by admin | Apr 23, 2010 | Uncategorized
After a complaint by the Cancer of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Pentagon disinvited Islam critic, Rev. Franklin Graham from the upcoming National Prayer Day. The bad news is that the politically correct Pentagon remains in their “moderate” Islam...
by admin | Apr 11, 2010 | Uncategorized
When I first read the headline of this article I pleased, that is until I read the entire article. While Senator Lieberman is obviously better than Obama on this issue, he fully does not get it either. At this point though, we have to take what we can get. I will now...
by admin | Apr 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
Our Islamic loving Dictator has only two things on his mind. They are spending every penny that he can get his hands on, and catering to Islam. This move by Obama, fits right in with the Islamic loving speech that John Brennan, Assistant to the President For Homeland...
by admin | Apr 4, 2010 | Uncategorized
It is bad enough that the dropout rate in Detroit is almost 3X the national average, but the schools are also willing to accommodate Islam. With the high dropout rate, I wonder if Muslim kids are learning anything but Islam.? This will result in Islamic ruled ghettos,...
by admin | Mar 30, 2010 | Uncategorized
The Islamic hate-mongers of, have traveled to the White House, and invited Dictator Obama to Islam. At the 1:25 mark we see RevolutionMuslim spokesman Younus Abdullah Muhammad push away an elderly counter protester. He later states that if Obama...
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