554 search results for "threat"

Yemen to Open Talks With al Qaida

It is not even been two weeks since Obama and the UK’s Gordon Brown agreed to fund Yemen in the War on Terror. Now Yemen has returned back to their old policy of freeing al Qaida members, if they renounce terrorism. This is nothing more than a game to get US aid, and we fall for it over and over. Good work O!

Update to: Dearborn Students Wear Shirts Glorifying 911

Besides what is mentioned in the article below, I called this school today. I asked them if the students were at least suspended for their atrocious behavior. They asked if I was a parent of a student at the school. When I responded no, the woman said that she could not disclose that information. She asked that if I was a parent of one of the students would I want that information made public? I responded that since the issue made the public, and do to the serious nature of the issue and the worldwide threat of Islamic terrorism, the public does have a right to know. She then hung up. I bet that it is safe to say that she did not want to hear a word about Islam. Unfortunately far too many people wish to remain purposely blind to this threat.

Al-Qaeda Camp in ‘Sahara Emirate’~ Video

Recently we have learned that Al Qaeda has become a real threat in Yemen, and now this video shows us an Al Qaeda offshoot that roams near the borders of Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Morocco. Unfortunately things are getting worse across the world, and we have to realize that this war is forever. That is why we need to get out of the “moderate” Muslims are coming to the rescue fantasy and end all Muslim immigration.

O.C. Islamic Educational Center a Target of Anti-Muslim Acts

To be honest actions like this only hurt non-Muslims in this war. Now CAIR will complain more, and our authorities will be even more afraid to confront the Islamic community. We need to continue educating our fellow Americans to this threat, until we have the numbers to force our politicians to take a stand. Short term thinking like this vandalism is not the answer.