Tag: jihad

Islamic State of America.com

For nearly 1400 years, non-Muslims have made excuse after excuse for Islam. Outside of Israel, Islam has taken over the Middle East, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It has also taken over large portions of Africa, Europe, India, the Philippines (Moro region), and (Southern) Thailand, etc. Now the problem is in our backyard, and the excuses for Islam continue. How much more land does it have to dominate before we wake up? The world avoided Nazism for as long as it could, and like the Nazis, pro-Sharia Muslims are not hiding their agenda. Here is more proof of that.

Top Ranked Islamic Site Calls for the Final Jihad!

While we Western non-Muslims are arguing amongst ourselves, as to whether there really is an Islamic threat, Muslims are uniting against us. Today the top ranked Islamic site Khalifah Institute, put out the call for the final jihad. The site had 184,800 visitors recorded today. They call it the final jihad, because the Western and Islamic worlds, have been down this road before.

British Convert Calls for Muslims to Join the Jihad~ Video!

In this video we see another British traitor, who is calling for all Muslims to assist the jihad in anyway that they can. Whether it is donating money, fighting, or spreading Islam, it is all part of the worldwide jihad. He also states that Islam calls for Muslims to fight and kill Jews to reach judgement day, and that Americans and Jews are much worse terrorists, than Muslims could ever be. Of course Abdul Raheem Green is not dealing in reality, and this is another example of how Islam destroys societies from within. Below the video, are some comments left by a “peace-loving” Muslim on the YouTube page.

Muslims are Coming to Give us our “Rights”!~ Hate Filled Video

I have seen plenty of hate filled videos featuring Muslims, but this is one of the most powerful ones that I have ever seen. In it they preach against infidels, democracy, gays, and pigs. The main spokesman in the video states how we cannot give them their rights (Democracy), but the day is coming when they will give us our rights (Sharia), and we will be on our knees asking for mercy. They are deadly serious, and in the meantime most of us do not even want to face the reality that Islam is at war with us. Please ask yourself this, when one side fights and the other does not fight back, who will win? When I say fight, I mean within the law of course.

Gadhafi Calls for Jihad Against Switzerland!

While most Western “leaders” continue to push the “moderate” Islam fantasy, the Islamic world continues to show us that they are not playing games. As a whole we had better grow a spine very soon, or they are going to continue to walk all over us.

UK Film Seized: Teaching Children to Join the Jihad

Thankfully we have seen that non-Muslims in the UK, have started to take a stand against Islam. Unfortunately though the war with Islam is forever, and here is another reminder for us. As I have been saying, all non-Islamic countries need to end Muslim immigration, because they will never stop pushing.