Here is the old logo.
Here is the Obama campaign logo.
Here is the Islamic crescent.
Here is the hybrid.
Any questions? Where is the outrage of the Pentagon? Oh I forgot, they are afraid to face what Islam is.
Link to source.
by admin | Feb 23, 2010 | Uncategorized | 178 comments
Here is the old logo.
Here is the Obama campaign logo.
Here is the Islamic crescent.
Here is the hybrid.
Any questions? Where is the outrage of the Pentagon? Oh I forgot, they are afraid to face what Islam is.
Link to source.
Lan astaslem or لان استاسلم
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Sir Winston Churchill
“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step…”
It’s good to see you back in the loop–I wondered what happend to you….
Obama has prayed at a Mosque–the same one that most of the militants pray at in DC and Virginia. There are pictures of him taking off his shoes, but none that i have found on his knees.
Here’s my latest project..
Thanks Franke, and keep up the good work!
"All hail Obama!"???? Scary. Let's stick with being American. That is the priority, America. Not your legacy and remembrance. You already have a Peace Prize for that…
What an outrage. Enough is enough. Why are we letting this man do this to America? It is time for all the people to arise and put a quick stop to all this.
Hi Reverend,
We need more people in your position to speak out, keep up the good work!
Thank you Pastor for taking a stand. Christian leaders like you are a rare breed. Your open position on your website is great. Keep it up, no matter the threats or attacks from Christians and non-Christians. The Devil hates it when we get in his face, outside the church walls!
I think I'm gonna puke.
Linked at my site and at IBA.
Thank you! Are you still getting the word out on the radio?
If you want an interview, let me know. My email addy is at my web site.
How can WE TH. PEOPLE stop this?
I wonder how soon he will come out of the closet wearing pj's?
Wow. How do they get away with this?
This is hitleresque …..
my exact thoughts
Chris, go back to the campaign and search through you tube when he visited the wall and prayed … that may make your decision quite final. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck .. it's a duck.
He can recite the Koran from memory. Prays it like a Muslim at the wall during his campaign and well look at his policies. If you don;t want to say it, I will.
He IS a Muslim.
You are so right. I have been jumping up and down screaming this since his campaign. Obama is a full on communist Muslim. People still argue this point with me. And everyone keeps talking "peaceful revolution". Well, you don't deal with Muslims "peacefully". They believe in the use of the sword against all infidels and that means Us!
Silly question, but isn't the wall where the jewish people pray?!
Some guy called admin wrote this, 'I will never state that Obama is a Muslim, until I see him on his knees praying to Allah, but even if he is not the results would be basically the same.' I think that person needs to wake up.
Remember taqiyya and kithman? Tell us anything to advance Islam? Tell me where he has done anything Christian since he has taken office.
You are 100% correct. Obama will go down in history as the biggest taqiyya proponent ever.
Missile Defense Agency, DOD
[email protected]
7100 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-7100
Dear MDA:
Your new logo is wholly offensive and must be removed for these reasons:
First, it is Obama-esce, reminiscent of his campaign artwork. This is unseemly and smacks of a cult of personality.
Second, the play on the Islamic Crescent is sinister, disturbing and outrageous.
I am requesting a reply to this comment and will seek redress at every level possible. This should be removed and never reconstituted for this or any other government program.
Concerned citizen
You People are really pretty stupid. This is the silliest string of comments I've ever read. Get a life!
Instead of the childish insults, why don't you explain what the logo looks like?
I saw this yesterday, posted on Facebook, and emailed to friends. Glad to see address for MDA, and great comments by civisus, and will write them as well. This is just an outrage……………..wouldn't you like to see the name of the designer??? Hope it continues to go viral.
How can I become a login member here? Just found this super site.
Welcome to the site, the login logo is for the owner.
Thanks for the kind words.
here are some lines from Ovomit:
"We're no longer a Christian nation." – President Barack Obama, June 2007
" America has been arrogant." – President Barack Obama
"After 9/11, America didn't always live up to her ideals."- President Barack Obama
"You might say that America is a Muslim nation."- President Barack Obama, Egypt 2009
Where can I find a transcript of Snobama's Egyptian speech?
These are excerpts from videos that I took. They are not just one speech.
So happy to see you back up and running, and how. This logo is disturbing. Over at IBA, I brought up your virus problems and they suggested this, fwiw. "My suggestion to him would be that he do his writing on Blogspot. We never have trouble with viruses here."
Obviously, you're back up, so good on you! Keep it up! Your work is very important. Thanks for all you do!
Hi Rose,
They first time that they hit me was on Blogger. Then Goggle shut me down.
Thanks, and keep up the good work!
