Logan’s Warning Takes it to the Netherlands~ Video

In response to my “IslamoAmerica: Little Egypt, Queens NY~ A Photo Essay”, and the ~Islam Invades Jamaica Queens!~ Video and Pics! articles, a EuroInfidel friend has taken it to the streets, to show us the same Islamopattern that is taking place across the...

Dutch Anti-Islam Leader is Major Winner in Polls!!

For years I have been saying that it will take just one man to turn that tide against Islam in Europe, and that man just might be Geert Wilders. Apparently many others agree. Lets put this together with that German political party that is building anti-Islam center,...

Dutch Protest for Geert Wilders~ Video

Slowly but surely we continue to see the voices against Islam rise across Europe. In this video supporters of the Great Geert Wilders take to streets while comparing Islam to Nazism, and complaining about the left supporting Islam. One man puts it bluntly,...