by admin | Jul 27, 2012 | Uncategorized
Recently it was reported that the International Olympic Comminty (IOC) had implemented a new rule that would allow women beach volleyball players to wear shorts and sleeves, instead of the usual bikinis. Of course this was done to appease the Muslim community. Now...
by admin | Jul 11, 2012 | Uncategorized
Here we go again! Once again we see suicidal Christians allowing their houses of worship to be used to promote the enemy ideology of Islam. This upcoming Saturday the National City Christian Church will open its doors to a conference on Sharia. An IslamoCON that will...
by admin | Jul 11, 2012 | Uncategorized
During my Internet travels I see a lot of hatred being directed towards the English Defence League (EDL). Unfortunately much of it does not come from Muslims. It comes from suicidal stand for nothing multiculturalists. A group of non-Muslims who should be ashamed of...
by admin | Jun 26, 2012 | Uncategorized
For years I have been saying to look to the UK to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam. Well the video below is worse than any I have seen from the UK, much worse. The following video is very disturbing and not from the Middle East, it is from Dearborn...
by admin | Jun 25, 2012 | Uncategorized
Obviously it is safe to say that most of the readers here know where I stand on the “moderate” Muslims are going to save the day line of thinking. It is NOT happening, and one simple question proves that. In the past I have asked foul-mouth Khalim Massoud...
by admin | Jun 22, 2012 | Uncategorized
Praise Allah! Praise Allah for allowing one of his soldiers to rot in jail for the next 11 years! Finally the traitor to America Younus Abdullah Muhammed, has gotten what he deserves. Hey Yonus, do you remember when you posted one of my articles on your site word for...
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