I would like to send you a donation, but had to jump through hoops with Paypal that I did not like. I've never liked paypal. You need a PO, or anonymous mailing address like Glen at TROP. That way we can send you a check or money order. If you already have an anonymous mailing address, please add it to the donate section! I can't send much, but I will contribute.
Hi Rose,
Please check your email.
Thank you.
Great work! Someone posted a link to you on Mark Levin's Facebook page. I sent an email to the agency and asked them when the logo was changed.
Thanks for pitching in Susan!
NP Christopher –Did you see that Drudge has the story up tonight (Weds)? I sent him your blog but unfortunately he went with Fox. I didn't get reply to my email to the agency regarding the date this logo was put into effect. The Fox piece states in started in the Fall of 2009 but some guy from the agency that was interviewed stated it started with Bush.
Yes I did, and CBS even picked it up and interview Frank Gaffney on it. He was kind enough to mention me on his site.
I find it hard to believe that it started with Bush, and no one knew about until now. Also the part of the logo is very similiar to Obama's logo.
Thanks again.
Today I received a response to my email to the National Missile Defense Agency Defense Agency .
"This design was developed three years ago for use on a variety of recruiting materials at universities, job fairs and other recruiting venues. It has not replaced the official Missile Defense Agency heraldry prominently displayed on our website as well as on all Agency news releases, fact sheets and other information materials. It also has no connection to any political entity or campaign, and was developed well in advance of the 2008 election. "
If it has not replaced the agency's logo – why does it have such a prominence at the top of their website??? Using it on their website does not fall into the areas given for why it was developed or how it is to be used.
For the record, if any of you believe in the Constitution of the United States, then you will know that it asserts no litmus test on religious qualifications to be president. Therefore, if Obama is/were a Muslim, that ought not be a reason to preclude him from the oval office just at Mitt Romney's Mormonism ought not be a precluding factor for him. This is a fact which is unfortunately many times forgotten or overlooked in this instance.
Now, if we want to have a discussion or debate about Obama's policies and whether they are or are not favorable to Muslim nations then by all means have at it.
For the record, I didn't vote for Obama or McCain in 2008.
i think that the issue is that if he is a Muslim, and I think he is. He should have said that to begin with during the elections instead of being such a deceiver.
Remember this is the guy who proclaimed to be a catholic.
If he is muslim, then just say so. Of course he would never have been elected, but either you are or your aren't. When you lie about it, then become so favorable to Muslims, it is just being a traitor in times of war.
Also, i understand that this congress would never impeach him, but that may change in November as well.
It's quite a stretch to infer that he's "favorable to Muslims" when you consider the surge in Afghanistan and the fact that, despite the rhetoric from much of the punidtry as well as some of the president's own rhetoric, his actual foreign policy positions are not wholly different from those of his predecessor.
Obama even has the DOJ protecting Muslims. Outside of the violent aspect of Islam, he is protective of the religion.
I am still researching this. But to my understanding, Islam is not just a religion. In America there are distinct separations of military, political parties, and religions. In Islam they are all one in the same. Can you be a true Muslim and deny Sharia law? Can the US Constitution and sharia law co-exist? I do not think they can. I would argue that any Muslim that honors sharia law over the constitution has no place in this country. Before anyone goes ballistic over that statement, let le make a simple point.
In the USA, the founding documents are the Supreme Law. If you love, respect, and honor that lay, then you are welcome here. But any person, group, or organization (political, religious, or militant) that actively seeks to undermine or destroy the founding principles that this great nation was founded upon, should have no place upon American soil.
You are correct, Islam is a combination of religion and politics, and no, Sharia and our Constitution cannot coexist as they condradict. Here are a few examples.
Lying Imam: US Constitution and the Koran the Same
Islam also calls for the death of apostates, and homosexuals. That obviously does not fit in either.
Thanks for dropping by.
Clearly, on many fronts, the Enemy lies within…
If he is a Muslim and lied about it before the election he should be impeached. As we are at war in numerous Islamic countries, and people might of thought twice about voting for him if they knew.
If the House of Representatives could garner a majority to bring forth the impeachment proceeding then certainly. Lest you forget however, the Democrats hold a majority in the House.
Well…we can always say…the logo shows an American missle flying into the heart of Islam.
…………………or does that make me a racist pig?
It's actually a missle coming FROM the cresent moon, Islam, and going "around the earth". Take off your blinders.
This man is definetly the enemy from within, doing the devil’s bidding it is all in God’s Word, we are in the times of sorrows, approaching the last days
Does anyone here know..that in some places in the UK one cannot fly the British flag because it upsets the muslims?
Of course, because when Muslims whine the world caters to them.
