LOL!
Unlike ALL other religions where their adherents like or love animals,particularly cats and dogs, Muslims are forbidden to have dogs as pets,although some so-called “moderates” have them.
I cannot inmagine that any self-respecting hound would have anything to do with meat slaughtered in the disgusting and barbarous way halal uses.
It has always amazed me that while the world has progressed? hugely in the past two centuries it seems to have tolerated the most decadent and still medieval faith/cult known to man. Of course, our politicians who welcomed the Muslim hordes with open arms have never done their duty of care and acted responsibly by properly investigating this horrible cult created by one of the nastiest human beings ever to walk this earth!
Oh, arselifters do love animals. Just not in the way any normal person would.
I don’t mind kosher or halal food; if people have religious restrictions it is good that they have an ease of getting food. I never buy kosher on stands because it is more expensive and not better.
However, I’m really puzzled by the sudden explosion of halal stands. Are there 7 times more Muslims around Ground Zero and in Manhattan now? If a small stand is a business, it will not appear in anticipation for customers, it will follow them. So, logically, it is somebody with money who put them there waiting for a giant mosque (let them wait, it may take longer than they think), or it may be much more sinister. If a stand is on a corner every day, what prevents an “owner” putting a lot of explosives there and blow it remotely?
I wish that NY Police would check permits VERY carefully, and use sniff dogs for explosives frequently.
And what exactly is the problem with halal food?
I’m confused – I truly am. It’s like kosher – a means of preparing the animal.
Unless of course, this is all sarcasm and pretend bigotry. Then, of course: carry on.
Until then, move along and let me enjoy the foodcarts.
The problem is that Islam is advancing, and Islam is a religion/ideology that calls for the dominance of you and your children. Now please explain why you would support Islam.
again, I’m sorry – we’re talking about *food* Tasty food, as a matter of fact.
Almost every major religion on the face of the earth calls upon it’s followers to convert others to their ‘one true god’ and assert it’s dominance over others. Islam is just like Christianity in that regard.
What I read here is fear. Unmitigated bigotry, fear and terror of something different. And weakness. If your (majority) faith and patriotism are so febrile as to need constant shouting and subjigation of others, you are a horrific embarrassment to your god and country.
There is nothing to fear here except tasty halal chicken.
The issue is that Islam is becoming more entrenched in our society. Using your “logic”, Jews were bigots for opposing Nazism. Jesus does not call for Christians to fight and subdue all non-Christians. Are you just afraid to criticize Islam?
BTW, I am not religious, so next time know what you are talking about.
Islam allows lying, rape and slavery. Yet here you are defending it……
The Old Testament exhorts stoning, blinding, maiming, ostracism and murder.
Please, put another nickel in and try again.
You are fearful of the unknown.
The Bible is made up of stories of those times, while the Koran states the actions of Mohammad the rapist and slave owner are to be followed for all times. Slight difference there.
Obviously I do know about Islam. Do you?
And fearful of tasty chicken.
Grow up.
I am a grownup. I don’t publish a blog with hyperbolic rhetoci about Islamic takeover of a multi-national, mutli-faithed democratic nation. I am a responsible adult, confronting bigotry and whargggggggrbl from close-minded people who like to hide behind religious fears as an excuse to practice hate.
What are YOU hiding behind?
I am not hiding behind anything., and if you were really against bigotry you would be against Islam.
Koran verse 5:51
YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.
Outside of Israel, Muslims have taken over the Middle East, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, large portions of Africa, and Europe etc. How much more land to they have to take over before you wake up?
Now explain why you do not even have the courage to condemn Islam for allowing rape and slavery.
I am against bigotry and double standards, admin. Of which you possess in abundance.
I refute your statements about Islam following the words of the Koran as no different from fundamentlist Christian / Judiasm that does the same, yet you ignore those examples.
There is no ‘war’ here. Only blind hatred of a religion by bigots on your part.
Your blog is an embarrassment in encouraging others to hate speak.
Then why are you not condemning Islam? Right, and fighting the Nazis was a “double standard”….
Islam has been at war with non-Muslims for 1400 years.
Muslim Hadith Book 019, Number 4366:
It has been narrated by ‘Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.
Your ‘logic’ regarding following The Prophet’s words is flawed. Followers of Judiasm follow the same type of literalism in their interpretation of the Old Testament, right down to the concept of eruv on the Sabbath.
Traditional Mormons still follow polygamy, as ordered by their faith.
