Study: Muslims in European Prisons

Earlier today I posted a story about Muslims imposing Sharia Law within the UK prison system. While surfing the Internet, I just came across this study about Muslim prisoners in Europe. Of course much of it is filled with Muslims playing the victim card. They are the...

France: 8 Restaurants go Halal Only, Protest Ensues

Muslim immigration slowly leads to Muslims taking over neighborhoods. Which leads to many businesses picking greed over protecting life as they know it. Catering to Islam will just lead to more demands, and the bottom line is that if Muslim immigration is not stopped,...

French Catholic Church: Respect the Rights of Muslims

Just last week French President Nicolas Sarkozy stated that the non-Muslims of France need to tolerate Islam. In another act of the slow destruction of Western Civilization, the French Catholic Church has sided with a religion that is out to destroy it. Fighting Islam...