It has been almost seven months since this website reported about Muslims tearing down a house and attempting to turn it into a Mosque. The property is located on the residential street of Voorhies Ave in Brooklyn NY. Since then, there have been numerous protests and complaints lodged against the Muslim American Society’s construction site.

Not only have the self-centered, Allah-pleasing Muslims ignored their neighbors, they have also disobeyed city ordinances. The following letter was in an email I received last night from our friends at

(Click on picture 2x twice to enlarge)

After reading the message, I decided to head over to the construction area myself.

As I walked down the residental block, I immediately noticed how quiet it was. I thought to myself, “This is a wasted trip as there is no construction work taking place! But I figured that, since I was there, I might as well take some pictures.

At that moment I finally did indeed hear some noise coming from behind the boarded construction area and decided to investigate closer to the site.

Since the construction worker was respectful, and I had already filmed the footage I really wanted, I turned off the camera. Yet you can sense that the street is a very quiet and peaceful location. How far will the quality of life there fall when the Mosque, which is being built to accommodate up to 1,500 Muslims, opens?! Islam, the religion that destroys EVERYTHING in its path…

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