Tag: NY

Staten Island: Church Reverses Course and Says no to Mosque Sale!

Yes we can, yes we can…..no I am not Obama, I mean well. But I am saying yes we can in regards to non-Muslims, defeating the Islamic movement in the West. As of now we do not have enough of the right politicians in office, that will fight this fight for us. All we have is each other, so we need to put aside our differences, and stand together against Islam. If not our families future generations, will suffer under Islamic rule. This is a very encouraging victory, great work infidels!

K. Holmes/ Pacino Movie set Bows to Islam

Muslims say jump, and as usual non-Muslims ask how high? If this constant catering to Islam does not stop, eventually the non-Muslims of this country will end up being subservient to Islam. Which is just what Islam calls for.

YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

NY Muslims Go on Islamic Tirade Against non-Muslims & Obama~ Video

Back from their trip to White House, in which they invited Dictator Obama to Islam, NY based RevolutionMuslim.com members are back on the streets. This is part I of this weekends Islamic tirade. RM spokesman Younus Abdullah Muhammad openly calls for the hatred of us kuffar (peasants, disbelievers), and the destruction of Obama. Would our authority figures ignore this hatred, if a non-Muslim had said that about Obama?

Jews to Confront NY Islamist!

Here is another example of the voices against Islam being on the rise. This time the target is NY Muslim Yousef al-Khattab of RevolutionMuslim.com, who has is very open with his hatred of Israel and America. This will be interesting.