The Christian community has been much too quite on this issue. Many are paralyzed by the politically correct disease. Dr. Terry Jones is not one of those Christians, he is brave enough to speak the truth about Islam, and unwilling to back down to his critics. Leaders like him are what the Church is sorely missing, and this is what his new book is about. “Islam is of the Devil” starts out with a simple request, and that is just asking people to speak the truth. The truth about Islam is that it is a religion of war, that allows lying, and rape. It is the anti-thesis of Western Civilization, and it must be fought. I ask the Christians reading this, did Jesus not want the truth to be spoken?
To know the truth, one must know the Islamic scriptures, and Dr. Jones takes care of this in the “The Roots of Islam”, and the “A Masquerade of Peace and Tolerance” chapters. Which point out the dominance and violence that Islam breeds.
YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.Muslim hadith Book 041, Number 6985:
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.
The two main points of this book are that if Islam is not stopped, it will destroy life as we know it, and the bottom line here is that most of the country defines themselves as Christians. So if they want to do what is right, they are the ones that have the numbers to make a difference. If a good portion of the Christian community does not take a stand against Islam, I do not see us winning this war.
Whether you are a Christian or not, new to subject or have been aware of the problem, this book is a must have in our arsenal against Islam. To order “Islam is of the Devil” for you or a friend, (only $12.99) just click HERE. The purchase will also help support Logans Warning, so please mention my site in the order comment section.
Thank you,
Absolutely Islam is of the Devil. It sanctions rape, beating of women, beheading infidels, having sex with 9 year old girls, hanging homosexuals, honor killings, killing Muslims who leave Islam, etc. There is something for everyone who isn’t a radical Muslim to hate, all you have to do, is read the Koran. It’s a blueprint to subjugate and obliterate all non Muslims. The information is out there, people need to read about it.
I agree. Islam is all about killing violence and repression. Show me ONE progressive or productive muslim country……every one of them is a shithole of some kind. Screw islam. Screw their prophet (a phony anyway). And screw their koran book, that was half plagiarized from other people who had much more sense than any muz ever had. And even that wasn’t done well! What a bunch of losers. They should all have a big fat L branded on their foreheads!
And if it wasn’t for oil, they’d be even worse off.
If we had smart leaders, we would of been off of their oil along time ago. Then we could truly take on Islam.
The way things are going, the Chinese would be the only ones buying all their oil fairly soon.
Dear Gary and Others
Seems like there is a lot of misconception about islam in ur minds partially due to your ignorance and partially due to act of some muslim which most of the world wrongly has decided to label them as “face of islam”
I have seem many quotes that u have mentioned from quran which u feel are bibaric but its very important that all quotes are read in context.
Islam its Holy book Quran and its last Messenger Prophet Muhammded (PBUP) only promotes peace and equality for all genders, income groups, race and etc
Just to give u a few facts
1. Islam not only has fair rights for women but also talks about animal rights. It teaches us to be kind and respectful towards our wife. There are many books which u can read about “women rights in islam”
2. It teaches us to be respect all other religion unlike some other religions
3. Historically speaking there was an era when islam ruled the world so if islam was being spread by sword than technically today all of mankind would be muslim
4. The 3 major sins in islam are believing in more than one god; killing an innocent life; and adultery. Did u know the punishment in islam for adultery is dead. and Quran says kiilling one innocent person is like killing the whole of mandkind.
5. Islam in no way promotes polygamy it has only given an option should there be a necessity that too subject to conditions.
6. Just because a few muslim around the world wrongly take provision of islamic law to their advantage it doesn’t mean its acceptable in islam
I urge u all to promote healthy debate instead of giving derogatory remarks about Islam or any religion
1. Prove that I have taken the verses out of context.
2. Women have less rights than men under Islam. It is very telling that you think that is “fair”.
3. Islam calls for the dominance of non-Muslims, that is not respect.
YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
4. Islam has been spread by the sword, and in other parts of the world non-Muslims were forced to live under Islamic rule.
Indian Genocide – 80 Million Killed in the Name of Islam~ Video
Did it ever cross your mind that Muslims have not won every war, they took place in?
5. Muslims are allowed to kill someone for spreading “mischief” in the land. Mischief can be defined as almost anything. Of course you leave this part out.
YUSUFALI: On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
Yes, I know Islam calls for the death of adulterers. Sometimes a person can be stuck in abusive marriage for years, that they cannot get out of. They do not deserve to die if they meet someone else.
6. The Islamic scriptures say a male Muslim can have up to four wives, that is promoting polygamy. Save the spin.
7. Islamic Law calls for the dominance of non-Muslims. You cannot spin your way out of this fact.
8. I urge you to accept the fact that we will not submit to Islam, and continue to criticize it.
Dear Admin
Nobody and certainly not me is trying to make u submit to islam. You can continue anything u want. My attempt merely was to explain to that its foolish to choose the wrong doers of any religion as the face of that religion
I am not going to waste either ones time by trying to justify or explain to someone who has a single tracked mind
In other words you cannot prove me wrong about Islam.
Just I have One Question For u : why much people join to Islam every month in Europe ??why ?almost thousands people everyear in UK.Ameirca..France ……………and and …why?because iSLAM IS TRUTH ..we are pray for one God ..he is one not three or two …just answer sure u can answer
Why are so many people in Europe turning against Islam? Why do you support slavery?
really you dont know of islam ..who told your we are hate people from other Religions ??!!!no that valse ..we loves All people ..and about kill who adultery :if the man or women did that and he or she r married that =stoning to death ..because that not reason of he or she do that..if she or he not married that=hit by whip .i will ask u :if everyone will fuck every lady ..then u dont know who is your father or mother ..that why Allah not all of forbidden relation ..he want purity for all people ……and i will tell you something dont think all muslims are like Osman bin laden..he is terorrist man ..we are ahsamed of him
Why is it I don’t believe your takiya?
Because the world is full of idiots if the not 2, 3 gods thing was a swipe at the Trinity all you have done is show how little you know about the one true religion which is Christianity. Jesus does not demand we murder, rape, enslave and torture like your satan god. Millions convert to Christianity every year. Many of whom are subsequently murdered by assholes like you for converting. Millions more would leave your death cult if they were not afraid of being murdered for converting. So tell me why you are all such savage, blood thirsty,mindless rapists and mysongynists,come on tell me huh why come on tell me I want to know.
hello there. FUCK YOU! haterrrr you obviously dont know anything about Islam and the beliefs that follow it so you need to do us all a favor and shut up bye:)
Then come back and debate me on the Islamic scriptures.
From our facebook page “Internatioal Burn a Koran Day”.. We will burn the koran on 9.11.2010 in remembrance of the fallen victims of 9/11/01 and to stand against the evil of Islam.
This comment was made by a Muslim on that page by, Nuh Lee Muh, “I think those who died on 9/11 are a lot happier wherever they are now than they would be on Earth.”
We must stop Islam now!!!
What a selfish person, it is not for him or her to decide.
This is a MORAL ISSUE! Islam is EVIL. It sanctions sex with 9 year olds, beating women, beheading non-Muslims, hanging homosexuals, treating women like “property”. If you don’t take a stand against this, then what is it that you will fight for exactly?
hey stephanie, kiss my asss bitch:)
A good reminder to all non-muslims would be that subjugated under pislamic rule, everything that brings joy in life would be forbidden (haram). As a non-american but a fellow westerner I could not imagine a life without music. We could kiss Elvis, Beatles and the Stones bye-bye. I just mentioned those artists as crude examples. No matter what your musical preferences are, it would be forbidden under pislam anyway.
The only music allowed in pislam is a kind of vocal music sung without accompanying instruments. I think it is called Nasheed if my memory serves me right. The lyrics must always praise allah and mahound or else it is haram. The only instruments halal in pislam is some form of drums and percussions but even those are supposed to only be used on special occassions like weddings for instance.
I’m well aware of the pislamic hypocracy in these matters. Just like in the above thread were Chris happen to catch arselifters drinking beer, some of them listens to music, often arabpig pop or hiphop. But there are a few countries where they actually takes this very seriously, like in Somalia. If they catch you listening to music you could get executed. If they catch you watching soccer on tv, you could also get executed. This goes to show that we would loose everything that brings joy in life if pislam takes over and dictates totally new rules to live after.