I have Yvonne in the UK looking into this. Lets see what she can come up with. Might make a good article.
There are many countries in Europe who will loose their flags first as they have crosses as motives. We all now how offended the mohammedans get by crosses.
We will change it back as soon as we flush the toilet of the Capitol Hill down the Patomac River
Awesome catch. But I have a question. How much was spent to design a new logo? Did they go out and get a Jerry Delafemina?
Why was a new logo needed? What benefit does a new logo have?
WHo made the decision to spend?
Why were such questions not asked to safeguard expenditures?
Obama is not Muslim .. i repeat Obama is not Muslim .. move along now, there is nothing to see here
Cross-blogged at http://www.repubx.com .. home to Google slayer IntelliFETCH Search .. check it out!
Thanks dman!
St George, the patron saint of England and his flag are offensive to Muslims: http://crombouke.blogspot.com/2010/01/st-george-i…
racist pigs!!
Please point out the "racism".
Thank you.
The real rascist's are those that don't know the truth about any culture, and speak ill of it. Investigate the facts, and you can kindly withdraw your animous comment…………….unless you simply prefer to wallow in name calling, rather than the truth.
Well "true American" your statement is shameful. To have brought in race shows you to be the racist. The discussions have been pertaining to obama's qualificarions: birth certificate, past completely blocked what is he hiding, his ego and arrogance, etc…… If he were white or some other race would it still be okay to do the things he has dome and is trying to do?
As far as 'pigs', shame on you. So far ni one has called names but you. Was you comment to divert the discussion to answering your well-planted racist comment? We've seen enough of your side's tactics to know no to bite the bait.
Of course he or she will not come back and point out where the racism is. Just another hit and run far leftist.
If he won't I could… It's simply, the reference to pro-Islamic. Islamic/ Islamist, etc. are words created to dehumanize/ separate Islam (a religion of peace) and demonize it. While this may or may not be intentional, the implications and the damage has been done. Referring to one of the three recognized monotheistic religions in a derogatory manner is offensive, like it or not. In conclusion, discriminatory, maybe, racist, I suppose not.
Islam is no religion of peace, it is a religion of war.
Islam 101: The Religion of War
Has there ever been a president who refused to wear, respect, be proud of the flag and those who defend freedom? I am shocked that Americans are standing still for this. Nixon was impeached–but obummers crimes seem to be a lot more damaging in the long run.
Looking at it objectively, which far too many people's fidelity to a political party rather than to an ideal will not permit them to do, someone could just as well make the argument that the redesign of the logo symbolizes the use and intention of missile defense to snuff out Islamic extremism.
The red portion of the logo (the "trail" if you will) has its point aimed directly at the star within the crescent no???
Um know…the point aimed is FROM the moon, Islam, and appears to go around the cresent (earth?). Take off your blinders.
It's over. That's all I can say. I tried to tell people. What's next? Simple: 1. Get guns out of the hands of law-abiding Americans. 2. Martial law. 3. Saddam Hussein O… becomes our official filthy coon for life. Better start learning Arabic people.
"They can have my Constitution when they pry it from my cold dead hand."
It sure as Hell looks like 'someone' merged O's logo with Islam…
But then again, Obama knows how to use iconography.
Obama's Taqiyya strategy!
Come on, you're stretching this. No way the new missile defense symbol is similar to the Islamic crescent. This is like Birtherism…
Hi Tom,
Please take another look. The cresent and star are clearly there. Look at all of the pictures above.
Thank you.
That old Sherwin Williams Paint logo helped the Marxists take over America, too. Don't forget how that worked out, you nimrods.
This is one of many references to Islamic branding related to the current Administration. Even Pre Election while Obama was campaigning. If you get a Hi Res image of the Dome of the Rock look its entrances on each side they are Blue Crescent with red and white striped marble pillars.
This is where muhammad stood on the sacred rock ” El Sakhra” before making his ascention. This is what the palestinians are fighting for.
Watch Video
What the bird dog is going on!
Im taking my family to the hills!
That's the stupidest conspiracy I think I've heard of yet… Considering it contains a star for the significance of missiles in high altitude, that seems appropriate. The blue circle just happens to match the shape and color of our planet. And the red striped "swoosh" comes from our national flag… Guessing that anything less than an American flag wouldn't have satisfied some people…
This article shows that face of North America the World's hate so much: racist, paranoid and belicist. So, the best solution to achieve peace is keep threatening other countries and spending billions of dollars on defenses? Yeah, right. It's the exact kind of peace the riches have, aprisioned behind walls, cameras, eletrified fences and massive security.
Happy to see that the majority of north americans have enough criticism to see this is bullshit.