Tag: Germany

Logans Warning Update~ Radio Documentary Interview

Hi guys, I just wanted to let you know that Tuesday night I was interviewed by German author and journalist Thilo Guschas. It was for a radio documentary entitled “USAllah”. The subject being Muslims in America. The show will be aired in March on four stations in Germany, one of them being Deutschlandfunk. Thilo who is a very nice guy, has promised not to edit me out, like the Daily News did. When I get the MP3, I will post it here. Now back to posting…

Germans led by Anti-Islam Political Party Take it to the Streets!

For years many us sat and watched as Europe slowly was being devoured by Islam, but these days the tide is certainly changing. Besides anti-Islam politician Geert Widlers gaining more power in the Netherlands, the tide is also changing in Germany. Back in January I posted an article about the Pro NRW, which is an anti-Islam party based in Cologne. They are moving forward with their agenda…

German Court Tells Muslim he Cannot Pray in School

While many of our so called “leaders”, are suffering from a severe case of Muslim Appeasement Delusional Disorder (MADD), a court in Germany has decided that a Muslim should not get special treatment. Facts show us that Muslims are changing non-Islamic countries to suit Islam. Common sense tells us that if we continue to cater to them, they will continue to ask for more. It is time that non-Muslims stop worrying about what “offends” Muslims, or their “special needs”. Take a stand for life as we know it, and shoot down Muslim demands. We owe it to our families future generations.

Germany: Political Party to Open Anti-Islam Center!

Recently we have seen some very encouraging signs against Islam in Europe. The Swiss banned minarets, and non-Muslim Brits pressured Muslims from marching through a pro-military town. This anti-Islam center should only encourage more non-Muslims across Europe to fight the Sharia push. Islam has not won yet!