As most of you probably know I go out of my way to attempt to engage in a conversation with Muslims, and their treacherous supporters. So last night I was happy to reel in one of the most treacherous men in America. Political activist and Islamophie, Grover Norquist.
For those who do not know Grover is the founding chairman of the Islamic Free Market Institute, and many of his “friends” are a rogues gallery of Muslims attempting to take over America from within.
An early 2001 White House memo, intended to coordinate Muslim and Arab-American public liaison events, showed that Norquist’s Islamic Institute played a vital role in establishing Islamist connections with the Bush administration. A leading Arab-American pollster, John Zogby, said that “absolutely, [Norquist is] central to the White House outreach.” Among the key players involved in Norquist’s outreach efforts were:
CAIR executive director Nihad Awad, who was among those first introduced by Norquist and Saffuri to Bush during the presidential campaign, and whose access to the White House continued after 9/11;
American Muslim Alliance founder/president Agha Saeed, who was invited to participate in the Bush campaign’s Muslim outreach meeting engineered by Norquist and Saffuri in 2000, and who was given post-9/11 access to the White House;
Islamic Society of North America board president Muzammil Siddiqi, who met twice with President Bush in September 2001;
Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, political director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, and founding board member of the NCPPF.
One of his most insidious colleagues is a Suhail Khan.
In 1999 Khan spoke at an ISNA event where he praised the “mujihadeen” who had martyred themselves “for the cause of Islam”; he praised “the early Muslims [who] loved death more than the oppressors loved life”; he lamented that Muslim Americans “are under attack” and “are often faced with discrimination, harassment and outright hatred”; and he urged his co-religionists to be “prepared to give our lives for the cause of Islam.” Khan also expressed hostility toward federal law-enforcement and sympathy for terrorist suspects.
At that time, Khan was working for Tom Campbell, a Republican congressman from a heavily Muslim district in Northern California, to eliminate the Justice Department’s use of so-called “secret evidence” in deportation cases involving Arab immigrants suspected of terrorism. Khan worked that legislation specifically for Sami Al-Arian, whose brother-in-law, Mazen al-Najjar, was facing terrorism-related deportation proceedings where federal immigration officials were using classified intelligence which the suspect was not permitted to see. Khan tried to rescue Najjar by helping to draft the legislation—the “Secret Evidence Repeal Act of 2001”—which, had it been passed, would have banned the use of secret evidence.
Khan also defended Al-Arian against conservative allegations that he himself was a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) leader. Under the very law that Khan was trying to abolish, Al-Arian would ultimately be arrested, convicted, and sentenced to federal prison for his PIJ affiliations.
In 2010, Khan supported Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf’s effort to build a mosque near Ground Zero in Manhattan. Khan characterized Rauf as a moderate Muslim whose intentions vis à vis the mosque were benevolent.
According to the Contra Costa Times and other local press in California, Khan’s family mosque hosted several Taliban supporters while raising money for Hamas through its U.S. charitable front, the now-defunct Holy Land Foundation (HLF). The mosque is held in trust by the North American Islamic Trust.
Obviously all of those tentacles are huge threat to America, but I like to focus on the root cause of the problem. The beast itself, Islam.
So last night when I happened to see a Tweet from Norquist on my Twitter homepage, I decided to challenge him…
(Click on images to enlarge.)
In image #1 you can see Grover comes charging out of corner to protect Islam. But his arsenal is full of outdated and weak talking points.
In image #2 you can see that I quickly struck him with blows he could not even respond to. As soon as he was challenged to a debate, he cowered and ran back to his corner with his tail between his legs.
At that point I saw that I had poor Grover on the ropes, with just no fight in him. So I figured it was time to finish him off! (Not literally). So I struck him with the KO punch of the match…..A very simple question on the leaders of insidious Islam, AKA stealth jihad in America. The Muslim Brotherhood.
That was the end of the match.
Where is Groveling Grover now? I am not sure, but I am always game for a second bout….
The invitation will be sent to him via Twitter.
We should all be inspired by Logan’s efforts. He is modeling the urgings of St. Jude: “. . I felt the need of writing you now to encourage you to fight on for the faith which once and for all God has given to his people. For some godless men have slipped in unnoticed among us, who distort the message about the grace of our God to excuse their immoral ways . . . . .” (Jude 3-4) There is nothing in the scriptures that instructs Christians or Jews to be silent when others are pushing evil agendas while pretending to be part of the faith community. They should be exposed and denounced.
Well done, Logan!