The taliban used to kill people in Afghanistan who owned songbirds.
Talban is a real Muslems, but the problem is that Talban-not the Qaeda- are fightin for their country and America and their soldies must Know that Islam not love killing people..this is in Quran..please read it >
Read it? I wipe my arse on it!
Dear all, i just wanna tell you that whatever you know about islam is really not true; if you really wanna know about it, go ahead and visit a muslim country, like the Arab Emireates. You’ll find that muslims are much more civilized than most of the other nations. And to who thought that every joy in life is forbidden in islam, dear, you’re totally wrong, we listen to all kinds of music, and do whatever we want actually. Bin Laden my friend is not a muslim, the war against islam is all about OIL. Give yourself a time to think about it instead of burning a quran, it wont fill the gap between you and them.
First of all the UAE is getting stricter and stricter, and Saudi Arabia is a really an Islamic country. Either you are playing games, or you are ignorant about Islam. Islamic Law forbids certain types of music, and Bin Laden knows more about Islam than you ever well. The current wars are not about oil, if they were we could take it anytime we want, and the war with Islam has been going on long before America and others were in Afghanistan and Iraq.
When you actually want to talk about Islam let me know, and get used to it, our movement is growing by the day.
Prove me wrong.
Meanwhile Adam here is posting from Ramallah Palestine. How about we stop with the games, and look at what Islam has brought to Gaza?
BTW, there is not going to be a middle ground. It will be the freedoms of the West or Sharia.
Your talkin about what islam brought to Gaza? Whose the one trying to fight the muslims out? JEWS! Muslims are trying to live there peacefully!
Voting in Hamas, and firing rockets into Israel is not peaceful. Even without this conflict, Islam is a huge problem for the West.
don’t u know about history,, it was called palastine one day before those jews from europe landed their and decided to make it their land and they got all support from non-muslim countries like america and britain. now muslims should have the right to stand for their land and protect their families against the savage jews who took over palastine to be ISRAEL.
u won’t understand cause this is how u always live ,, by taking over weaker countries ,, give me a reason to happened in iraq and all the prison torture to muslims ,, which were acted by christians as i believe and u know.
My aren’t you the ignorant one. Palestine was the name given to the region by the Roman when they conquered it. That included Jordan and Lebanon.
There are no such people as Palestinians. Yessir Arabfat decided to usurp that instead of calling himself an Arab to make a false claim. He was an Egyptian born in Cairo.
So your takiya isn’t fooling anyone.
LOL You’re a really piece of work, aren’t you? Try go to downtown Mogadishu with a ghetto-blaster playing western pop or rock and you’ll be shorter in statute before you can yell allahu akhbar. Or try go to Islamabad in a t-shirt with a real hot babe motive. Guess what, you’ll find yourself running a gauntlet before you know it.
I have been to several Muslim countries. They are backwards and mostly poor. The beat their wives, marry cousins (inbreed) and are mostly humorless. You can not display the bible or criticize Islam or Mohammed. They marry girls off at a very, very young age. They do drink (in secret) and chew quat openly. Their crime rate is high. They are the number one viewers of Pedophilia. They have a large number of homosexuals. They love to screw young boys. They do not have dogs for pets. They do not have concert orchestras or ballet. They do not post pictures in their home or buildings. What is there to like?
Very, very little. In fact, I can think of nothing I like about their countries.
lol..u say of muslims like fick kids ????????wht u will say of the church ?the church like a brothel..your pope big gay and freak ..all worlds knows that ..and u knows that 100% many kids rape by your chaplain or pastor or munk?thousands kinds ..and by that muhc christain never back again to church ..and i dont know who some place of pray can use for the sex by chaplians and patosrs ….??!!!and how many nuns are rape by monks ??hah..?i will tell u something ?pope and chaplains and pastors monks and nuns and priests one belive his religion ..they exploit your religion for take money and rape kids and nuns …dont tell me im lier ..that is nasty ..really ..i wish you join to islam for find your slef..have a nice day ..dont cry by my words
You are obviously out of your mind or perhaps you are an arselifter either way you are wrong pislam is evil.
how could you say any one wrong with out listing the arguments of others……..Yes this is the war of oil …… for get the speach of US president in 1970s says that if one more time oil rich countries bann exports of oil to US we will capture the area………why US more focusing on new discoverd trillion of $ of resources in afghanistan ……now while he is defeated and planing how to ran from afghanitan with these resources…….Islam is a relegion of peace ……and who ever say opposite to it ….actully he is ignorant….May GOD give right path ………This is the fault of we muslims not your,s …if we unite then no one will try to abuse ISLAM with any solid bases……….AND as ISLAM is complete religion that soild base will only ignoranance of that person …………Despite of what you have said or you are going to do or you are trying to do as a part to remove the ISALM from earth ( but this will not happen isalm is the fastest growing truth of the world instead of your full try to disrepute ISALM as you more try ISALM grow more fastly )i ,m invite you to ask me what ever the misconcept you have build yourself about ISLAM………….
how could you say any one wrong with out listing the arguments of others……..Yes this is the war of oil …… for get the speach of US president in 1970s says that if one more time oil rich countries bann exports of oil to US we will capture the area………why US more focusing on new discoverd trillion of $ of resources in afghanistan ……now while he is defeated and planing how to ran from afghanitan with these resources…think how to cover that defeat….….Islam is a relegion of peace ……and who ever say opposite to it ….actully he is ignorant….May GOD give right path ………This is the fault of we muslims not your,s …if we unite then no one will try to abuse ISLAM without any solid bases……….AND as ISLAM is complete religion that soild base will only ignoranance of that person …………Despite of what you have said or you are going to do or you are trying to do as a part to remove the ISALM from earth ( but this will not happen isalm is the fastest growing truth of the world instead of your full try to disrepute ISALM as you more try ISALM grow more fastly )i ,m invite you to ask me what ever the misconcept you have build yourself about ISLAM………….
How did you find your way here? Have you even read the other articles about pislam on this site?
you have 4 bible not one or two ..that mean is chainged by lier persons ..Quran is one ..because is from Allah
I have a few questions for you.
If you claim that Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion, why is the Christian faith GROWING EVEN FASTER? The global south of Africa,Asia,and Latin America is where the Christian faith is doing the fastest growth.
Do you know that Islam OPPRESSES women and girls BIGTIME? Proof is not just only the “honor killings” happen but also that Koran 4:34 also COMMANDS husbands to beat or abuse their wives. Also girls are married as early as the age of 9, just like what Mohammed did when he married a little girl of 9.
Also the Koran commands violence against non-Muslims and it also blesses violence.
Plus the number #1 book of all time is the Bible. Why do Muslims attack it?
Thank-you for your responses.
Miss AnnM, You are wrong of all you write about Islam,Islam is the real and the true Religion of all religions becauls it is the only Religion from Sky.Muhammed take Quran for the wholy Engel: Jebrael..the Muslims aboud Milliard and half, but Cristian aboud two Milliard only that profe that Islam is aowing gradually without violence and strongth.Mouammed has marriage Aisha about 9 years of 18 year,what the problem all people Knews that and no objection because this the habbit at Hot countres..and the wrong thisgs make in the name ol Islam but all of is Arabec happens not of Islam,Do you have read the Quran.. all The Quran and you will find that it is the only Holly Book from God.Try reading and then see the deffernt between the truth and lying.
I have read the Koran, and it allows lying, terrorism, and rape.
The problem is that the actions of Mohammad are to be followed for all times, according to the Koran.
You still have not answered my question, why is the Bible the number 1 best selling book of all time?
Also still have not answered the question of why husbands are allowed to beat their wives as Koran 4:34 allows?
Please answer those questions, okay. Thank-you.
okay here is your answer Miss AnnM: That verse in the Quran is saying Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, First time you give them a warning, Second time you refuse to share a bed with them, and the third time you hit them (lightly). Islam gives chances. The thing you guys only look at is the violence part. You need to look at the whole picture.
also how do you know the bible is the number 1 best selling book of all time, huh? where did you READ that?
There’s no oil in Afghanistan. Please try again, arselifter.
You really should just not assume things, I have heard the Islamic arguments over and over. The problems with Islam and the non-Muslim world have been going on long before America has been in Afghanistan and Iraq, and we have not taken the oil in Iraq. I never said that I was trying to wipe Islam from the earth, and I understand Islam very well. I invite you to prove me wrong….
