Over the years some people have told that I am wrong to oppose Muslims serving in the US Military. Saying that they are serving our country. My response has been that besides the obvious threat of violence like the Fort Hood shooting, something even more insidious is happening. The Islamicification and normalization of Islam in the US Military. Which in the long run is a proven cultural suicide.

Army’s First Muslim Division-Level Chaplain Serves All Faiths
June 1, 2017 (Obviously still relevant)

Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Khallid Shabazz became the Army’s first division-level Muslim chaplain during a May 23 ceremony at the Lewis Main Chapel here.

Shabazz became the 7th Infantry Division’s chaplain, succeeding Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Jimmy Nichols, who is headed to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, to be the installation chaplain there.

Army Maj. Gen. Thomas S. James Jr., 7th Infantry Division commander, officiated at the ceremony and said the division is in good hands with Shabazz. The Army chief of chaplains selected Shabazz for the job in January based on his leadership qualities. He is charged with ensuring and supporting the free exercise of religion by service members, families and civilians.

The only problem with that statement is that Islam does not support freedom of religion.

Koran 9:33 Source Tafsir Ibn Kathir 

Dominance by force if need be.

Koran 9:29

“As simple as it sounds, I want to give people a sense of purpose,” Shabazz said. “My job is to help them be stronger on the other side of the door than when they came in.”

Doctorate, Four Master’s Degrees

Shabazz, who holds a doctorate degree as well as four master’s degrees, has dedicated his life to working with service members of all religions. He grew up as a Lutheran in Louisiana and converted to Islam while serving as an enlisted soldier.

“What has served me well is I was Christian for 28 years,” the chaplain said. “I know both sides; I want to meet people where they are. If they come in and they are struggling with faith, I am not opposed to giving them their scripture and telling them how they can strengthen themselves.”

Yes there are sides here. Because Islam clearly contradicts the message of Jesus. Even going as far to deny the crucifixion of Jesus.

Koran 4:157

Shabazz explained that his goal is to give people a safe place to land when they come in to his office. Those he counsels don’t often realize he is Muslim, he said. “My job is not to convert anybody or impose my religion on anybody,” he added. “My job is to ensure that those people are strong and resilient.”

Supporting All Religions

The concept of pluralism within the Army Chaplain Corps means that the service’s spiritual leaders support all religions. The Army does not endorse any religion or religious organizations.

Army Spc. James Glover, a nutrition care specialist with Alpha Company, 47th Combat Support Hospital, is one soldier whom Shabazz has counseled. Glover said he worriedly asked Shabazz at the start of counseling, “You’re Muslim and I’m Christian; does that matter?”

According to Koran verse 5:51 it does.

It did not.

Glover said he sometimes forgets Shabazz is Muslim, because the chaplain doesn’t push his religion. They found common ground in Army values and in their drive to be successful.

“He helped me realize that I can do a lot of things, regardless of how hard they are,” he said. “I just have to actually try and do what I have to do.”

Care, Compassion

Showing care and compassion while helping service members succeed is Shabazz’s specialty, said Army Sgt. Maj. Elian Strachan, the chief chaplain assistant at I Corps, where Shabazz served as deputy chaplain in his last pervious assignment. He has known Shabazz since the two were stationed together at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2014.

“When you think about what a chaplain should be, that’s exactly what he brings,” Strachan said. “Every problem, every issue anybody has — he makes time for them. He makes them feel like they are the only person alive right then and there.”

During Shabazz’s career, he has traveled the world as a professional military religious advisor, leader and ethics instructor. Strachan said he excels at showing people how to get along regardless of their denomination.

“Being mindful of the Islamic perspective does not make you weak; it actually makes you stronger,” he said. “That doesn’t mean a person is not a good Christian.”

Actually, respecting the views of Islam does make you a bad Christian. Because Islam is out to destroy the message of Jesus.


What has Shabazz so dangerously accomplished here? He has gotten non-Muslim US Military members to respect Islam. While creating the illusion of a peaceful coexistence with Islam. How is that thought process working out for Europe??

For the rest of the article.

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