All faiths have followers that interpret the words of their good book literally and attempt to follow that to the letter.
Please, put another nickel in and try again.
Thanks for showing just how much you respect Mohammad the rapist.
Jews are not on a worldwide movement trying to subjugate the world under a barbaric set of religious laws. Muslims are, and I do not support polygamy by anyone. Are you afraid to criticize Islam?
One more time, Jesus did not command Christians to fight and subdue non-Christians.
I work in downtown manhattan, across from WTC. I get lunch from these guys. There’s always lines. Because there’s a strong demand for their goods. That’s why they are here.
You people are completely insane and need to get hobbies.
There are lines because it is convenient, and most people probably do not realize they are supporting Islam by spending money at these carts. Why do you support a religion of rape and slavery?
No, most people know those who operate the carts are muslim and really don’t care where they spend their time/money, because we don’t equate muslim with terrorist or rapist or slavery.
I don’t equate christian with that either, but I’m pretty sure the religious south has had a storied history with bigotry and slavery.
Hmmmm . . .weird.
I’ve also bought pizza. From Italians that are roman catholic, and obviously that means I’ve given money to priests who rape children.
Then you do not know Islam. The Bible is made up of stories of those times, while the Koran states the actions of Mohammad the self-professed terrorist, rapist, and slave owner are to be followed for all times.
Islam calls for rape, not Jesus. Lets stick to facts.
Try dealing in today….hmmmmm….weird.
I Said is correct: the Roman Catholic church has by it’s actions today in defending pedophiles, endorsed reprehensible behavior. Therefore, buying pizza from those who support Roman Catholicism is an endorsement of that defense, as well as the activity.
Identically analogous to your example that buying from a halal cart supports Islamic rape and slavery.
Your logic has bound you.
Absolutely not. Pizza has nothing to do with religion. Halal does and Muslims have to pay zakat of which 1/8 goes to those fighting in the name of Allah.
Funny how you are against pedophilia when Priests do it, but do not say a word about the fact that Islam allows it.
Admin, please explain how you can defend The Old Testament when it approves of the murder of non-believers:
1) If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)
It sounds like we have a serious problem here! Followers of The Bible must be stopped in their war on… everyone!
I already told you the Bible is made up of stories of those times. If you continue to ignore my responses and just go on with your pre-recorded responses the conversation will come to a close. Your attempt to get the focus off of Islam. Will not work here.
Also, The Bible does not condem slavery and in fact, has many passages distinguishing between the rights of slaves and those owning them. While it does not endorse slavery, it does not disparage those who practice it, an offense in my mind, as bad as the Koran.
I point these out not to make Christianity or Judiasm evil, but to point out to you your hypocrisy in cherrypicking elements of Islam to suit your own bigotry and hate speak.
The major religions of the world all have reprehensible passages that literalists attempt to live to. Islam, Christianity, Judiasm are no different in that respect. Your exhortions that some Islam is more evil in that regard than the others is false and borne out of hatred – and deserves to be called out as such.
Moderates and enlightened people of all religions have moved beyond the literalist interpretation of these words and instead strive for the enlightenment that the good words of brotherhood these books all share.
You would be well served to do the same and reread them all in that light, and cease publishing wharbbbbbbbbbbgrrrrrrrrrbl on your blog.
LAST time….the actions of Mohammad are to be followed for all times. Jesus did not condone rape and slavery.
Also your opinion of me means nothing, and the focus of this site will not change. Your last sentence says it all. A nerve has been struck.
Are you actually a school teacher?
I certainly hope a nerve has been struck: a nerve of reflection and thought that perhaps you’ve erred in your singleminded pursuit of hate speak and will instead pause in encouraging others to follow you down the wrong path.
In other words you cannot prove me wrong about Islam, and can do no better than focus on me.
Try and pay attention….you have not struck a nerve on me. It is the other way around. I will continue to rally more non-Muslims against Islam.
End of conversation.
And for the followers of Judaism, the words of the Old Testament are to be followed at all times.
And for the fundamentlist Morman, the words the LDS Prohpet are to be followed at all times.
Please, explain how Islam is different? I’ve given you real world examples of how these people live these words today, yet in your mind they are somehow different and less heinous than those who follow Islam?
My profession doesnt matter. I strive to educate the ignorant in all facets of my life.
Prove that Jesus has told Christians to rape and enslave. Here is my proof that the actions of Mohammad are to be followed for all times.
YUSUFALI: Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.
