Tag: Rep. Peter King

Zudhi Jasser’s Colleague Admits Their “Moderate Islam” Campaign has NO Mosque Support!

Obviously it is safe to say that most of the readers here know where I stand on the “moderate” Muslims are going to save the day line of thinking. It is NOT happening, and a simple question proves that. In the past I have asked foul-mouth Khalim Massoud of “Muslims Against Sharia, Brooke Goldstein, the “leaders” of Act!, which include Brigitte Gabriel, Guy Rodgers, Chris Slick, and face of the campaign Zuhdi Jasser himself to name just ONE Mosque that is promoting Jasser and a separation of Mosque and state. None of them have directly responded to the simple question, which gets to the heart of the matter. But the other day I asked a colleague of Zuhdi’s, a Raquel Evita the same question.

Zuhdi Jasser and Peter King’s “Moderate” Muslim Movement, not so “Moderate”

The picture above was taken from this week’s ACT!/Zuhdi Jasser/Peter King’s rally in support of the NYPD. One of the “big” points of the event was that there were “moderate” Muslims attending in support of the NYPD. What is interesting about the picture is the Muslim man in the middle, with the cap and sun glasses on. He is Imam Mohammad Abdul Qayyoom, head of the Muhammadi Community Center in Jackson Heights. The Imam is petitioning to make Mohammad’s birthday a national holiday! Yes, that right! He wants America to honor his pedophile and rapist hero. I know, I know….he’s a “moderate”….good work there Zuhdi and King.