Here is a message that was sent through Twitter on July 27:
Make #dua for the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida to be burned to the ground. May Allah destroy them and their leader!
That sounds like a fatwa to me.
That looks to me as something not so completely different of what is written all over this website. Both are wrong uneducated and blindfolded. Remind you that the text you referring to is written out of anger by a person who has not find the peace of mind to tone down his feelings. Just like that one person summoning people to burn Qu´rans.
Well, I know and work with a lot of wonderful and brilliant Islamic people here in Michigan, some of whom have taken significant leadership roles in their Islamic communities.
Quoting clearly evil passages from the Koran or other Muslim writings and quoting the baddest a$$es of the modern radical Islamic world isn’t convincing me that you can paint with such a broad brush.
Most of us Christians don’t take even the New Testament completely literally and I’m sure this is true for many Muslims’ views of their sacred texts, especially the “evil” parts.
And yet its there and arselifters follow it. Care to explain why?
Sorry, Gary, am not following. You want me to explain why something is somewhere?
What is an arselifter?
Why evil exists in pislam. From day 1. This should explain it –
As for what an arselifter is, check my blog. Its explained on the right side-bar.
I do know there’s evil writings in Islam and evil things done by Muslims (and by a few Christians from time to time). My question is how I can observe and benefit from so many kind, generous, warm people who profess Islam and square that with a blanket statement about how Islam is evil.
Not to be a devil’s advocate! 🙂
You’d better familiarise yourself with the pislamic concept of takiya.
Knowing so many Islamic people for so many years and seeing close up how they conduct themselves (not just how they talk) tells me quite a lot about them. Intentional lying to further Islam? Kind of a stretch when you have such extensive experience with them.
Score me as unconvinced about the broad brush. I can tell you have a lot invested in it, to the point that your beliefs are irrefutable, no matter what evidence.
God bless you!
The evidence is that there is a worldwide Sharia movement happening, and there is no major Muslim movement against it. When you have the plan to separate the “good” Muslims from the bad, please let me know. Then explain why Europe and India have not yet done it.
Thank you.
btw its called ISLAM not Pislam. Dude i hope you improve your spelling someday
We need a little humor to approach this miserable heap of dung called pislam. Or else it gets to depressing.
Yes, like the ones who wanted the call to prayer on loudspeakers no matter how much it bothered non-Muslims, and the ones that harassed the Christians at the Dearborn Arab Festival. Such wonderful people. Or how about the 1000’s of them which turn out for pro-Hezbollah rallies?
A MILLION THNKS to Loganswarning for highlighting “Islam is of the Devil”. It is a fact that — Islam is a religion of war that allows rape and lying — and if Islam is not stopped it will destroy life as we know it in America. It is correct to say that both this book and Loganswarning are prophetic in their vision and truthfully and accurately portray the severity of the Islamic threat. All Americans need to heed their clarion call. Please see my article in support linked below “At War with Islam”:
You are totally WRONG! Islam HIGHLY DISCOURAGES LIEING! The prophet once said,”Those who lie are not one of us.” Islam is the farthest thing from violence. In the Quran it says, “Even if you are at war, you may not fight until the other man has hit first.” So muslims do not hit until the other man hits first. SO why is it a religon of viloence, huh? Somebody prove ME wrong!
I will easily prove you wrong…..
While the Islam is a religion of peace falsehood continues to spread across the world, the truth is that Islam allows lying, rape, and what non-Muslims would consider murder. There is nothing peaceful about these actions, and I will prove my claims in a three part series.
PART I: Islam allows lying.
By Christopher Logan
I have stated over and over that Islam is a bunch of double talk. It is true that some verses of the Koran and aHadith speak out against lying.
YUSUFALI: In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease: And grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves).
YUSUFALI: Woe to the falsehood-mongers,-
From the Hadith
Book 032, Number 6309:
‘Abdullah reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: It is obligatory for you to tell the truth, for truth leads to virtue and virtue leads to Paradise, and the man who continues to speak the truth and endeavours to tell the truth is eventually recorded as truthful with Allah, and beware of telling of a lie for telling of a lie leads to obscenity and obscenity leads to Hell-Fire, and the person who keeps telling lies and endeavours to tell a lie is recorded as a liar with Allah.
These condemnations are only against certain types of lies though.
Here the Koran allows Muslims to lie in a way that can easily mean to hide their pro-Sharia agenda from non-Muslims.
YUSUFALI: Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah.
The Hadith tells us that lying in OK in three other circumstances.
Book 032, Number 6303:
Humaid b. ‘Abd al-Rahman b. ‘Auf reported that his mother Umm Kulthum daughter of ‘Uqba b. Abu Mu’ait, and she was one amongst the first emigrants who pledged allegiance to Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him), as saying that she heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: A liar is not one who tries to bring reconciliation amongst people and speaks good (in order to avert dispute), or he conveys good. Ibn Shihab said he did not hear that exemption was granted in anything what the people speak as lie but in three cases: in battle, for bringing reconciliation amongst persons and the narration of the words of the husband to his wife, and the narration of the words of a wife to her husband (in a twisted form in order to bring reconciliation between them).
Finally these types of permissible lies are reinforced in Islamic Law.
“Reliance of the Traveller, A Classical Manual of Islamic Sacred Law”
r8.2 The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said,
“He who settles disagreements between people to bring about good or says something commendable is not a liar.”
“I did not hear him permit untruth in anything people say, except for three things: war, settling disagreements, and a man talking with his wife or she with him (A: in smoothing over differences).”
This ruling obviously leaves the door open for all types of lies.
Islam condones violence, and terrorism. Which is proven here. Your words do not outweigh those of the Islamic scriptures.
Islam 101: The Religion of War
Muslims can also kill anyone for spreading “mischief” in the land. “Mischief” can be almost anything.
YUSUFALI: On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
It seems that you do not know much about your religion.
Just think of them as cuddly, little time bombs. You never know what will set them off or when it will happen but it will happen, eventually.
So whay happens then if the Bible(HOLY BOOK)were burned?
**In the name of God the merciful**
they want to extinguish the light of Allah with thier mouths,and Allah will light,and if the Unbelievers.
**The truth of God Almighty**
Like that has not happened already.
Burn down churches much, arselifter?
You tell me what happens if we burn a quran or draw a picture of your pedophet mohammed (piss be upon him)?
No,the Holy prophet ordered us to abuse other religions even if abused to him or us.
We know Islam call for the domination of other religions.
I will never convert, or submit to Islamic Law. What shall happened to me?
Unholy you mean, arselifter?
He would probably need some blessings considering the hot place he is residing in now so we could probably agree on that.
Wow at last an honest mudslime. Suprise surprise.
As for the part about drawing the prophet, that is banned because the muslim god banned it. If humankind drew faces of the prophets anyone could start worshipping it. Right or wrong? As for the part about burning the quran, your right. Whats gonna happen if you burn the quran? No ones gonna convert because of that. Your not getting even or even extremely higher. Your just making your reputation worse. ‘Hi, we are christians and we burned the quran!’ What point are guys even TRYING to make with burning qurans, huh? You tell me that ROBIN!
“As for the part about drawing the prophet, that is banned because the muslim god banned it.”
We are not Muslims and do not adhere to your rules.
read the greatest book of hisroty, a hunderd people by Michael Hart you will find that a hunderd immortals….(the greatest of them MOHHAMED)
MR/gary rumian
MR/robin shadowes
Sorry, but we do not glorify rapists pedophiles here. You are wasting your time here, we will continue to speak out.
you do not tmjdon rapists!!!!!!!!!!
And who is Michael Hart?.
IS one of you(I mean not Muslim)
So why glorify the prophet?
And if i knew that i miss my time,i would not get back to you
I have no idea what you mean in the first sentence, and I am not the one glorifying Mohammad the pedophile, you are.
we only glorify the one and only god, allah. Muhammad (s) is only our prophet.
Mohammad is not the only named prophet in Islam.
We will continue to speak out on 9.11.2010,
Would I drink camel’s urine if you recommended it?
We will continue to speak out against Islam on 9.11.2010! see the facebook page, International Burn a Koran Day === if you support that, then please post your comments on that page, thanks
Why do not you want to hear or even writing my comments? do you know why ?
