by admin | May 5, 2010 | Uncategorized | 44 comments
Lan astaslem or لان استاسلم
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Sir Winston Churchill
“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step…”
Who wants to follow a Profeet who was nothing but a pedophile, marrying het at the age of 6. That's why you still have these childbrides forced marriages going on.
It is a barbarian cult
I don't understand how educated people will follow this religion.
No women rights etc.
The catholic religion has a lot of problems too.
Look in history what kind of crimes they have commited.
One day, we’ll hear saying that MAHAMMED SAWS married a 2 years old baby, and invented pedophilia..
Just try to think people, why is this religion is the most followed in the world?
just asking..
Genocyde, in the same phrase as I slam ? you kidding right?
Fact is that Islam Islam is genocidal as per Koran verse 9:29, and it does allow child marriages. So your point is?
Christianity. So once again your point is? The article stands. #BanIslam
Bring it on muzzies. We are ready for you here in the US.
Cigar in hand?
that depends on what your definition of cigar is..
In the case of arselifters, it would be a cigar-like baseball bat.
DIckhead americans…seem to have problem with rest of the world…bloody racists.
dumbfucks cant even think straight and blame others.
Islam is not a race, and it is very telling that you do not say a word about the Islam inspired massacre that the video is about.
BTW….you seem very intelligent yourself.
There is nothing so foul as islam on the face of this earth. It needs to be eliminated, root and vine.
I should point out the figure of 80 million killed is a conservative estimate, since there are no complete records. I have also read that up to 120 million people have been killed in Africa. That number is harder to corroborate because African cultures weren't advanced enough to have things like censuses, etc.
It was the practice of arselifters to castrate slaves and, according to records, only one in four survived this.
Add to these two figures, the number of Europeans killed by arselifters, and those killed in South East Asia (of which there is very little information) and you have a figure of somewhere between 200 and 300 million killed in the name of Mahound, hislam and allah.
Who wants to follow a Profeet who was nothing but a pedophile, marrying het at the age of 6. That's why you still have these childbrides forced marriages going on.
It is a barbarian cult
I don't understand how educated people will follow this religion.
No women rights etc.
The catholic religion has a lot of problems too.
Look in history what kind of crimes they have commited.
Hi Maria,
Christians are not on a worldwide, and they are not commanded to molest children by their religion.
You're right, my church has committed, enabled and concealed a shocking number of despicable crimes. Even though the percentage of clergy involved is around 2%, roughly the figure for the general population, these vile acts are inexcusable. Still, I suggest that we are unfairly singled out in the media, which focus solely upon our misdeeds, while completely ignoring those of other religious and lay institutions, particularly with regard to moslems.
There is a long and documented islamic tradition of adult men using prepubescent boys for sexual gratification, of child brides and of female genital mutilation. Why do our media never display the same outrage at this behavior as they do in our case? Of course, this is a rhetorical question to which we all know the answer – they are afraid to do so. They feel quite safe attacking us, because they know we aren't going to behead them or blow them up.
The Catholic church has been deeply wounded and shamed by the criminal acts commited by trusted clergy in positions of authority. However, we are determined to completely stamp out such reprehensible conduct, and, by God's grace, we shall. Moslems, on the other hand, have given no indication that they intend to discontinue their malfeasance, arguing instead that their malign practices are justified by virtue of freedom of religion.
you are absolutely right!The lord krishna said whenever there is irreligous practice in the world,he shall take a form and teach spirituality to the world but here we see a barbarian killing people from a different religion but nobody dare question or react!now we see their own people killing and bombing among themselves!lol!
For the record, even the Priests that covered for the pedophiles should be locked up.
All the other religions of the world – Christianity, Hinduism, Jweism, Buddhism donot believe in killing people who are non-believers by an act of war. Secondly, of those males killed, the widows wold become child bearing machines full of bstd children. Have you heard or known of any other religion doing this on such a massive scale to populate entire countries? Pakistan, Afganistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Lebanon, Most north africa.
First do your homework and then try to come to class.
Thanks AOW!
I should point out the figure of 80 million killed is a conservative estimate, since there are no complete records. I have also read that up to 120 million people have been killed in Africa. That number is harder to corroborate because African cultures weren't advanced enough to have things like censuses, etc.
It was the practice of arselifters to castrate slaves and, according to records, only one in four survived this.