You are not educating anyone to anything here, because you have given nothing but your meaningless word, and have ducked my comments about Islam. You clearly are afraid to criticize Islam.
You do a GREAT job a ducking my comments about Islam and my questions.
Don’t see Mormons on a worldwide jihad.
Christians are taught that every passage in the Bible is God’s Word and it is to be followed to the letter. With that in mind, let’s review a few of the passages that are not only ignored by most Christians, some of them sound downright Sharia:
“I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must be quiet.” (1 Timothy 2:12)
“Go, now, attack Amalek, and deal with him and all that he has under the ban. Do not spare him, but kill men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and asses.” (1 Samuel 15:3)
“You shall not let a sorceress live.” (Exodus 22:18)
“Happy those who seize your children and smash them against a rock.” (Psalm 137:9)
“When the men would not listen to his host, the husband seized his concubine and thrust her outside to them. They had relations with her and abused her all night until the following dawn, when they let her go. Then at daybreak the woman came and collapsed at the entrance of the house in which her husband was a guest, where she lay until the morning. When her husband rose that day and opened the door of the house to start out again on his journey, there lay the woman, his concubine, at the entrance of the house with her hands on the threshold. He said to her, ‘Come, let us go’; but there was no answer. So the man placed her on an ass and started out again for home.” (Judges 19:25-28)
Now, considering that Islam is a sister belief to Christianity and a daughter belief to Judaism, what makes the religion of Islam itself any different?
This is like advocating the banning of all of guns because sometimes people kill each other with them.
For at least the four time today. The Bible is made up of stories of those times. Jesus did not instruct Christians to enslave and rape. Mohammad did. That is the difference.
Another difference is that Christians are not on a worldwide religious movement trying to impose a barbaric set of religious laws on all. Muslims are. Are you afraid to criticize Islam?
There are 1.3 billion muslims in the world population. Some of them are insane and brainwashed into believing the nutty parts of their doctrine. It can happen to any religion, but currently it’s happening with Islamic people because some of them feel disaffected and hopeless and are lashing out. Those people need to and are being dealt with.
I’m an atheist myself so it’s all a bunch of stories to me, Bible/Koran/Torah/whatever. But I will still defend one’s right to worship as they wish, as long as they aren’t hurting anyone else.
That’s one of the main purposes for which this country was founded, was it not?
No other religion is on a worldwide jihad, and Muslims have been “lashing out” for 1400 years. Did OBL feel disaffected or how about the Muslim doctors and teachers who have become suicide bombers?
Muslims attacked us during the days of Jefferson. It was a huge mistake not to ban Islam back then.
The admin of this site is a skeptic.
In case you have not, or refuse to notice.
Now, considering that Islam is a sister belief to Christianity and a daughter belief to Judaism, what makes the religion of Islam itself any different?
In your family, you would let the “daughter/sister”; dismember, burn, bury alive, rape, and brutalize at will? What father/brother would ignore family members who might need to look to you for help or protection from such things. I don’t know what is worse, the abuser or the one who stands by and watches.
Quote:I’m an atheist myself so it’s all a bunch of stories to me, Bible/Koran/Torah/whatever. But I will still defend one’s right to worship as they wish, as long as they aren’t hurting anyone else.
end quote.
You have failed to say anything about the right of religoius critique.
You believe in freedom of worship.
You are an atheist.
How charitable of you.
What about the right of religious critique?
What about the right to critique Islam in historical, current, theological, comparative and contrasting terms with Western institutions.
What about the right to question Islam’s status as a religion because of the other components of Islam– Sharia, for instance.
Without the right of religious critique, Western civilization is truly gone.
More to the point of your original posting, as a NYC resident, the food at halal carts is very tasty, and it’s currently in vogue, plain and simple. There’s nothing to be shocked and outraged about here. Just like Kosher food is prevalent all over the city because Jewish people buy it. There’s a market for it, and they’re filling the niche, and many non-muslim folks have discovered the cuisine and love it as well. It is quite delicious stuff, and reasonably priced. Who wouldn’t like that?
Heck, there are even Kosher and Halal Chinese restaurants here, and we enjoy that food as well. New Yorkers don’t bat an eye at this.
You have to realize that NYC is the world’s melting pot, and a good 10% and growing of the population here is muslim. That would be 800,000 muslims just in the 5 boroughs, and then you have New Jersey and Connecticut populations as well which probably puts it well over a million in the general area.