Because you zbon Islam for no reason…
tell me,
What good is it to you in the burning of the KORAN? And hurmful for us?
Was to burn the KORAN, we will not burn the BIBLE
Because our religion forbade us from doing so.
Do what you want, but if you have a problem .. it will not be this way
Because Quran in our hearts and not in the paper that you will burning.
I am giving you evidence but you do not you offer me not to slander and insults.
peace be upon you …………………….
greeting as you can see is the peace
If I did not want you to comment here, you would not be. We speak out against Islam, because we refuse to be dominated by it. Is that clear enough for you? Muslims have been desecrating symbols of other religions for centuries. So lets stick to facts.
Actually, its because you’re spouting unreadable nonsense – much like the koran! 🙂
It is because I am spouting unreadable nonsense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO why you read my comments and respond to them ? IF it is really as it is called you….MR/Gary
What? Try making some sense, boy.
If you would like some free Christian Material to combat Muslim. Send us your mailing address and we can send you a pack.
I am sorry to say this but the American people are the most ignorant people on earth !!! The greatness of your country has blinded you from seeing the outside world from a perspective different from yours !!! It is a pity !!! We as real muslims we are taught to respect all religions and all prophets !!! We nor burn books neither curse prophets !!!
Newertheless among muslims there are bunch of extremists that were behind some violent actions which were unfortunately associated to Islam !! But by burning koran you are just being like them !! PS: Those extracts Koran you are using are not true . In fact the true value of Koran are lost in translation !!!
If I am so ignorant about Islam, then debate me on the scriptures. Islam is a religion of war, that allows lying, and rape.
Muslims have been desecrating symbols of other religions for centuries, so stop with the falsehoods. The Koran that I read was translated by Islamic scholar Y. Ali. Do you claim to know Islam better than he did? I have also read the Bukhari and Muslim ahadith, and an Islamic Law manual approved by Al Azhar, the highest learning Islamic school in the world. So you are going to have to do a lot better than just saying I am wrong.
BTW, I do see the Islamic perspective, and I do not want it here, nor will I ever sumbit!
Respect, huh? Is that why you arselifter burn churches, synagogues and temples and blow up statues of the Buddha?
Ignorant? They put men on the moon more than 40 years ago!!! A planet that is also associated with your so called “god” allah! If he really was so omnipotent as you arselifters claim I’m sure he would allowed pislamonauts to land there first. And don’t come dragging with that old fairytale of mahound flying to the moon on a magic horse with a womans face and parted it in two halves with his sword and then glued it together again. It might be so that you arselifters swallow a tall tale like that hook, line and sinker but we don’t! How did Mahound breathe in space? How did he survive the Van Allen-belt without space-suit amd space-ship? Oh, yes of course, it was magic!! But wait, isn’t it strictly haram to use sorcery in pislam? something you loose your head for, right? But then again, Mahounds own rules seldom applied to himself for some odd reason…
who told you he went to space? You guys keep messing everything up. Prophet Muhammed (s) rode on a buraq, to jerusalem and went up into the heavens, not in space
Americans are ignorant? The only ignorant people in this world are the ones who still think Pislam is a religon of Peace (perhaps it is a religon of Pieces though).
The bottom line is that Islam calls for the domination of non-Muslims. Are you going to deny this?
GOD says in his HOLY BOOK :
(In the name of God the merciful)
Say :O disbelievers * DO not warship what you warship * And do not you warship what i warship * And i do not serve what you warship * And do not you warship what i warship * Your religion for you and me,religions.
(The truth of God Amightly)
Warship? LOL!!!
And its not GOD, its allah.
That was actually very funny although I doubt the arselifter didn’t mean it that way or even noticed it. LOL
* did mean it.
Yes. I wonder if he realises we’re laughing at him?
I cannot decipher your post mo. But I can tell you that like Chris I will never submit. I am A Christian and that wont be changing. You guys just killed 5 Christians coming out of church services in Pakistan. You guys just burned down a home church in Malasia. You are constantly killing Christians all over the world and now you wanna come here & do it to American christians. Isay everyday should be burn a Quran Day you murdering swine!
I second that!
I third it!
Allah is satan himself – the serpent in the garden. He was devious and sneaky and that is exactly how he tells muslims to act. The worldwide sharia movement cannot be achieved without that behaviour.
Dr. Jones was interviewed LIVE on Thursday, July 29, by CNN’s Rick’s List.
Here is the link to the video:
I think people here should try to understand what they are against. You say you are against Islam but as i read your post you are all against the CULTURES that came from some peoples misinterpretation of the Qu´ran.
Are you all against the Bosnian culture for example? Where muslim women are free, music is allowed, and you can eat pork and drink as much wine as you want as a muslim?
I would say the people who used and still use Islam and the Qu´ran as a tool for political power are the devils here. And if you look at it this way then some christian leaders aren’t very holy either.
With all do respect, but some sheep have forgotten to take their blindfold of.
I think that you need to reread, people here are against Islam, and being dominated by Islamic Law. I have read the Koran translated by Islamic scholar Yusuf Ali, he did not misinterpret the Koran. If I was blindfolded, I would not have been able to study the Koran, the Bukhari and Muslim ahadith, and an Islamic Law manual. Instead of throwing around meaningless labels, why don’t you debate me on the Islamic scriptures?
Things are getting worse in Bosnia as well.
Balkans: Wahabis seen as growing regional threat
Yusuf Ali didn’t misinterpret anything indeed. He just translated it the best he could. But you, my friend, are misinterpreting the translation. Like so many Christians misinterpret the Bible. Keep in mind that the time these text were written is different from the times we live in now. People talked and wrote in a different way back then. Today we write in a direct and scientific way. In those days people wrote dramatically, trying to explain events in more symbolic ways. You can read the bible and interpret it as a far more aggressive and sick book then the Qu´ran. But since you and I are christians we feel/know that some of these passages are unheard of and even forbidden in todays western society. Now this is the same for the Qu´ran. Unfortunately for Islam there are people abusing this (when you really study the meaning behind it) beautiful religion for their own greed and power and creating a CULTURE based on their interpretation of a book.
Also remember that the Bible and in a lesser extend the Qu´ran are books that consists of only a portion of the information from that time. The bible is missing a lot of texts that when included would present a whole different and less negative view on women for example. One would also learn that the God represented in todays bible shouldn’t in reality be addressed with he, but rather with it. But since a Roman emperor who put the original bible together didn’t find it appropriate to give women and men equal rights, he’d rather skipped a part of the information available to him.
The world today would look a whole lot better if people woke up and did not take their religion so damn serious. Study it, yes.. have a believe, yes… but please… think for yourself and don’t let religious leaders dictate you what to think based on 25-65% of the truth. Both religions state that God gave us the power to think and make choices. But clearly when you choose to follow the books literally then you were clearly not thinking.
Lets not waste time here. Prove me wrong.
It is clear, Islam calls for the dominance of non-Muslims, allows the taking of sex slaves which is rape, and encourages Muslims to lie.
The same is found in the Bible.
If you take one passage from it then you are even allowed to have have children with your own children. Oh and remember the crusades and the conversion of parts of the world to Christianity? Aren’t we still spreading our religion (read culture) in the middle-east but now under the name of democracy?
Really the two books aren’t that different.
Islam is a political ideology, and a religion combined.
@Seraphiel…..In other words you cannot prove me wrong, and the Crusades were in response to 100’s of years of Muslim aggression. The message of Jesus is not one that OKs rape, lying, extortion. America being in the Middle East, does not mean that I have to accept Islam. This conversation is not going to go on and on. You made a statement, now back it up and prove me wrong.
Why should I prove you wrong as the only thing that I’m telling you is that you take the Qu´ran so literally that you don’t understand the meaning behind it and quite logical are against it since you are raised with different believes and morals. I can’t blame you for that and why should I? It’s your choice. However I would like to point out that one can interpret Christianity in the same negative way. The bible isn’t full of make love not war stories either and some very disturbing and bizarre acts take place that a for example a Muslim could see as pure evil and devilish.
I can blame you however for not showing the beautiful passages the Qu´ran has, the words of wisdom it contains. Just as in the Bible. But off course we cannot expect to see this on a anti-islam website. I understand that. Be careful though that in muslim countries they do the same to Christianity and the Bible on anti-Christianity websites. Where they only quote passages that are clearly negative. It’s propaganda from both sites from people who haven’t quite awakened yet.
