NY Rep. King: I’ll hold hearings on radical Islam
NEW YORK — The incoming head of the House Committee on Homeland Security says he will hold hearings on what he calls the “radicalization” of some American Muslims.
Rep. Peter King said Sunday that law-enforcement officials around the country have told him that they receive little cooperation from Muslims.
But a spokesman for the Council in American-Islamic Relations said he fears King’s hearings will become an “anti-Muslim witchhunt.”
Ibrahim Hooper said several recent terrorist plots have been foiled because members of the Muslim community did cooperate with law enforcement.
King said in an opinion piece in Sunday’s Newsday that he will do all he can to “drive the public debate” on Islamic radicalization.
Hopefully King will cut off the snake’s head, and makes the Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR) his first target.
Please send your message of support to this true American leader. His contact information can be found HERE.
Just sent an e mail to King. We need more like him. I am eager to see how he fares. Thanks for the link Chris!
Thanks for pitching in again!
Although I had to fake a bit an address in the US (which I told King anyways), I congratulated him as well… We need leaders like King, to stand up for our freedom and civilization.
Pete King is the Geert Wilders we’ve been looking for!
Somebody pinch me. I must be dreaming ! This is awesome.
Methinks the muz are in for some serious reversals….about time.
I have been waiting for this – particularly since CAIR is the enemy and pals around with Osama with impunity when they should be deported collectively.
CAIR is nothing but a front for the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, and it seems our dictator could care less if the whole world knows that the safety and security of Americans are the last thing on his mind…
Kowtowing to islamofascists is his agenda.
Thanks; everytime I hear that someone else feels the way I do and is in a position to actually DO something about it I become hopeful that perhaps America still has a fighting chance.
ALL Islam is Radical. Obama is a Radical Muslim supremacist and Traitor to the USA under 18USC,Part 1,Chapter 115,Sec.2381:
Islam is NOT a “religion”. What Islam is NOT:
Please, we must forthwith abandon the redundant term “radical islam,” which imples that there exists a side of the belief system which is moderate and peaceful. Every moslem is called upon to wipe the kufr apes and pigs from the face of the earth in order to establish the world caliphate.
I agree, “radical” Islam is not the correct decription, I think that “fundimental,” or “practicing” is a better term.
“Zelots of Baallahzibub” is what I prefer to call them.
Kudos julietsm ….spot on
julietsm on December 20, 2010 at 1:46 am
I have been waiting for this – particularly since CAIR is the enemy and pals around with Osama with impunity when they should be deported collectively.
CAIR is nothing but a front for the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, and it seems our dictator could care less if the whole world knows that the safety and security of Americans are the last thing on his mind…
Kowtowing to islamofascists is his agenda.
Thanks; everytime I hear that someone else feels the way I do and is in a position to actually DO something about it I become hopeful that perhaps America still has a fighting chance.
Maybe Peter King Will run for president in 2012. At least on this issue, it looks like he’d be better than Obama.
Him and Allen West, would be a great one-two punch.
Awesome idea; Allen West is great.
“King said he knows of imams “instructing members of their mosques not to cooperate with law enforcement officials investigating the recruiting of young men in their mosques as suicide bombers. We need to find the reasons for this alienation.”
Hopefully these people will recognize that when there is no friendship (integration) then there is no alienation. This is by design – it is intention. The blinders have not come all the way off yet. They still do not see that there is not just “a few radicals”. The whole system is designed to do just what it is doing. All who hold to islam are part of this terror campaign in one way or another. The entire history of islam supports this; collaboration with Nazi’s, conflict of all kinds in the middle east, human rights violation of all kinds, growing conflict in Europe, and global unrest through expansion. What does it take for our leaders to understand what is taking place?
I sent him an email recommending Robert Spencer and The Center for Security Policy report which came out in Sept. HEre’s the link in case ya’ll didn’t read it.
The Shariah Threat to America.
Thanks for the suggest Chris.
I just saw Peter King interviewed by Megan Kelley. He said he would not be intimidated by CAIR or anyone else.
Please pray for this man.
BTW he is my congressman. I vote for him every time he is running for re-election. It’s not everyone these days who can actually be proud of his/her representative.
Nice! Hopefully he will put CAIR out of business.
we’ve got to stop the press from using adjectives like “radical”
Thanks for the reposts ADL!
Stay strong!