Now that is certainly a breath of fresh air. A world leader who actually has the courage to speak the truth about Muslims. Unlike “US President” Traitor Joe Biden who instead empowers the worldwide jihad.
India’s Modi Calls Rivals Pro-Muslim as Election Campaign Changes Tack
NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist party have begun attacking opposition rivals, saying they favour minority Muslims, in what analysts see as a bid to invigorate their hardline base after general elections began last week.
When I read about about non-Muslim politicians who will do anything for the Muslim voting block, one thing immediately comes to mind. Which is that these politicians are so selfish that they put Muslims who don’t begin to care about the wants and beliefs of non-Muslims before their own children. In other words power at any cost.
India began voting on Friday in a seven-phase election at which Modi seeks a rare third consecutive term, with campaigning that had so far largely focused on his record of growth and welfare as well as his personal popularity.
But in a speech on Sunday, Modi referred to Muslims as “infiltrators” who have “more children”, linking the comment to what he called an election plan of the main opposition Congress party to redistribute the wealth of Hindus among Muslims.
Video of PM Modi’s Truth Telling Speech
As I have been saying the only thing that will stop Islam are political actions against Muslims. Which leads us to the Chief Minister of the State of Assam, Himanta Biswa, locking arms with PM Modi.
These are not the only recent victories against Islam in India though. Another being that the country has excluded Muslim asylum seekers from being eligible from obtaining citizenship. Plus some colleges in India have told Muslima students to drop the hijab or drop out. Go India!
In closing I would like to add one thing. Things should have not gotten this far in India, and the West would be wise to learn from India’s centuries long conflict with Islam.
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