Punch drunk Peter King has not only failed to call Islamic experts Robert Spencer and Steve Emerson to the stand in his “radical” Islam hearings, now he has bowed down to Islamic pressure again and has stated he will not call Hirsi Ali to the stand. In return for not using these three very knowledgeable non-Muslims as witnesses, King has said he will go with mostly Muslims and Arabs to make his case.  Does Rep. King even begin to realize that Islam encourages Muslims to lie?

Muslims to Be Congressional Hearings’ Main Focus

WASHINGTON — The new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee said Monday that he planned to call mostly Muslim and Arab witnesses to testify in hearings next month on the threat of homegrown Islamic terrorism.

Representative Peter T. King, Republican of New York, said he would rely on Muslims to make his case that American Muslim leaders have failed to cooperate with law enforcement officials in the effort to disrupt terrorist plots — a claim that was rebutted in recent reports by counterterrorism experts and in a forum on Capitol Hill on Monday.


“Our heads aren’t in the sand,” Alejandro J. Beutel, the government and policy analyst for the Muslim Public Affairs Council, a national advocacy group, said at a forum his group sponsored on Monday on Capitol Hill. “The threat clearly exists, but I also want to put it in perspective. The threat exists, but it is not a pandemic.”

Lets not forget that MPAC spokesperson Saadia Khan gave a speech at a recent major interfaith conference in California.

Dispelling Myths about Islam Faith Odyssey CONference. January 20, 2011 This past Saturday, Saadia Khan, MPAC’s Civic Outreach Coordinator, spoke at St. Monica Catholic Community Community’s annual Faith Odyssey Conference 2011. Khan gave an overview of rights and equality of women and men in Islam and demystified jihad and sharia.


Mr. King said he had changed his mind about summoning as a witness Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born feminist critic of Islam who became a member of Parliament in the Netherlands and then fled because of threats on her life.

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