Add to these two figures, the number of Europeans killed by arselifters, and those killed in South East Asia (of which there is very little information) and you have a figure of somewhere between 200 and 300 million killed in the name of Mahound, hislam and allah.
Just a small quibble, near the beginning of the video it is stated that one of the indigenous religions of India before the islamic invasion was Sikhism. This is surely a mistake: Sikhism was a reaction against the depredations of the moslem invaders.
Yes, from my understanding, that's true.
Yes, from my understanding, that's true.
That is right. Sikhism was created as a religion to counter the massive oppresion of the common folks by the governments of punjab. This particular region is on the northwestern border of India (now partly in pakistan) and was used as a route by pislamic armies to invade and takeover India many times.
Feedburner is really very useful for syndicating feeds from other websites.,;;
And its also handy for spammers like you, eh?
I have no quams in saying that islam is like no other religion! The figure that I have seen connected to islam and death and subjugation is around 270 million. This seems to fit with all I have read and learned on islam and their history. I am non-religious, but cannot see the sense in comparing islam to Christianity, as many are apt to do. I respect the rights of anyone to their religion, but do not respect islam and it’s minions of hate and intolerence!
I have nursed for over 35yrs, and in that time I have worked with all religions on a professional basis. Even before I started to learn about islam, I had noticed a difference in the nursing style of moslems as compared to others. I noticed a stand-offish approach to pts and collegues. While moslems did their work efficiently, they lacked some compassion with the way they dealt with pts and were somewhat distant to their collegues. (non-moslems).
The lives and reputations of infidels do not matter to Muslims. Even under the collar of medical authority, they still are Muslims first.
That means that there are innocent lives worth protecting (that is, Muslim lives) and ingrate lives which are not worth anything.
Muslims should never, ever be allowed to practice medicine, nursing or even in janitorial work in non-Muslim hospitals.
Let them practice their form of “compassion” in their own institutions.
Hitler had a connection with the Mufti of Jerusalem. Do I need to say more.
Satan alwas hated the Jews thru whom the
Messiah Yeshua Ha Machiach came.
Satan also demands worship, if so five times a day with the posterior pointing up into the face of the Almighty in the Heavens and their faces down into Satan’s Domain.
I am not a Racist, as Islam is not a Race.
Islam is a violent polital system hiding behind the cloak of religion and bent an
world domination. What is also interesting to note is the vile and bitter cussing by the so called members of the religion of peace.
There were no riots Islam, Islamic identical to the riots everywhere. If we all realize and learn the culture of Islam. so hard with doctrines in them. That all human beings are none other notes will bring people together on this earth. The war will be in a natural all nations, Isalam not think human welfare, but demanded equal rights and as a citizen of the world. Isalam will demand the right to justice even though it’s well-being generated by non-Muslims.
Islam does not give equal rights, and that is the amount of respect it deserves back.
exactly!you are right!
Iam Christian. But I am not understanding that why Islam is spreading day by day sharply. While the Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and other religions are dying day by day………………….
Just read the Quran. The Muslim scriptures explain Muslim behavior perfectly.
There is no humanism in Islam, and that, aside from their scriptures, is the main reason they choose to kill rather than accept human laws, human institutions and humanity itself.
Lone, I’m a Christian too, precisely Indonesian Christian. Historically, in my country islam was spread by sharp sword and spear, in other words, by creating fear, intimidation and force to the non muslim to convert islam.
Muslim always says that “islam is religion of peace”. That is bullshit, for me
Also, muslims honor their prophet PBUH = Peace Be Upon Him. For me
Greeting from Indonesia!!
You are right too!that is what is happening in Malaysia too but fortunately the opposition political parties are opening the eyes of the people here and hopefully their pretentions will be exposed
bloody indians.always watching cricket .except this they dont know any thing in this world.you see israel if any attack occured in their territory immediately they would retaliate.why 2006 israel- lebanon war occured do you know? it lost 9 of its soldeirs by lebanon.thats why they attacked lebanon for continously one month.they are cult people.indians are slowly lossing war against islamic militants.they only bow to pakistan.it seems all indian politicians are ready to sacrifice to terrorists their own citizens for their safety and luxurious life.no self respect.what the good indians they are aren’t they?
As of now, unfortunately most non-Muslim politicians across the worlds are bowing to Islam.
Thanks for finally writing about > Indian Genocide – 80 Million Killed in the Name of Islam~ Video | Logan’s Warning < Loved it!