Hello everyone, I would just like to thank all of my teammates that donated to helping me hire a computer technician, and everyone else for their support. The tech. has given me the green light to post again, and I have missed the action very much! I am sure that most of my teammates here know that this is the second time that I have been hacked.

This time I am reporting the incident to the FBI’s Cyber Crimes Division in the morning, as it is most likely the same person. I am not exactly sure who did this to me, but the first time Google stated that some sites out of Iran where sending out viruses, and then some sick obsessed leftist freak started this site about me, which can be seen HERE.

So maybe this person is the culprit. Either way, my tech. said he that has added new security measures, and my message to the hackers is that I post under my real name, why don’t you grow a set and introduce yourself on my site, instead of cowardly hiding in the shadows? I will gladly embarrass you in a debate on Islam. But you already know that, and that is why you try and silence me. The only way to silence me, is to kill me. Bring it cowards!

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