You cannot prove me wrong, and when there is a problem that is where the focus belongs. So those are the passages that I will continue to show. This is the end of what you want to be a circular conversation.
what do you guys think of jesus huh? you guys say he is son of god, right? you guys always say jesus this jesus that, well guess what? if jesus is the SON of god, maybe you guys should actually worship GOD not JESUS! Another thing to point out, Jesus’s mom was mary. ANd mary wore a headscarf. Look in pictures of her. So why don’t christians were headscarfs huh?
The bottom line is that none of the regulars here, are going to stop speaking out against Islam. It is that simple.
Oh I never stated that the people here aren’t allowed to speak out against Islam. But please accept that, this means that there are people that are going to speak out against Christianity as well. And I can’t blame them as both religions are, when you study how they are used, corrupted with politics and have nothing to do anymore with religion in the sense of personal spiritual growth and understanding. As you stated yourself, there are laws based on Islam as there are also laws based on Christian morals and believes. Now these Christian laws turned out to give people and cultures great economical and material benefit. As for some Islamic laws they turned out not to be so beneficial for people as we in our western society see it. Again these are laws made by people that interpret religious texts in various ways. If some Christian leaders had chosen to interpret the texts in the way some Muslims leaders had interpret the Qu´ran then maybe some Christian fundamentalist would have flown an airplane into a world-trade centre in Teheran. And the hatred against Christians from the Muslim wold would be extreme.
As you already stated Islam is a politics and religion combined. This is the same for Christianity.
As this site and this discussion here proves over and over again. The problem here are the people taking their religious believes to the extreme without thinking what their believes are based on. Which are ancient texts from a time when the world looked totally different then now. So stop taking these books literally and rather read and find the meaning behind them. If you really have read the Qu´ran and the Bible and you found the message that both books contain then you would run into the first church and mosque you came over and smashed the whole interior into small pieces. (hey didn’t we read something like this before??)
I see you wish to end our discussion and that’s ok with me.
May the energy of live and love be strong in you.
People are going to bash Christianity anyway, and Christians did not fly a plane into Tehran so lets stick to reality.
Christians are also not on a worldwide movement trying to impose a set of barbaric religious laws all, but Muslims are. Your constant attempts to get the focus of off Islam and onto Christianity will not work here.
What you fail to understand is that you do not dictate what I or anyone else here does, we will continue to speak out against Islam.
Yes, I really read the Koran…remember, you are the one who cannot refute my statements on Islam.
Our great Religion is a great Religion.Islam in it,s wars made the civilisation and cultues for the world.Whe Islam makes wars is to protact their countres,and to make aother Moslems,but without obliging them for that. But whe the Christian world make wars is to destroy the countries and the human, How that , look to Israel and Palastinean,How Israel killes the Arabs the owner of Palastine.And in the Iraq, and Affaganstan,And in Kosovo.. it is the real civilization of Eyorpe and the Cristian world.. their purposes are to kill and kill and kill all that in the name of Jesus .
Islam has been at war with non-Muslims since the days of Mohammad. Or didn’t your Imam tell you this?
To keala bear, You are the Satan him self. Allah is the real God, not a profhet called Jesus make him God.. what are you thinking? what is life for you? did you read the holly Qura,n.. if you didnt how you rules about Muslems and God and Mohammed? watch the news in the world and you will see what may happened from God to protect Muslems .. burn the Qura,n and God will burning you..
Whatever action you want to take is your own will and pleasure. Your emotions guide you to do so. you may not be knowing the effect of your deeds. But God knows everything. God has guided you the correct path. If you are christian God has guided you thruough your bible. If you deeds are conforming to the teachings of bible then you are on right path. So read the bible completely and understand it if you want to be right christian. If you reject the teachings of bible you can never be a good christian.
Now same if you want to participate in the book burning ceremony it is also your will and pleasure. But before that know about that book. Read it completely with context and understand the teaching of that book.
One point to ponder
If God wants to destroy you He takes your intelligence away.
Is that why you arselifters are so dumb?
That depends on the result.
When your God has guided you, you can see a lot of people act against the guidance. That means God has taken their intelligent away from them.
The result you can see in everyday news.
I can only say one thing to this and that is that you are absolutely right. Unfortunately both a majority of the Muslims and Christians still don’t understand what the Bible and the Qu´ran says. And the results we see today. I know it is difficult to understand since it is written in a time where people wrote and told stories in a different way. Also some (religious) leaders have corrupted both the Bible and the Qu´ran. A religious person who summons other people to hate another religion/culture does the opposite of what the Qu´ran and Bible point out. Yes there are passages in both books were non and other believers should be killed. But with killed the Bible and Qu´ran do not mean going to war and killing each-ohter. It means kill the differences and bring both religions forward to one. But if you just read the texts you never come to know this. You need to read all of the texts and the meaning behind it. A passage alone is just a passage with no deeper meaning. The Bible and Qu´ran were never meant to be read, they were meant to be understand.
You nailed it right there. Words of wisdom. Good to see the more enlightened people taking on the debate here.
Yes, the results are right here –
It is really unfair, just because some Muslims did bad things, a stereotypical image is casted.
Just look at the statistcs of adultry, rape and murders and see which has more, the western world or the Easters (where mostly is Islam)
And rapes in the West are caused by arselifters. Check out the figures in Sweden before arselifters were there and after they arrived.
Read the news daily and assess how many sexual abuses taking place inside whose religious places.
You mean like imams who abuse little boys?
No he means the people inside the catholic church who’s leader has been so foolish to point to the holy grail as an object in stead of what it really means, sex between one woman and a man, developing into another human being and thus eternal live for humanity.
No he means the people within the catholic church who like to get their hands on little boys. This comes forward out of sexual frustration because their religious leader foolishly hangs on to that the holy grail is an object in stead of explaining for what it really is, Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, resulting in a newborn human being and thus eternal life. Again… an example of how a willingly or unwilling misinterpretations turns people in the wrong direction.
And, unlike arselifters, the priests don’t do it in the name of allah. They know what they are doing is wrong. When the arselifters do it, its because it is allah’s will. So your lame moral relativism doesn’t work.
Check these numbers: is it a coincendence that the Eastern (Muslim) countries have the lowest rates of
There is a worldwide Sharia movement taking place, that is a lot more than “some” Muslims.
For Hundred Years no one ever wanted to burn any book that related to religions and make a holiday out of it and now when US started going against Muslim countries, here u go let’s burn Quran, so if they find oil somewhere in Israel and Israeli does not want to share with US then we should burn Torah too!!!
I am non Muslim but it makes me sick too read all the threats to Islam!!!
And what about the threats from pislam? And not just the threats but all the evil they do?
It’s not the Islam doing evil and threatening others. It’s some of the cultures that created corrupted laws and rules based on only a few % of what is written in the Qu´ran. The leaders of these cultures deliberately brainwash their people to make them anti-western. It are these leaders who are the devils not the Islam itself.
Nonsense. Its been pislam all the way for 1,400 years.
Notice a recurring pattern?
Meanwhile you still have not refute my statements on Islam. Either do it, or stop spreading falsehoods.
Here is the deal, you are obviously protective of Islam and continue to say things that you have no proof of, like I am misinterpreting the Koran. Either prove that I am wrong about the scriptures, or you will not be posting here anymore. This site is not here for your propaganda.
If you read my post in stead of just reading them, then you understand that I’m both criticising Islam and Christianity. I wrote several times now that both are corrupted and both the Bible and Qu´ran are misinterpreted by some people.
You show some things very clear.
1. You only read what you want to read which is the negative passages of the Qu´ran and most likely only the positive passages of the Bible.
2. You say you studied the Qu´ran but you didn’t study the meaning behind it. You just wrote the text. You don’t learn at school that 2+2=4. You learn to understand that 2+2=4.
3. You made pretty clear that you don’t want to discuss with me anymore. And besides this post I have respected and will respect your wish.
I’m not here to convince anybody, since the negative people here don’t want to see another point of view. I’m here to tone down the general discussion.
I will respect your wish and stop posting on this topic . I’ve made my point and in a few years you’ll understand. That the way you behave creates the opposite reaction of what you really want.
