Lead Story On RevolutionMuslim.com is Article From Logans Warning

Besides this site getting more and more popular with non-Muslims, more Muslims are also picking up on it. This morning our friends over at My Pet Jawa, gave me a heads up, and informed me that one of my stories in which I called for an end of Muslim immigration, was copied in its entirety and reposted on www.RevolutionMuslim.com. Obviously we are doing something right over here. Revolution Muslim leader Younus Abdullah Muhammad and his crew, did not comment on my article, they just posted it to put the word out to his readers. No surprise though.

Logans Warning Update

Hi guys, I was just interviewed by the NY Daily News’ Brooklyn Borough Youth section, about a proposed Mosque in Brooklyn. Well that is what they told me it would be about, most of the interview was about my views on Islam, and my site. It will be published in about two weeks.

Are the “Radical Muslims” Following a Basic or an Extreme Version of Islam?

Here is another one from our friend, Pastor Louis Palme.

Are the Radical Muslims Following a Basic or an Extreme Version of Islam?
By Louis Palme @ Annaqed.

Not long ago President Obama was interviewed about Africa. When asked about opinions attributing radical Islam’s impact on the development and stability on the African continent, Obama called Islam “a great religion,” but added that the radical version views as anti-Islam “any efforts to modernize, any efforts to provide basic human rights, any efforts to democratize.” (Emphasis added.)

Lets Help Resurrect Tancredo’s Anti-Sharia Bill

Recently I have been posting more and more articles, that document the Sharia movement that is happening within America. Not only do we need to continue educating our fellow Americans to this threat, we need to let our local politicians know how we feel about this. Finally we do have some politicians that are speaking out against this threat, but we need more, much more. I encourage all readers to email their local reps, and let them know about the threat of Sharia. Then ask them to take a look at the anti-jihad bill, which was written by Tom Tancredo two years ago. We need to have this bill resurrected. Thanks for doing your part.