If they all had some sort of malicious agenda where they’re all aligned against the Christians and the Jews, we’d have a lot more problems to deal with.
I don’t know about you, but I haven’t heard about muslims bombing Christian or Jewish houses of worship around here, or murdering Christians and Jews. It simply doesn’t happen here. How could that be?
Christians and Jews are not on worldwide jihads. So your attempted comparison is not even close to being valid. Islam does not melt, it dominates. This can be seen across the world.
Muslim did not dominate all of the land they do now overnight. The point is to look past the day you are in, as Islam is clearly becoming more entrenched into America society. Unless you are a Muslim, you might want to think about your future generations and Sharia Law.
Let’s turn this around for a minute.
By advocating for anti-Sharia legislation, you’re “dominating” their ability to worship as they wish. How do you think they would feel about that? For those muslims who are naturalized and born in America, this is their country too.
An “Atheist” so desperate to defend Islam….
It is called protecting my way of life. If they want Sharia let them move.
Shariah does not integrate. Shariah is law not worship. Shariah seeks to replace and dominate. Immigrant or naturalized, wishing to stay in this country means a denial of Shariah and a submission to western laws. This is an offence to islam, an apostasy that the shariah loving muslims are obligated to kill over.
“…and a good 10% and growing of the population here is muslim. That would be 800,000 muslims just in the 5 boroughs, and then you have New Jersey and Connecticut populations as well which probably puts it well over a million…”
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
“If they all had some sort of malicious agenda where they’re all aligned against the Christians and the Jews, we’d have a lot more problems to deal with.”
It is not just other religous people, it is all who do not follow islam. Yes you will have a lot more to deal with.
Since I can’t reply to that, I’ll quote it back here: “Muslims attacked us during the days of Jefferson. It was a huge mistake not to ban Islam back then.”
Are we talking about muslim pirates here? Because there were plenty of Irish pirates back in the days of Jefferson as well, it was a profitable career.
We are talking about being attacked in the name of Islam.
During the year 1786 Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to speak with Tripoli’s Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. Jefferson and Adams asked the Ambassador
how can they make war on nations that have done nothing to them? The Ambassador replied that “It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every Muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once”.
Irish pirates are in the past. Muslims have been at war with non-Muslims for 1400 years.
Curious, what is your source for that quote?
The only actual pirates we have these days are Somalian pirates, and they do it as a matter of survival and opportunity.
The also use the money to fund the jihad. Are you afraid to criticize Islam?
Yes, I already found those google results myself. Looks like the same garbage virally copied/pasted to every forum and blog out there. That alone doesn’t make it true. Don’t believe it just because Google tells you it is so.
What is the origin of this quote? Who originally wrote it and where can it be found?
Give it a rest. 1400 years of Islamic history proves you wrong.
Muslim Hadith Book 019, Number 4366:
It has been narrated by ‘Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.
Also, in response to this “No other religion is on a worldwide jihad, and Muslims have been “lashing out” for 1400 years. Did OBL feel disaffected or how about the Muslim doctors and teachers who have become suicide bombers?”
Muslims are not on a worldwide jihad either, and it is disingenuous for you to push this point because it’s demonstrably false.
OBL was one man on a worldwide jihad. He twisted the doctrine in order to brainwash others into performing violent acts. He does not speak for muslims everywhere. Why don’t you try talking to some actual muslims about this and see how they feel?
The worldwide Islamic movement is clearly documented on this site. While your words are meaningless. The site also shows the problem goes way beyond OBL.
I have spoken to Muslims, and they want Sharia.
Islam calls for violence.
bukhair Hadith Volume 1, Book 2, Number 25:
Narrated Ibn ‘Umar:
Allah’s Apostle said: “I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah’s Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah.”
If you do not back up your comments with some sources, we are done here.
I’m obviously not going to convince you otherwise with anything I can possibly say, you’re way too deep into this. I guess I should’ve realized that. So I am done here as well, back to the land of Reality. Enjoy.
The reality of the Sharia movement is on this site.
Look, I don’t want to be harsh or insulting, but this site is not an authoritative source of information. That’s the reality.
The reality is that you have not proven me wrong about Islam, as you could do no better but try and change the subject to Christianity. I quote the Koran, the ahadith from Sahih Bukhari and Muslim. Those ARE authoritative sources. Go get an Imam to try and back you up.
An “Atheist” so desperate to defend Islam….
Dear Chris,
Read the Muslim scriptures and history for yourself.
Then you will know how much or how little authority this site can have for you.
