Today we here at Logan’s Warning have made a new “friend”. This morning Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa creator of “The 99”, had sent me a message via Twitter. Considering he is a doctor, one would think he could do better than drop the “Islamophobia” term. Sorry doc, that does not work here!

RT. THE 99 face their greatest challenge: # Islamophobia in US! Hear this #TED talk that got a standing ovation. #Islam
Direct message sent by Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa (@DrNaif) to you (@LogansWarning) on Sep 24, 7:15 AM.

Replying to the doc….

LogansWarning Christopher Logan
@DrNaif Islam is a clear threat to non-Muslims and I will continue to rally people against it. Got it?
Sep 24, 8:01 AM via web

I guess the doctor ran out of ammo after playing the “Islamophobia” card.

DrNaif Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa
@LogansWarning Thanks for sharing.
Sep 24, 8:10 AM via web

That was a short conversation.

LogansWarning Christopher Logan
@DrNaif You’re welcome.
4 hours

You see doctor, Obama might like Islam inspired comic books, but here we know the truth. The truth is your comic book is just another Islamic propaganda tool. Propaganda that will be fought by the growing anti-Islam team. Next…

Also joining us on Twitter this morning was:

Mangia AlSwaihi Fans @MangiaAlSwaihi is now following you (@LogansWarning).

MangiaAlSwaihi Mangia AlSwaihi Fans
Dr. Mangia Al-Swaihi, Professor of Islamic Studies at Al-Zeitouna University – د. منجية السوايحي أستاذة بجامعة الزيتونة مختصة فى التفسير وعلوم القرآن

For those who do not know, Al-Zeitouna University is in Tunisia.

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