Did NY’s Imam Baqi Threaten the Infidel Team?

In this third and final segment to the “Muslims Occupy Wall St for Friday Prayer!” series, we will take a look at the literature that Imam Baqi’s team handed out. Let’s see what the race card playing Imam had to say: Islam is Not Anti-Systemic...

Exclusive~ Muslim Day Parade ~ The Handouts

This will be the closing segment of NYC’s 26Th Annual Muslim Day Parade series. At the end of the slaves to Sharia march down Madison Ave to 27Th St, there was a vendor area. In the area there was food and apparel for sale. When they say “Islam...

Religion of Slavery Expanding in Harlem NY

Hello everyone! I just came across the website of the Harlem Center of Al Islam. Their motto is “Creating an Islamic Renaissance in Harlem”. Did the black members of this Mosque actually think this through? If they are going to create a rebirth of Islam,...