During a visit to Twitter the other day I decided to drop by and see how America’s poster boy, “moderate” Muslim, and my ole’ “buddy” Zuhdi Jasser was doing. As expected Jasser was just being Jasser. Attempting to mislead the public on Islam. It is what he does.

It was a nice reunion. Zuhdi being Zuhdi. Me being me. Bringing up subjects that he does not want to be questioned on. Unlike the MSM I am not afraid to challenge him or other high profile Muslims.
First thing that I mentioned was the fantasy that he $ells the public. The reformation of Islam.

From there I noticed his Tweet in which he was talking about values. So I asked him a simple question….

Also bringing up the fact that the Koran does contradict the US Constitution.
Unfortunately but not unexpectedly Zuhdi’s response was to pull another Muslim Houdini on me.

It is what he does.
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