May the energy of life and love return to you someday.
I did READ them, and Christianity is not the problem. You have repeated several times that Islam is being misinterpreted, but offer no proof.
1. When there is a problem that is where the focus belongs. Once again you are trying to downplay the problem.
2. I understand Islam very well, it is about world control and dominating non-Muslims. You keep saying that I do not understand Islam, yet you cannot prove me wrong. You are only here to play games, and not nearly as slick as you think you are.
3. We have seen the other point of view, and I know you are here to “tone” it down, but you do not get to dictate what goes on here.
4. Actually, taking an aggressive stance against Islam is working. Your attempted con will not work here.
Muslim countries have been going up against the US long before the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Google the Barbary Coast Wars. Should we remain silent, and let Islam takeover?
why doesn’t somebody tell me this! Adam was the first man on earth, correct or not? if he was (which he is) he had a god. Who was his god huh? SOmeone tell me that!
For Seraphiel: you say we should not take a religion so seriously in your previous comments. First it is appointed un to man once to die after this the judgement. The bible. Hell is a very real place and there is no repentance once we take our last,breath. For me I won’t take a chance as to where I will spend eternity. There is no other name as to where men can be saved Jesus is his name Jesus came as God the Father in the flesh. Open your heart to him ask him into your heart and he can and will forgive you of your sins. Mohammed was just a man and as a man he cannot save you! The time is short make your decision for Christ and your eyes will be opened to the real lover of your soul not by Law but by Faith through Grace.
Don’t worry about me copout. I’m deeply religious. But I’ve gone so far that I cannot take the bible and the qu´ran serious anymore. I’ts only a part of the truth about life. You’ll understand what I mean after you have died and see the light a few times just like me. Once you’ll also feel the energy Jesus and many other Christs had. Just keep on studying life you’ll find the truth and then you’ll understand that this religion bashing is meaningless and a negative and self-destroying action. Both from the Christian and Muslim side. These actions only generate more anger and negativity. It’s unfortunate that some people only realise how much energy they have spend wrong on this when they are on their way to the light and get enlightened. Then after that they’ll understand that love will forgive all sins and you’ll feel the intense love and light as it was meant to be on earth as well. My three eyes are open copout, don’t worry. There are more of us then ever before as more and more people get as they call it self-aware.
Mey the energy of love and life come to you one day and be strong in you.
Your constant attempts to get people to stop criticizing Islam will not work.
If you read my post in stead of just reading them, then you understand that I’m both criticising Islam and Christianity. I wrote several times now that both are corrupted and both the Bible and Qu´ran are misinterpreted.
You show some things very clear.
1. You only read what you want to read which is the negative passages of the Qu´ran and the positive passages of the Bible.
2. You say you studied the Qu´ran but you didn’t study the meaning behind it. You just wrote the text. You don’t learn at school that 2+2=4. You learn to understand that 2+2=4.
3. You made pretty clear that you don’t want to discuss with me anymore. And besides this post I have respected and will respect your wish.
I’m not here to convince anybody, since the negative people here don’t want to see another point of view. I’m here to tone down the general discussion.
Responsible or irresponsible it is up to you.
Allah the Almighty says that He will protect quran.
As promised He is protecting the Quran. It is obvious that for the 1400+ years the quran is kept unchanged. Further more, even if you hide all the books in the world Quran can be reproduced without any change from the original. It is safely protected within the heart of hundreds of thousands of people.
What will you achieve by burning one or two books.
next year more Quran will flood in your place and the number of followers will increase. Then your act become irresponsible.
Stupid old allah has been doing a very good job. The koran is already corrupted.
The backlash against Islam is just beginning.
A Christian believes that Ismavel, Abraham, Noah are forefathers.
A Muslim also believes that.
A Christian believes that Adam is the first father.
A muslim also declares that we are Adam’s children.
A Christian believes that God created Adam.
A muslim firmly believes the same and calls God in his language Allah.
Can a man defame Allah. Think it over.
Read fully before burning.
What it says about God, Prophets, people, society? Try to understand. Does it defame Jesus Christ?
If it defames Jesus then you have a reason to become furious.
Quran respects Jesus Christ more than a christian. Please read, Understand before you do.
You don’t know that first thing about Christians, arselifter. The Bible states that Ismael was a wild ass of a man whose hand was against everyone, and everyone’s hand was against his. Pretty descriptive of his Arab descendants, don’t you think?
Oh, and allah = Satan. The Satanic Verses proves that.
This is not the first one. There are more than 50, thousand books have been published against Quran. How many read the satanic verses?
Quran is recited around the world non stop. It is kept by heart in hundreds of thousands of people. The number of followers are increasing day by day.
So are the numbers of the people that oppose Islam.
The Islamic view of Jesus is not the same as a Christian. As under Islam Jesus is supposed to come back as a Muslim and destroy Christianity. Of course you left that part out.
I want to make something clear to EVERYBODY! Haiti. It had 2 very strong earthquakes. News reporters are saying everything that has been destructed, did anyone mention that none of mosques were even scratched in the least?
So what, other tragedies have come to Islamic countries.
Too much non-sense. Show me a single christian/jew ruling country where no rapes, no murders. Its happening everywhere, how you can blame a religion due to people’s irrogant behaviour.
Fuck christians & jews.
You’re probably too stupid to realise it, arselifter, but your last line explains it all. Arselifter rape gangs are running riot in the West.
No one said rape does not happening in other countries, but at least Western Civilization does not condone the taking of sex slaves.
As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Seraphiel you do know the meaning of your blog name don’t you? You have won the debate Hinduism now enters the conversation. In the latter days men will call evil good and good evil. Chris Logan understands this concept, and will exercise his right to speak out against Islam. God gives us free will. He does not wish to dominate us, he desires relationship. I have been a Deputy sheriff and police officer for seven years now, unemployed yes but always a cop. I have seen the ugly things firsthand. It is easy to be bitter easy to be bitter, easy to hate, its what the backside desires. People on this site know what they see just like I would going on a call man with a gun. Should I exit my cruiser and say hey man what’s up can we talk? I put my life on the line every day. This site Logans warning is similar in nature. Have a nice day!
Seraphiel is playing games, he is trying to cover for Islam and tries to get the focus on to other religions.
( Darkside not backside whew I need to check my comments. Sorry and no I don’t agree with Gay its a person own decision to live with a peverted lifestyle and I dont want pushed on me just like Islam. Got it
Yea I know, Chris its called projection just like the alcoholic or druggie, its everyone else’s fault!
Yet the Christian faith is now growing at a faster rate, thanks be to God, in Africa, Asia, and Latin America which is known as the global south.
Plus the Holy Bible is the number 1 best seller of all time.
AnneM good for you and let’s not forget the Muslims who are excepting Christ as their Lord and Savior exponentialy greater rate than Islam!
I meant accepting
The Muslims are just a group of nincompoops without foreseeing the catastrophe awaiting them.
The Muslims just can’t think logically by believing innocently that by producing babies relentlessly they can dominate the world by numbers!
The Muslims are destroying the world’s natural resources with non-controlled of new-little Muslim babies thinking that the non-Muslims would have to feed all these tautological babies using the Sharia Law.
Islam literally is of the devils.
To halt this Islamic world dominance- and if the Muslims don’t set their limitation- when the resilient point has reached its limitation and reaches the breaking point by the non-Muslims, the Muslims must shoulder the responsibility and only to blame themselves for their own total destruction from the face of the earth!
islam does not deny jesus as a prophet nor does it deny christianity , the opposite , the quran asks muslims to respect other religions including christianty and judasim , it belives in their prophets and respect them as well as their followers.
it also does not market violence , and vioelnce is not an islamic act as much as it is a human act that comes from variouse people from variouse religions. and i am sure none of you here can deny , that christians or jews used the act of vioelnce , infact violence was seen mostly from lets not say jews for judasim is a religion but from israelis which most of them are jews in the israeli palestinian war
also we saw a lot of violence from americans , mostly christians towards innocent people in iraq
what am saying here isnt an act of accusation but it is a proof that violence is an act of a human and not a muslim in specific.
and about the accusation if islam fighting all people from other religions since muhammad is wrong
for they have fought the people who fought them first just because they were muslims and trying to spread the message of islam which is vice versa from what you accuse.
and in the quran there is an “ayeh” that asks muslims not to kill a woman , a baby , an old man nor cut a tree in wars. i see nothing more degnfied than that and i see a lot of acts that are the opposite of this ayeh coming from other people diffrent religions
what you are attacing here is not Islam , not the religion , Quran nor mohammad , you are attacing the act of humans , which can come from christianity judasim or any other religion.
but you are just looking for any reason , and be blinded by anything you hear or see , just because you are the ones who are racist against islam , not because you have a really proof against it , or because it has hurt you ina way or other but because you want what you accuse muslims of trying to do , which is control the world with your religion and spread your message world wide not allowing other people from other religions to have the freedom of believe in what they do , and go on with their religouse acts.
the problem here is not Islam , not christianity , judasim nor other religons , what makes this world so rotten and corropted is people like you no matter what religion you are attacking other religions and belives thinking you are better than them.
