Logan’s Warning P.O. Box Available

Hello, everyone! Back in November, I posted an article stating that I was adding a new dimension to this website. I let you know that I was going to hit the streets to do my own reporting, to bring to light the news that the mainstream media will not touch. At the...

Coming Soon to Logan’s Warning~ Ex-Muslim Segment!

Hello everyone, I just wanted to give you guys an update on an idea I though of right before the holidays. I am going to start an ex-Muslim segment within the next week or two. I will be interviewing them, to hear what they experienced while a Muslim, and why they...

The Islamic Center~ Conning Washington Since 1957

Today we are going to take a look at the Islamic Center, located at 2551 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington DC. In this post we will see another example of Muslims using our freedoms against us, while having Washington’s ear. About the Islamic Center the...

Do you Want to Preserve our Freedoms?

After doing some filming in an Islamic section of Brooklyn (will be published soon), I headed back to Manhattan and was walking around Rockefeller Center. Then all of a sudden it hit me just how great America is. Here are some of the freedoms that most of us take for...