UK: Muslim Gang Patrols Street ~ Video

Once again we see the “beauty” of Muslim Muslim immigration. This time the Muslim Defence League (MDL), claims they are looking for English Defence League (EDL) members. I quote from their YouTube page. “MDL Youths Patrolling The Streets Of Dewsbury...

France: Muslim Women Call for Sharia! ~ Video

Not only are Muslim men in Europe calling for Sharia. Muslim women are calling for it as well. Watch the video and see the Women4Shariah talk about “racism”, say the English Defence League (EDL) is no threat, and their never-ending movement. Did you notice...

Germany to Accept Islam as an Official Religion?!

Recently anti-Islamic political parties have been forming in Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel told Muslims in her country, they cannot live by Sharia, Germany’s Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich went after Islam on his first day on the job, and Germany has...