~Islam Invades Jamaica Queens!~ Part II

In my continued effort to expose what Mosques in America are teaching and supporting, I recently obtained the literature that the Masjid Al-Mamoor of Jamaica Queens is handing out. Today we will analyze it. The first piece is an advertisement for a NYC conference in...

Churches Open Doors to Islam…

Unfortunately this is not the first time we have seen this suicidal behavior. Why is it so hard for some Christians to understand that Islam is not Christianity friendly?! Have they even bothered to read the Koran? Because if they did they would know that Islam is a...

Ground Zero: Christians Fight Back!

It is unfortunate that there have been so many recent articles about Mosques opening in America. Even Christians allow their houses of worship to be used as temporary Mosques. Today, we get some good news about Christians finally taking a stand on behalf of their...

Hey Zuhdi Jasser, MAN UP and Debate me….

I was told that self-professed “moderate” Muslim M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D. had written an article for “American Thinker”, in which he attacked me, Pamela Geller, and Robert Spencer. In a past article here, I stated that, when it comes to the...