1. Under Islam, Jesus will come back and destroy Christianity.
Islam calls for the domination of Christians and Jews.
YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
Of course you do not mention these facts.
Islam breeds violence, and I never said non-Muslims are never violent.
Yes, non-Muslims were opposed to Mohammad trying to impose Islam on them. I don’t blame them.
Mohammad himself OKed the killing of women and children during night raids.
Book 019, Number 4321:
It is reported on the authority of Sa’b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.
Trees can be cut down during war.
From the Reliance of the Traveller, A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law
Justice Chapter: Jihad
o9.15 It is permissible in jihad to cut down the enemy’s trees and destroy their dwellings.
Book 019, Number 4325:
It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) caused the date-palms of Banu Nadir to be cut down and burnt. It is in this connection that Hassan (the poet) said:
It was easy for the nobles of Quraish to barn Buwaira whose sparks were flying in all directions.
in the same connection was revealed the Qur’anic verse:” Whatever trees you have cut down or left standing on their trunks.”
Muslims can also kill anybody for spreading “mischief” in the land. Mischief can be just about anything, a Muslim says it is.
YUSUFALI: On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
Islam gives me plenty of reasons to speak out against it. Did it ever occur to you that non-Muslims do not want to live under Islamic Law? My proof are the scriptures themselves, and Islam is not a race. I am not religious, so next time know what you are talking about. This site proves that Islam is the problem, and yes Western Civilization is a lot better than Islam.
well the same way you went to websites got me some crap that other people wrote
probably haters of religions that are acting like muslims
so can i
in this second google anything against christiany and made up stuff and post here
just like you did 🙂
so please stop being an iggnorant , going to websites and posting them here , if u want to go through this argument with me , you go read the quran and come to me after 5 years and tell me what you really understood and not what you copy pasted it
I get my information from the Islamic scriptures. I have read the Koran, the Bukhari and Muslim ahadith, and an Islamic Law manual approved by Al Azhar, the world’s highest Islamic learning school in the world. When you can prove me wrong, get back to me.
well i have studies religion all myself ,trust me read more books than you did and just so would you know , there are a lot of ahadith books that dont have it right. but there are ones that they do
so yes i can proove you wrong. but i am not going to for as i said , you don’t wish to understand you just want to fight , and again an argument with you would be pointless
I only quote the Bukhari, and Muslim ahadith. In other words you cannot prove me wrong. I advice you to do it on your next post, or I am putting an end to this circular conversation.
and again let me resay this
since you didn;t get it the first time
the same way christians have problems with other christians for their religouse belives , , also that goes for jews
so do muslims , again what you are attacking is SOME of the arab nations , any religion have more than one view , a lot of people fromt he same religion argues with each others with their belives.
so before you tell me to kno what am talking about , you do the same , i am not religouse either
and i guess arguying with you is going to be pointless , because again you are blinded by what you read and see , unlike you i am not.
let me tell you something , i am a palestinian and a muslim , i am not a religouse muslim
in palestine there is a war against us which i see and hear about it every day , with israelis that are most jews , they kill us , torment us and treat a lot of people here like animals
now this is not the point but my point is
even though i go through this everyday , i am not racist about judasim , for it is a religion and dosen’t represent the act of a lot of israelis , i respect it like any other religion and that something u seem to not be able to do or understand.
that’s why you are an ignorant person to me and whatever you say won;t change a thing
Let me say this again, I prove my statements about Islam by pointing out the verses from the Islamic scriptures. If I am so ignorant, then it should be easy for you to prove me wrong…
i would proove you wrong.. but i have a class to attent now and don’t have time for you
i will though when i come back show you verses from the bible where it ruins the whole image of christianity and i can keep posting it again and again and use it as a way to argue just they way you did.
and i doubt you read the quran because it contredicts everything you tried to say , and i will get you verses for that. so please do not lie , and make up stuff just for the heck of it.
No no no…..this is not about the Bible, as the Bible is made up of stories for those times, while the Koran states that they actions of Mohammad are to be followed for all times. The Koran contradicts itself, as it is a bunch of double talk used by Mohammad to justify his actions at the time. He was nothing more than a conman, and you posting peaceful verses, does not prove me wrong. As the threatening ones to non-Muslims still exists. Islamic Law discriminates against non-Muslims, and that is a fact.
Jesus will come down to earth and destroy Dajjal. Not Christianity. And that is going to mark the end of this world and the begining of the Day of Judgement.
You obviously do not know your own religion. The Islamic scriptures state he will destroy both.
Muslims believe that Jesus will come back to fight for Islam, not Christianity.
Book 37, Number 4310:
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus (peace_be_upon_him). He will descent (to the earth). When you see him, recognise him: a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him.
Volume 4, Book 55, Number 657:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah’s Apostle said, “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill the pigs and there will be no Jizya (i.e. taxation taken from non Muslims). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it, and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it.” Abu Huraira added “If you wish, you can recite (this verse of the Holy Book): — ‘And there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (i.e Jesus as an Apostle of Allah and a human being) Before his death. And on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness Against them.” (4.159) (See Fateh Al Bari, Page 302 Vol 7)
there that’s just fpr the heck of it , am off to my class now
btw those were only the 1st website from hundreds of pages
I just said the Bible is made up of stories of those times, and this does not at all prove me wrong about Islam. This is besides the fact that Christians are not on a worldwide movement, looking to impose a set of barbaric religious laws on all. So your attempt to change the focus will not work.
Wow that was intense maybe he or she forgot about the part or verse in the unholy Quran where its saids you shall take no Jew or Christian as a friend you are to kill them , or look over there behind that tree there is a Jew kill him. I hope the classes are for spelling and sentence structure. Great debate Chris!
Ask him about the Male-Female “EQUALITY” in Islam?
Ask him if he will be okay to have a wife who has 2, 3 or 4 husbands (including him)?
Ask him if he’ll be feeling elated if his mom was married to 2, 3 or 4 husbands and there is no method in the “ISLAMIC SCIENCE” to use DNA and determine who the father is?
Ask him why the witness of a Muslim lady is worth HALF that of a Muslim man – in an ISLAMIC court?
Ask him why in ‘progressive’ Malaysia conversion from Islam to another religion (apostasy) is punishable in a court of law? Ask him about the blasphemy laws of Pakistan – and would he like to have the same laws enforced across the Western world against conversion out of Christianity?
Ask him – after all – if he is so much inclined to Islam why he chose to not go and find asylum in the greatest Islamic nation in the world – KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)?
Ask him why, while the West is accepting immigrants and granting citizenship – using ‘man-made’ laws – why is the KSA not granting citizenship even though it employs the ‘divine’ laws?
There is only one thing that can be done. You need to point him to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs website of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – that has a translation of the Quran. Ask him to read the specific Ayats or Surah – and ask him to justify those.
Let Bible & Torah & Buddhist & Hindu books be filled with excrement – I care two hoots. I don’t see Buddhist monks going around on a killing spree – and that is more than enough. As long as idiots shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ and kill innocent people ANYWHERE in the world – to us ‘Islam is of the Devil’.
Thanks ~!
What are you guys trying to win, by burning qurans? You won’t gain anything or win anything. SO what are you trying to acheieve?
Actually they are gaining support across the world, and encouraging more non-Muslims to finally take a stand against Islam.
