IslamoCON ALERT on Capitol Hill!

In this follow-up to my “Muslims Fighting Anti-Sharia Legislation on Capitol Hill, While Muslims Teaching Sharia in America!” article, we learn about another IslamoCON. Standing Room Only Audience Attends Anti-Sharia Bill Forum on Capitol Hill (Washington,...

Religion of Slavery Expanding in Harlem NY

Hello everyone! I just came across the website of the Harlem Center of Al Islam. Their motto is “Creating an Islamic Renaissance in Harlem”. Did the black members of this Mosque actually think this through? If they are going to create a rebirth of Islam,...

Austrailia: Muslims Clash With Police! ~ Video

I know a lot of the regulars here have watched many of the videos of hate-filled Muslims across Europe, and in New York. Today we add Australia to the list. Hat tip to Jason Paul. VEIL VICTORY: BURQA-WEARING WOMAN WINS APPEAL Supporters of Carnita Matthews and police...