From Russia With Love ~ My Burqa Bitch!

Yesterday during my Twitter travels I came across another con artist Muslim. This one is in Moscow Russia, and due to the “love” she has shown me,  I just had to give her a pet name: Burqa Bitch! (Click on image to enlarge.) The post that attracted me to...

Russia: Video of Latest Islamic Homicide Attacks

This video shows us footage of the latest Islamic bomber attacks in Russia. The short video also contains a threat of more attacks from a Chechnya leader. Are we still waiting for “moderate” Islam to come to the rescue….. WARNING GRAPHIC...

Russia: Nine More Dead in Islamic Homicide Attacks

These Islamic attacks in Russia have come just days after dozens were killed by homicide bombers. Russia let Chechnya govern themselves, but of course Muslims are never satisfied. It is time for Mr. Putin to take the gloves off, and give the Islamic community a reason...