by admin | Jul 6, 2010 | Uncategorized
Talk about stepping up to the plate! Dove World Outreach, AKA the “Islam is of the Devil Church”, is doing what all Churches should be doing. They are not making excuses for what Islam is, and they are making sure their message is being heard. We need more...
by admin | Jun 22, 2010 | Uncategorized
There is an obvious surge in Mosque construction, and Mosque proposals across America. This time the battle is taking place in Brooklyn NY, where Muslims are trying to build a Mosque on a residential block. 4) Neighborhood character. The site of the new construction...
by admin | Jun 20, 2010 | Uncategorized
Islam, the great divider has struck again. I don’t understand why more people did not see this coming? To me and many others it was obvious to see that as Muslim immigration continued, the push for Sharia Law would get stronger. Muslims in the UK were foolishly...
by admin | Jun 20, 2010 | Uncategorized
I guess there really is no rest for the wicked. Even on Father’s Day, a Muslim has to drop another threat on my site. Ahmed Said Hussein 2010/06/20 at 7:23 am Praise be to Allah, the infidel shall be destroyed, expunged from this earth and...
by admin | Jun 15, 2010 | Uncategorized
Right under our noses Muslims are uniting against us, and they are not hiding their goal of world domination. Unfortunately most non-Muslims only understand a traditional war, like WWII. They do not understand how Muslims are waging a lawful, non-violent war across...
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