Lets Help Resurrect Tancredo’s Anti-Sharia Bill

Recently I have been posting more and more articles, that document the Sharia movement that is happening within America. Not only do we need to continue educating our fellow Americans to this threat, we need to let our local politicians know how we feel about this....

North Carolina: Sharia Academy Kick Off!

One of my goals is to awaken my fellow Americans, to the threat of Sharia taken place within our country. Just minutes ago, I posted an article entitled “NY: Islamic School/Community Teaching Children Sharia”, and now I have come across another Islamic...

NY: Islamic School/Community Teaching Children Sharia

As I stated I am planning on putting most of the focus of this site, onto the threat of Sharia. When I first started speaking out against Islam about eight years ago, I was told over and over, that Muslims in America were different from Muslims anywhere else. Oh how...

Koran Tutoring Available, the Sharia way

If anyone is interested, there is no need to travel to Saudi Arabia, or Iran. Just take a trip to Jamaica Queens NY and get a tutor to teach you the Koran, within the Islamic rules (Sharia). The other day I took a trip into Queens to look around, and I made a stop at...

Logans Warning Update

UPDATE: Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I am still adjusting to a few things since the move, which has slowly me down a bit recently. But I am planning on stepping it up, as you can see by my first NY article. I am setting up a BlogTalkRadio show,...

Newt Gingrich: Sharia is our Enemy~ Video

Does anyone still think that our hard work is not paying off? Here we see a major player in America recognize Sharia for the threat that it is, and he calls for a Federal Law to ban it in all US Courts. The word is spreading, and if we keep up the pressure, victory...