There is low, and there is low my friends. Unfortunately today we will see how low Muslim propagandists Eddie Deen of the Deen Show, and Dr. Sabeel Ahmed of Gain Peace will go in their allegiance to Islam over America.
Tag: Muslim propagandists
There is “no Compulsion” in Islam ~ Until There is
Hypocrisy Alert ~ the UK’s Musa Adnan
Masjid Tuscan vs Logan’s Warning
If you are new to Logan’s Warning you might not know that there are numerous tactics that I use in order to expose Islam and the Muslim mindset. One is actually trying to engage in conversations with Mosques. Another is exposing them for the their whitewashing of Islam by obtaining the literature they hand out to the public. A third being actually infiltrating dawah conferences.
Dr. Sabeel Ahmed: Islam is Perfect
Is Islam Good for Social Cohesion? *Poll* ~ Jury Needed
Yes! Let’s Discuss the Cause
YouTube ~ UK Convert Quisling Hamza Runs From a Discussion on Islam
It’s Muslim Comedy Hour! ~ Starring Dr. Sabeel Ahmed & Yaser!
Mufti Menk’s Marauding Minions Lash out ~ As he Continues to Evade
The top two main religions on the planet are Christianity and Islam (Although I do not consider Islam a religion.) The first can be criticized without the fear of reprisal. The second not so. Now why is that? The answer is that Islam is so vile that Muslims have to mislead the public on it because they know in a forum of truthful and open ideas it does not stand a chance.