This is the latest update to the ~Dept. of Buildings Orders Brooklyn Mosque Construction to Cease!~ article.

From our friends of

Dear Neighbors, Residents, and Bay People Supporters:

As you are aware, Bay People Inc. and certain residents and neighbors of Sheepshead Bay filed a law suit against proposed mosque owner Allowey Ahmed, co-owner 2004-000088, LLC, and general contractors and architects of the 2812 Voorhies Avenue project. The basis of our claim was that the proposed construction substantially interferes with the neighbors’ use and enjoyment of their properties and also threatens the support of neighboring structures. Additionally, the overflow of extra cars from this new construction (that does not provide any onsite parking) will cause double parking and prevent emergency vehicles from getting through to residents. This is a separate matter from the zoning challenge that is still pending at the Department of Buildings “DOB.”

Allowey Ahmed retained Lamis Deek as the attorney for all defendants. It is not clear if Ms. Deek specializes in real estate law, construction law, land use or zoning; however she does promote an anti-Israel agenda and even calls for the annihilation of Israel in this video on YouTube, calling for “full dismantlement of all Zionist structures, all Zionist laws, all Zioist institutions”:

Besides being an attorney, Ms. Deek is also a member of the Arab Muslim American Federation. Another member of this federation is Brooklyn’s Al-Noor School, which I wrote about HERE. Ms. Deek states that she wants reparations for all Palestinians and their descendants. Did she happen to miss this 2006 report by the Congressional Research Service?

Currently, the Palestinians are the largest per capita
recipients of foreign aid worldwide…

This leaves me with just two questions. With all this aid coming in why can’t they get their act together, and if Islam is so great why do Muslims constantly need the help of infidels? My view is that we do not owe the Islamic world a thing, and we should be letting them fend for themselves.

The fact that Ms. Deek is the attorney chosen to represent Allowey Ahmed and the mosque builders speaks volumes of the true agenda and motivation behind the construction of the Sheepshead Bay Mosque. The residents of Sheepshead Bay and Bay People Inc. do not tolerate any kind of hate in our community, which is home to numerous Jewish families and Holocaust survivors.

The non-Muslims of Sheepshead Bay sure do have the right attitude!

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