Congressman Gerry Connolly Stands up for Islam

About a week ago, Pat Robertson stated that Islam is a “violent political system.” He happens to be correct, but as usual one of our politicians has to come running to stand up for a religion/political system that they know little about. Virginia’s...

Swiss Muslims Protest Minaret ban

Here is an update to the Swiss Anti-Islam Vote Draws Protests From Jews and Christians story. At least they were peaceful about it….for now. The problem is that they will never stop pushing, and as their numbers rise so will their power. It is time for all...

Jesus is a Slave to Islam

  Don’t get mad at me that is not what I believe, but the pro-Sharia Muslims of Islam4UK are looking top stir things up again. Just the other day I posted about their upcoming Jesus 4 Sharia debate. They are challenging UK Christian leaders on the issue of who...

Muslim Radicalization Gains Momentum in US: Analysts

For years myself and many others have been saying to look to the UK to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam. Unfortunately not enough of the country was listening. While the voices against Islam are on the rise here, we need more Americans to face the...