Palin is a racist idiot. First of all, terrorists come cloaked in all kinds of religion . Timothy McVey was a CHRISTIAN. 62 Muslims died on 911, they had families and places of worship that loved them too. The hate mongering C should also remember that Jesus, her Lord and Savior came from the same place as all those “terrorists” who have the nerve to build a place to observe their religion in a country built on the backs of foreigners.
Islam is not a race, and Christians and Jew are not on worldwide movement looking to impose religious laws on all. This is besides the fact that the Islamic scriptures encourage terrorism.
I do not support what Timothy McVeigh did, but it was not done in the name of Christianity. Jesus would not have supported a religion that calls for the extortion of Christians, and supports rape.
Do you want your family’s future generations living under Islamic rule?
whenever these acts happen they are against america and isreal ,, not against christians and jews. people like u made look so ,,, and made islam a religion that calls for war. islam never called for war, but when u violate an islamic country’s rights , the countries people will fight to win back their land and independence. Burning the quran just shows christianity deosn’t respect other religions as u claim to. Muslims countries never had problems with india for example, yet you know how much non-muslims live there. america calls for freedom yet they try to rule the middle east. stay away from islam and arabs and u will never have problems with them.
So why does the arselifters’ filthy koran rave about killing Christians and Jews?
If pislam never calls for war, then why is it always at war?
And its funny that you mention India where 80 million Hindus were murdered by you arselifters. Such a great religion – nothing but killing, lying, raping, stealing, etc. etc. etc.
Oh dear. 62 arselifters died on 9/11. Does that include the 19 pigs on the planes?
Did McVey shout allahu akbar when his Ryder van blew up?
why do americans have to deal with everything in the world. what if women don’t drive in saudi arabia ,, did a saudi woman asked u to help her get a license. homosexuality was forbidden before even jesus came to earth. a messenger was sent by god to a tribe called ” loot ” and they were all gays and god took them all down. muslims love their religion certainly not because they have to ,, there is something in our quran that people love and it is that islam isn’t praying and fasting all ramadan only ,, it teaches people how to live within the limits god put 4 us.
the middle east is not a savage place as u think it is, and not that cruel world the media has drawn to u. People go to malls, shop the most expensive items in market, have the latest technology from cell phones and laptops to the best home appliance. We have the rich, the poor and those in between like any other place in the world. u only want to see the poverty and crazy part of the middle east. u know there are stacks of homeless people in america and a great perc. of mafia and drug dealers over there. know who r terrorists those kill a person or those who toxify millions.
Whatever it is your smoking, stop it, clown. Your now raving like a retarded lunatic. Much like Mahound, in fact. Perhaps you’ve been chewing too much khat.
The Middle East is the most barbaric place on earth. What other religion actively promotes amputations? Not to mention all the other crap.
And its funny you should rant about cell phones, laptops and home appliances. All of which were invested in the West. You Bedouins would still be living in your tents with your camels and goats if it wasn’t for the West. All you could come up with were suicide vests, arse bombs and rockets. You push drugs all day long (heroin and hashish from Bekaa Valley or opium from Afghanistan) and then claim you know what a terrorist is. Look in the mirror, fool.
Christopher Logan is the Devil!
He exploits people’s ignorance to preach hate and make them turned against each other and fight. This is not the way of Jesus. CL and Lcf are one.
Mahound was the spawn of Satan.
Islam is the great divider, and why don’t you prove me wrong about Islam?
Dear admin
I can easily prove u wrong in person but we are taught not to enforce our religion onto anyone
I am happy to see your curiosity about islam; to me ur better than those non muslim who don’t believe in god at all and to those who believe in god but have no curiosity to study other religion. Whether u believe it or not ur closer to islam than you think. And in your search you will soon find your answer upto your satisfaction and I am sure about it
Take care
Don’t play games, prove me wrong here. I never said Muslims are taught to force their religion on anyone, but Islamic Law is forced on non-Muslims.
I will never convert, or submit. I am sure of this.
May God have his mercy on you and guide to the right path
The right path being away from satanic allah and his pislam.
You and others are free to choose ur path but its really childish of you to insult our religions. Sign of cowardice
Live and let live bro
If I were a coward, I would not be so outspoken against Islam. Muslims are the ones who do not live and let live. They want to dominate all.
” let allah guide u all ” u all are doing bad by saying all this. which is against your own religion. i m sure none of ur religions would ask u to do so.all religions are good and almost say the same thing. the culprit is sitting within us all.
let allah help all.
I am not religious, but the Bible does say to fight evil, and Islam allows pedophilia and rape. That is evil. According to the Islamic scriptures Jesus will come back and destroy Christianity. Explain how that is the same as Christianity.
allah guides people to hatred and death. That is very plain to see all over the world. Jesus is the ONLY way to the one and true God.
It,s a joke to burn the Holy Book of moslems, and to say that Islam from Satan.It is a stupid thing to call that.. becauls Islam from God real God not from person who eat the food though he is a Prophet. We invite all people to wath and see what well happend to world from Crestian and Jewish. we also invite to burn the Bible and Holy book of Jewish in all the Islamic placed and countries .
Islam is a big lie, because it calls for the dominance and final destruction of Christianity. Jesus would never want that.
bassa, youre a foolish one. we are all offended by the International Burn a Qur’an day, but that does not mean that we will burn the Bible. As Karim had stated before, unlike these fools, we respect other religions. I am not here to make fun of Christianity. I’m appalled to see that there are this many number of Americans who hate Muslims so much. We are as much American as you are. I was born here in the US, and have never felt any hate for neither the Christians nor the Jewish people. I do not understand why you would judge me and my people based on the actions of a few idiots in the Middle East.
to Admin: Jesus not waniting things but do you know that Jesus who invite to Muhammad in the real Bible. Muhammad is the real prophet because he respected all profhets befoe him,and the Holly Quran had told us about the wrong things in the Bible and Torah.I invite all crestian and jewish peoples to read the Holly Quran..and then tell us what their opinions about Islam. Another thing,Islam is not aonly a religion for worship in Mosque or in the houses.. it is a perfect rules for humen and not for Moslems only..The rules of Islam is giving the happeneis and the real life for the all hemanity and mankind.In Holly Quaran Sura Al-Hujarat,Aya of 13: Oh people,we ceat you as men and femen and make you peoples and nations to know one another,The mor honorable of you at God is how fearing realy God .” يا أيها الناس إنا خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم” إنه القرآن الكريم الذي جاء لينقذ البشرية من الضلال إلى النور. وما محمد إلا نور من الله أرسل لهداية البشرية إنه بشر ولكنه سيد البشرية وسيد الأنبيا . know when stupid people abust Islam that = much people will know more of islam then much people join to islam ..this a stupid book like who Authorship this book..your stupid and evil man u know why ?because when u Authorship more books of islam that = much much people became muslims ..u can see that in europe ..oh my Allah ..thousnad people every year became muslims in America..germany..UK..all europe …you cant stop Islam because Islam like a flood …Allah Allah Allah biggest ..u can cry now lol
Mohammad rejected all Prophets before him, because he wanted power. Islamic Law discriminates against non-Muslims, women, apostates, and homosexuals. I do not consider that perfect. Do you want to dominate non-Muslims?
I am telling you my opinion of Islam. It is a disgrace to humanity.
The Muslims are very lucky to live in America with all the freedom and equal rights.
The non-Muslims are very unlucky to live in Muslim majority countries.
The Muslims just don’t practice the United Nations Universal declaration of Human Rights.
It’s a torture to the non-Muslims mentally,financially, spiritually and physically to live in a Muslim majority country.
The Muslims are meant for the deserts.
The Muslims are just a bunch of uncivilized chimpanzees hadn’t gone through the human evolution!
i dont know how some god is cant help his self of death ..when some people will kill him ..i mean jessus…jessus is just prophet like all prophets …really i dont know how god can sleeping …tired ..thirsty..ok ..when he be sleeping (who can control the word)ok..if u have two god (how can tow god control word )u find two leaders of country control one country …Allah one god .no sleeping food tired one have power like him ..dont have childs or father or mother ..
Let me know when you want to debate the Islamic scriptures, I will gladly expose your ignorance.
1. You do not speak for everybody.
2. Islam calls for the dominance of other religions, that is not respect.
3. Sharia is unconstitutional, which makes it un-American. You cannot be loyal to both America and Sharia.
3. There is a Sharia movement taking place across the West, that is more than the actions of a “few.”