OBL was one man on a worldwide jihad. He twisted the doctrine in order to brainwash others into performing violent acts.
end quote.
You give OBL far too much credit. The people who follow him or do the scripturally-derived imperatives he set out in his life are responsible for their acts.
If you don’t believe that Jihad is essential to Islam, then I’d suggest you read Niccolo Capponi, Victory of the West.
His description of Islam does not yield to the doctrine of politically correct multiculturalism and is far more authoritative than those which do.
If you say that Jihad is not essential to Islam, your understanding of the religion, its militancy, its aggressiveness and its tendency toward conquest and repression of what it calls other are all severely wanting.
To all those arguing with ‘admin’, why don’t you look at present day Islam in the world?
Halal meat declared ‘extremely cruel’ by a UK Food Minister allowed to continue for community cohesion.
Women stoned to death in Muslim countries for committing the crime of being raped.
A 16 year old girl protesting that she was raped, was taken from an Iran court case and immediatedly hanged for the crime of telling the judge he should prosecute the men who raped her. The judge gave this sentence because of the girl’s ‘sharp tongue’.
Beautiful 16yr old youths are hanged in Iran because they are homosexual.
A Muslim woman who left her husband was found in a UK street dying, both hands severed. Revenge from the brave husband and his tough machete wielding mates.
A little UK girl of six constantly forced to sleep in a cellar and raped by her peaceful
Muslim father.
All this in the name of religion. Anyone committing such crimes in the West is considered an insane criminal or pervert and punished.
But one word against such Muslim activities brings out the machete and knife carrying mob, cars are burned and people threatened.
Civilised people should always stand up for the vulnerable, the underdog, whether animal or human, not react like savage maniacs.
Anyone who supports present day Islam and its halal burgers, is supporting cruelty and oppression even if it is not within their own community because you are giving meek agreement that anything is ok.
The admin here is quite rational.
He can hold his own.
Thanks eib!
To the posters who say we who are ANTI-HALAL and ANTI-ISLAM, are bigots:
NO! We are self-preservationists. Do you even know what Islam is? Do you know that the mosque was named Cordoba at first? The Cordoba mosque in Spain was a VICTORY mosque by Islam. Do you remember history AT ALL? Vienna. Constantinople. Ottoman Empire. Charles Martel who drove the Muslims out. Etc Etc Etc..
Do you know that WEASEL Feisal Rauf imam has terrorist ties? DO YOU?
Do you know that Islam has tried to conquer the world and kill Jews and Christians, Buddhists and Hindus, etc for 1400 years and has done just that? That 80 million Indians were slaughted by Islam? That 1000 Christians were killed on Ivory Coast a few weeks ago? That Coptic Christians are routinely killed by Muslims? That we are in the midst of the third jihad? That Isalm is NOT a religion but a cult comparable to NAZISM? that Nazis and Muz were in cahoots in WWII? grand mufti of jerusalem…muslim…in bed with Hitler?
WE don’t want to live under a caliphate with shariah law? I guess you do. Hope you love those garbage bags women will have to wear. Hope you love stonings, beheadings, eyes gouged out, acid attacks…
Do you know that even MONKS in Asia are now armed? that Coptic Christians are forming militias?
To Infidelloveisraelandamerica,Amen and Amen.
A fine and true rebuke to Weasel
“Reuploaded from AlJazeeraEnglish’s channel- ”
Thats all I needed to know.
“Is it safe to allow Israel to disregard UN laws especially after the Gaza Flotilla Massacre where they murdered humanitarian peace activists”
Those peaceful activists? They are called the IHH. Here is a little insite into the IHH.
And this.
How about this?
if you are still not convinced, try…
“The latest estimates suggest that Israel has produced at least 118 warheads with weapons grade plutonium.”
Israel is not calling for Irans destruction, Iran, and Muslims in general, are calling for Israels’ destruction.
“The Jericho One, which is now obsolete, had a range of 500 kilometres, and could carry a 20 kiloton nuclear warhead – 20 times more powerful than the US bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. The Jericho Two has a range of 1500 kilometres. It could just reach Iran”
When has Israel EVER called for the use of nuclear weapons, agains any country? Answer… Never.
By the way, those peacefull humanitarian activists were chanting this as they lef the docks.
Khybar! Khybar! Oh Jew, the army of Mohammed will return!
this is the actual video of the peace activists chanting, Khabar! Khabar, oh Jew, the army of mohammed will return!