Muslim Reader to LW: You Should be Killed/Crucified

Muslim Reader to LW: You Should be Killed/Crucified

While the overwhelming majority of the Muslims that I speak to attempt to mislead me on Islam, some tell the truth. A truth that the public must be made aware of. In the last video report I did a Muslim street preacher told me that Islam does not sanction the barbaric...

Exposing the Mindset of Muslims #2

Hello friends, today I am back with the second installment of “Exposing the Mindset of Muslims” series. A series that exposes the deceitful and hateful mindsets of Muslims. Showing us that your everyday Mo is part of the problem. A job the MSM just will...

Muslim Comment of the day….

On a near daily basis Muslims show me just how much “peace” Islam has brought to them. Here is today’s example, which took place on YouTube. WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE. wonhoptoo 4 hours ago There is nO such thing as “Islamobot” you hater....