by admin | Sep 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
I was just surfing the Internet looking for something to post, and have come across a website entitled This is another conference in which Muslims are uniting for their way of life. American Muslim Consumer Saturday, October 30, 2010 from 9...
by admin | Sep 23, 2010 | Uncategorized
I received this email three days ago, it was sent to the address that is posting on this site. Doesn’t this guy know this is not a pro-Islamic site? It came with two attachments, which I will not open. From: Irahim adeel ([email protected]) Sent: Tue...
by admin | Sep 23, 2010 | Uncategorized
It may be only a small portion of the Republican Party, but this is not the first time that GOP members have questioned how this war is being fought. Up until recently we barely heard a word about the threat of Sharia, but the sleeping giant of America is awakening....
by admin | Sep 23, 2010 | Uncategorized
Although I was offline for about a week because of another cyberattack, I have come back to some very good news. Recently we have read about non-Muslims in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, and Tennessee, taking a stand against Islamic expansionism. Today we learn...
by admin | Sep 15, 2010 | Uncategorized
Approximately an hour ago I posted about the Hartford Common Council dropping Islamic prayers from the Monday meeting, after being pressured by non-Muslims. Now in Texas we see of another example of America turning against Islam. This time it is in the classrooms,...
by admin | Sep 15, 2010 | Uncategorized
Once again we see that non-Muslims taking an assertive approach, against the threat of Islamic expansionism is achieving positive results for our side. Appeasement and complacency are not the answer, Muslims will always want more. No Muslim prayers at Hartford Council...
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