LOL! This is too funny. Is tonight Muslim Comedy Hour!? After exposing YouTube Muslim NarutoSLOP for his perverted views, he has not only changed his online name but has actually tried to scare me into silence by threatening to build an anti-Logan’s Warning website. (Which would not be the first. I know of at least two other obsessed freaks who had dedicated websites against me.) Thank you all for the publicity.

Here he uses the name NarutoSLOP, but when I clicked on the comment it went to the same comment under different name though.

Muslim Mental Meltdown

Well a girl can finish puberty at the age of 12, and anyone who thinks it is OK for a man to have sex with her at that ageTo is certainly a pervert to those who have morals.

Besides that only sick bastards support crucifixions (Koran 5:33), and lashings (Koran 24:2).

My Responses to the Attempted act of Intimidation

Too funny! Just too funny!

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