by admin | Jul 23, 2016 | Uncategorized
For years I have helped lead the way in negating the dangerous false notion that Islam will reform, and that there will be a peaceful coexistence with Islam. A notion that only helps keep Islam alive. A notion that far too few are willing to counter because it is...
by admin | Mar 28, 2016 | Uncategorized
Ever since 911 Western policy has been to align itself with so called “moderate Muslims” in an effort to save us from the brutality of Islamic rule. One “sect of Islam” that many Westerners promote as being non-threatening is the Ahmadi...
by admin | Aug 6, 2015 | Uncategorized
When I first started speaking out against Islam I used to look up to the likes of Frank Gaffney, and Daniel Pipes. But after some time I realized that Frank’s call for an Islamic reformation, and Daniel’s age old slogan of “militant Islam is the...
by admin | May 25, 2015 | Uncategorized
If someone would ask me what my niche is in the anti-Islam campaign, I would have to say it is me exposing the fraudulent “moderate” Islam campaign. Something I obviously believe is integral to us winning the war with Islam. Because we cannot rely on the...
by admin | Jan 22, 2015 | Uncategorized
Talk about a slippery slope. Tommy went from leading the hard charging English Defence League (EDL) anti-Islam campaign, to hanging around with Muslims behind their backs for 18 months, to joining forces with the so called “moderate” Muslim think tank, the...
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